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General New Mego Wishlist... Characters and Properties

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  • markp67
    • Jun 22, 2010
    • 54

    Originally posted by ZombieJimC
    Star Trek Enterprise 2 pack of Archer and T'Pol
    Snake Plissken Escape from NY
    The Warriors
    POTA original movies & tv
    Knights of the Crusades: Hospitaller & Templar 11th-13th centuries, no license needed.
    Would love Tombstone!


    • Creature Of The Wheel
      New Member
      • Aug 26, 2018
      • 24

      Land Of The Lost
      John Carpenters The Thing
      The Good The Bad and The Ugly
      Pulp Fiction
      Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman
      Indiana Jones
      X Files
      The Prisoner
      Monty Python
      Johnny Cash
      Smokey and The Bandit
      Frank Frazetta Icons
      David Bowie
      Carl Sagan
      Breaking Bad
      Stranger Things
      Benny Hill
      " Well now...seems just like old times."


      • Falstaff13
        Persistent Member
        • May 28, 2008
        • 1251

        Down the line with the monsters, I'd love to see a couple of Dwight Frye figures--Carl from Frankenstein and Renfield from Dracula.
        Hugh H. Davis

        Wanted: Legends of the West (Empire & Excel) and other western historically-based figures. Send me an offer.
        Also interested in figures based on literary characters.


        • bgiles73
          Veteran Member
          • Apr 14, 2010
          • 441

          I don’t think anyone has suggested Brandon Lee as “The Crow” as a Mego figure. I think that would be a good seller if done right.


          • LonnieFisher
            Eloquent Member
            • Jan 19, 2008
            • 10860

            Originally posted by bgiles73
            I don’t think anyone has suggested Brandon Lee as “The Crow” as a Mego figure. I think that would be a good seller if done right.
            I did. I would buy several.


            • LonnieFisher
              Eloquent Member
              • Jan 19, 2008
              • 10860

              I thought the Paul Stanley head would work great for the Crow. But it won't.
              Last edited by LonnieFisher; Nov 18, '18, 9:23 AM.


              • roukey
                New Member
                • Feb 9, 2012
                • 3

                I'd like to see The Man from U.N.C.L.E figures produced


                • Chimalpahin
                  New Member
                  • Nov 12, 2018
                  • 6

                  If they can add bicep & thigh swivels (maybe ankle pivot and ball jointed heads, okay maybe that's too much)

                  I guess I wonder who the audience is for NuMego so my suggestions might not be too close to who they want. Still here's my totally odd wishlist/suggestions

                  The Orville, I know they have trek but still
                  BSG, classic or new
                  Millarworld, anything that Netflix is about to make like Superior, Jupiter's Legacy/Circle, Empress, Starlight (think older Buck Rogers)
                  GLOW, gorgeous ladies of wrestling
                  Coraline, maybe too stylized for mego
                  Charmed Reboot
                  WitchBlade, comic & show
                  Stranger Things, if available
                  Sabrina the Teenage Witch

                  Life is Strange
                  Tomb Raider
                  Devil May Cry
                  God Of War
                  Prince of Persia
                  Red Dead Redemption, could capture that old wild west Mego feeling
                  Street Fighter
                  Dead or Alive
                  The Last of Us, especially if TWD is taken

                  Anime/Manga or anime-esque
                  RWBY, I don't think anyone's done an 8" line. They could start with Ruby & Weiß
                  Gatchaman, there's already a Mego connection! Just reissue
                  Devilman/Cutie Honey
                  Little Witch Academia, think Japanese Harry Potter but all witches
                  Cyborg 009, a stretch but why not
                  Robotech, with 80s nostalgia not dying down, why not Rick, Lisa & Minmei?
                  Attack on Titan
                  My hero academia
                  Fruits Basket, maybe

                  Giant Days, more Archie like
                  Valiant Comics, think Faith or Manowar
                  YoungBlood/Supreme, we'd at least have a Superman pastiche
                  Saga, just imagine Prince Robot
                  Spawn, maybe since Todd wants a new film
                  Walking Dead? Might be taken.

                  Public Domain, just for fun
                  The Worm Ouroboros, a precursor to LOTR
                  Captain Midnight
                  Stardust the Superwizard
                  Conan the Barbarian, outside of the US
                  Sherlock Holmes, but they could also try for the BBC take

                  So that's a lot but I think the possibilities could be fun. Just my suggestions and some wish lists.


                  • DavidCoppola
                    Veteran Member
                    • Nov 3, 2009
                    • 335

                    Robin and Aquaman


                    • MegoMonk
                      Career Member
                      • Jan 22, 2007
                      • 520

                      I would really like Mego to get the POTA license again, re-make some of the old figures, but give us other figures never done before, like Brent, Julius, some Mutants, etc.
                      I would love to get Bonanza figures, although it would probably be easier to get the OK from Dan Blocker's estate and Lorne Green's estate than the other two.
                      Manos, the Hands of Fate; Torgo, the Master, those women in the see through nightgowns, the Doberman Pincher. Maybe some other iconic MST3K movies, too.
                      I hope they make some Happy Days characters and Brady Bunch figures that Figures Toys never made; Arnold, Chuck, Bag, Spike. Mr Brady, Sam the Butcher.
                      Little Rascals: the Our Gang figures from the 70s were licensed from MGM. I want some of the Classic Hal Roach era kids; Stymie (with an Artichoke), Weezer, Butch, Jackie Cooper. I doubt there is any market for this, since the Little Rascals are ever shown on TV anymore.
                      Kiss: Vinnie and Eric Carr.


