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How are sales at your Targets?

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    I'll post a pic later, as I took one at Target last night that was particularly telling, but many of my fears are coming true in my neck of the woods. Rows of Wave 1 figures that aren't selling, which means Wave 2 will never show up. Really hope Wave 2 shows up online in good quantity as Wave 1 did.
    Last edited by ODBJBG; Sep 30, '18, 2:03 PM.

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  • wise guy
    Wonder woman, & Batman seem to be selling really well now( in my area) and Harley is next.Zod is not doing as well but he is not as popular as Reverse Flash or Joker
    These DC 14 '' might be the way to go for New Mego because for 20 bucks you get a better
    figure than the DC Direct 13'' figures that cost me 80.00 ea . I found Green Lantern
    and Poison Ivy, both very nice figures

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  • pmwasson
    I stop by Target today and as I was looking at the display a 4-year-old ran up and yelled "Batman!" and pointed at the box and looked to his parents who were right behind him. I wandered off to give them some room, so I'm not sure if they bought it or not, but it was fun to hear.

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  • phil
    The endcap at my local Target is gone and the figures were nowhere to be found. Checked the toy aisles and the collectibles section. I couldn't find anyone to ask which is unusual for that store.

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    Went to my “local” Target (45 miles away in Toledo, OH) and all they had left were the lady figures and a couple of AJs. They were marked down to $12.99. I was pleasantly surprised how few were left hanging on the pegs. No sign of wave two except the WoOz box set.

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  • thunderbolt
    I was on a work trip this week and Both Tallahassee and Gainesville had all the first wave, singles, box sets and 14 inchers except Dracula lingering on the shelves and marked down. Got my wife her Norm.

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  • wise guy
    I checked back to 2 stores with no wave 2 but surprisingly seem to be selling out of
    14 ''Wonder woman, and Batman. The 8 '' Chekov, Sulu and Dracula are also selling
    better here but everything else is peg warming. The 2 packs seem to be doing the worst
    in this area and Zod, and Harley, aren't doing as good as WW and Batman.

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  • toothaction
    Finally made it to an actual store - Southfield, MI - to have a look. I was pleased to see they had an endcap in place, but a little sad that the logo sign was nowhere to be seen. I was even sadder when I noticed that everything left was still full price!

    Product report: 1 Alice, 2 Tooties, 2 AJs, 3 Pegs and a TON of Kellys, Pipers and Sulus. They also had 3 each of both 2-packs, and the same number of Quinns and Zods. Ah, and no wave 2s... no surprise!

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  • PNGwynne
    I had today off for medical appointments, and afterwards I hit the closet Target in Wadsworth, OH. It's the one I usually shop at, but I haven't been there for a month. I saw my first Mego endcap!! That header placard is magical. They had the updated pricing and most of wave 1--Dracula and 14" Harley were sold out.

    I have to say, I'm impressed with Piper and Kelly (I already have Peg)--the females figures have nice face paints and I can see several custom possibilities.

    And Norm? Awesome sculpt.

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  • powersthatbe
    My one target had four Jeannie’s,2 Zods, and no Mirrors.

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  • Figuremod73
    Sells seem pretty good at my local target even though we got them much later. I've already bought a Fonzie, 2 draculas, Sulu, Chekov, and AJ. If they have a good sale, I may get some for body transplants or a few others I've yet to get. The females seem to be the peg warmers, IMO.

    No wave 2 yet here.

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  • bleit1701
    I found Smanatha (no's 125 and 127), Frankenstein and Gorn mixed in with the first wave.

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  • knight errant00
    I went to Target last night. They had all of Wave 1 stocked (1-3 of each figure but Dracula) and, weirdly, the Wave 2 WOZ set.

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  • TRDouble
    Originally posted by Mary Canary
    ^ Port Huron is a leap for me. But how cool that you drove over and found them! I need to know when Buffalo NY Targets stock wave 2 so I can do a day trip!
    I will keep you updated

    As of yesterday? Nada.

    Lots of Tooties and Kelly Garretts though.

    I did find one Target in remodel mode that had a good selection at $12.99, including Sulu, Chekov and Hendrix. Action Jacksons have built up a big here too. This is probably the worst store I have seen as far as remaining stock. And it took about three stores to find a decent second Charmed Piper; most suffered from crazy hair and marks on the face.

    The other two Targets had the healthy amounts of Tooties and Kellys, Jeannie Sets have lingered (no Star Trek sets remain) along with AJ and Norm, and Hendrix, Dracula (gone everywhere) and Chekov are the next hardest to find.

    Displays are being moved; one from main aisle endcap to an endcap on the other, inner side of the aisle (across from games and cards), another down the row (losing the Mego sign along the way).

    14" vary everywhere -- No Batmans to four Batmans; no WWs to 2 WWs; varying levels of Harley Quinn and Zod is pretty much everywhere.
    Last edited by TRDouble; Sep 14, '18, 1:57 PM.

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  • powersthatbe
    On two targets by me one had two Zoe’s left,none of the others.and the other had Harley and 3 Zods(I thinks kids today may not know Zod) as far as the single packs I think they are steadily selling if they had a couple restocks.oh a couple each at each store of mirror an Jeannie.

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