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When Mego came back it brought back some young fans too

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32770

    Chris do you know he saw a present wrapped in scale with a Mego box and had the nerve to ask me if he could go ahead and open it?! What have I created Franklinstein?!
    HA! He's got your number...and knows his Megos!



    • Spyweb007
      Persistent Member
      • Apr 18, 2006
      • 1449

      My son is 15 now, always messing around with any figures I have out on the desk, and he has commented several times that while he likes the way BStar Wars Black series figures look, my Mego figures just feel better in his hands to move around and pose. More "Natural" he says, no fighting to get everything moved and posed the way you want than the Star Wars and Marvel Legends stuff out now.


      • tmthor
        God of Knock-offs
        • Nov 29, 2005
        • 881

        My (now 16 yo was 13 or 14 when Mego came back) son was excited back when the Target Mego's were announced. He got the ones he wanted (Mostly Trek as he is a fan of the 60's ST) Now he has gotten Most of the Trek releases (including Topps ones) DC Heroes, POTA and Ultraman oh and a Stan Lee. He loves them before that he was getting FTC DC offereings. What's funny is he is 16 but asking when they will make Space 1999 or classic BSG or Buck Rogers figures to complement his Trek and POTA collection not common wants for someone his age. he also wants them to bring back Micronauts as I got him a bunch when he was younger.


        • Jrfjr126rock
          Veteran Member
          • Feb 23, 2008
          • 364

          I wasn't born in the Mego generation. I was born in the mid 90s and always hated that there were no Mego options for me except Famous Covers (Which was short lived). When Mego came back it not only made me super excited to experience what many of you must have back in the day but it also opened up the door to see DC or Star Trek characters that were from my generation that weren't around in the 70s.