                      • NewKidInTown
                        New Member
                        • Sep 30, 2018
                        • 26

                        I'd be up for some Clint Eastwood. Specifically the classic Man With No Name character.

                        Brody, Hooper, & Quint

                        Jake & Elwood Blues

                        Queen, Bowie, Duran Duran

                        Lets face it, TONS of great properties out there !!!


                        • B-Lister
                          Eccentric Weirdo
                          • Mar 19, 2010
                          • 2969

                          Give us some Public Domain Golden Age heroes. I'd buy Black Terror and Tim in a heartbeat. Maybe not everybody would. Make it an exclusive. Or tie it i to Project Superpowers. Alex Ross is a Megohead.
                          Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


                          • Joshua the Atomic Robot
                            Veteran Member
                            • Aug 14, 2012
                            • 305

                            Originally posted by B-Lister
                            Give us some Public Domain Golden Age heroes. I'd buy Black Terror and Tim in a heartbeat. Maybe not everybody would. Make it an exclusive. Or tie it i to Project Superpowers. Alex Ross is a Megohead.
                            I would love public domain comic book heroes. It'd be a great way for them to get back in the 8 inch superhero game without a license from Marvel and DC. And I would really love to have many of those characters.


                            • MRP
                              Persistent Member
                              • Jul 19, 2016
                              • 2089

                              Just to play devil's advocate on public domain super-heroes-there's a reason why they are available in the public domain-not only did their copyrights lapse but no one maintained trademarks on them-in an era where IPs are the most valuable commodity, you have to ask if no one saw them as being valuable enough to keep in print to maintain or establish trademarks or to renew the copyrights with all the mechanisms to do so available to IP holders, then are they a commodity that can provide any kind of reasonable return on the investment to produce them? Is there enough demand in the marketplace to make them a viable product for the mass market? There are some viable and valuable IPs that have elements in the public domain, but they aren't available for most people to use because even though the stories featuring them are in the public domain, there are trademarks still valid protecting their use by the IP holders. Tarzan is a good example of that-many Tarzan stories are in the public domain, but there are trademarks in place on the name Tarzan and other aspects of the property. This is because it is still a viable property and worth maintaining. This is not the case with a lot of public domain superheroes. There have been many attempts to revive those heroes in comics (Project Superpowers in particular from Dynamite), and many of them have failed to achieve 5000 units sold per issue. If they cannot generate enough interest to sell 5K units as a comic, how will they move 10K units a a toy? Don't get me wrong, I really like a lot of those characters and would likely by Mego versions of them, but realistically forma business standpoint, you have to wonder how viable the property is if its been available in the public domain for a while and no one has been able to use it profitably.

                              "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                              • Joshua the Atomic Robot
                                Veteran Member
                                • Aug 14, 2012
                                • 305

                                Originally posted by MRP
                                Just to play devil's advocate on public domain super-heroes-there's a reason why they are available in the public domain-not only did their copyrights lapse but no one maintained trademarks on them-in an era where IPs are the most valuable commodity, you have to ask if no one saw them as being valuable enough to keep in print to maintain or establish trademarks or to renew the copyrights with all the mechanisms to do so available to IP holders, then are they a commodity that can provide any kind of reasonable return on the investment to produce them? Is there enough demand in the marketplace to make them a viable product for the mass market? There are some viable and valuable IPs that have elements in the public domain, but they aren't available for most people to use because even though the stories featuring them are in the public domain, there are trademarks still valid protecting their use by the IP holders. Tarzan is a good example of that-many Tarzan stories are in the public domain, but there are trademarks in place on the name Tarzan and other aspects of the property. This is because it is still a viable property and worth maintaining. This is not the case with a lot of public domain superheroes. There have been many attempts to revive those heroes in comics (Project Superpowers in particular from Dynamite), and many of them have failed to achieve 5000 units sold per issue. If they cannot generate enough interest to sell 5K units as a comic, how will they move 10K units a a toy? Don't get me wrong, I really like a lot of those characters and would likely by Mego versions of them, but realistically forma business standpoint, you have to wonder how viable the property is if its been available in the public domain for a while and no one has been able to use it profitably.

                                Those are good points, no doubt. I'd point out that I'd never heard of "Face of the Screaming Werewolf" before the Mego figure, and apparently that is selling out. So I don't think you necessarily have to have a successful IP to sell a Mego figure. It seems to me that what is selling the best from the first three waves is the craziest and weirdest looking stuff, the figures that really catch your eye, not so much what is the most popular IP. I'd like to see them pick one or two characters and just try it out to see how well they sell, maybe somebody like the Black Terror, whose costume is so cool looking I think he would appeal to people even if they don't know who he is. It's hard for me to imagine that that would sell less than something like "The Facts of Life."

