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Facebook negativity

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  • K
    This is news to me. I don't do Facebook, don't read it or do much with it, I do read Twitter. The Twitter comments about the new mego figures has been pretty positive. I did go to the Facebook Niko site just to sign up as an ambassador but that's pretty much it.

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  • Hedji
    As a Star Wars fan, I'm used to it. But not with Mego. I mean.... we got Mego back. THE Mego. And it's just the beginning.

    It takes so much energy to be negative. I guess expressing disappointment can be cathartic, but after a while, it is exhausting and time to move on. I didn't buy them all, but I love the ones I did!

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  • Megotastrophe
    Weird. I have been impressed with how positive everyone on the mego ambassadors has been. We must be blocking different people.

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  • jwyblejr
    started a topic Facebook negativity

    Facebook negativity

    Anybody else getting tired of this? I know I am. It's like every other thread over there is complaining about the lines Mego is putting out. They don't like Cheers. They don't like Facts of Life. They don't like Brady Bunch. It's just one wave. Give them time to get rolling.