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Facebook negativity

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  • Mego Newbie14
    Veteran Member
    • Jul 25, 2018
    • 305

    I’m not on Facebook but the reaction I’ve seen on other websites is crazy. If your not into Mego that’s fine but to talk crap and question who wants it is ridiculous. My username says it all. I’m new to the world of Mego and I love it! Bought the I Dream of Jeannie two pack today and that wraps up all the 8 inch figures. I’ve had more fun and felt more kid like getting these then I have with Marvel Legends or Star Wars Black or WWE Elites. These are FUN! And I can’t wait for the rest of the waves this year and to see what Mr. Abrams and Doc have up their sleeves for next year and the years after. Sorry for the rant.


    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47244

      I don't do facebook but always wondered what's its appeal ?

      You can post pictures and commentary ?... you can do that here


      • megowgsh
        Customego HoF Curator
        • Nov 19, 2003
        • 7420

        Personally, as a business owner, I would want to hear all criticisms regardless of tone. It is very important to know where consumers stand on my service or product no matter how cruel (OR how kind) their opinions are.

        The New Mego needs to know where people stand on the new subject matter; the new scale; the new packaging; etc.

        This is also NOT their first rodeo people. They have all been through this before. They are "big boys" and know how to sift through the shhhhh!t (AND the sycophants) to find the true, meaningful, and constructive criticism they need in order to better their product AND their brand.

        I am certain that somebody else here could just as easily start a thread entitled: FACEBOOK POSITIVITY and carry on about disgusted they are at those who are lined up to worship at the temple of Marty Abrams and how even if he was putting out human feces on a card they'd still buy it.

        Let the people have their say, no matter how much you do not like it.

        Peace, Love, and Megos!

        Check out ALL my customs at


        • Remco Monster
          GLOWS in the Dark!
          • May 3, 2006
          • 2722

          I’m with Austin on this one, the people that blindly praise and kiss butt are just as bad. Though some people do take it too far and get too mean in their criticisms, but you just have to ignore the extremists as much as possible. There are good things and bad things about the new Mego figures and I am confident that improvements will happen as more waves are released, and all in all, I think the good far outweighs the bad.

          I think for the post part, people are pretty excited and happy Mego are back. I know I am.
          Last edited by Remco Monster; Aug 11, '18, 11:47 AM.


          • Mego Newbie14
            Veteran Member
            • Jul 25, 2018
            • 305

            Constructive criticism is always good. Can't make things better if you don't know what needs work. Just don't understand some of the hate these are getting. If you have a valid reason for not liking something that's fine. Just hating on something for no reason seems like a waste of energy.


            • K
              Fun Will Now Commence
              • Jun 20, 2001
              • 2524

              Mego Newbie, good point. The interesting thing is back in the 70s they had to wait until the items were on the Shelf and then the slow process of seeing if customers contacted them by phone or snail mail. Social media is instantaneous. So it might not always be the feedback they want but it is quick.
              I LOVE CHEESECAKE!!!sigpic

              "...and the Geeks shall inherit the earth."


              • palitoy
                live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                • Jun 16, 2001
                • 59275

                If you're angry about a toy company and crapping on other's joy, you're doing life wrong, it's all stuff we don't truly need. If somebody is pleased with their purchase, that merely makes them content and not neccesary a mindless butt kisser.

                Let's stop trying to divide each other into groups, it's sad.
                Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                • Mego Newbie14
                  Veteran Member
                  • Jul 25, 2018
                  • 305

                  Thanks, K and we'll said palitoy


                  • Remco Monster
                    GLOWS in the Dark!
                    • May 3, 2006
                    • 2722

                    Originally posted by palitoy
                    If you're angry about a toy company and crapping on other's joy, you're doing life wrong, it's all stuff we don't truly need. If somebody is pleased with their purchase, that merely makes them content and not neccesary a mindless butt kisser.

                    Let's stop trying to divide each other into groups, it's sad.
                    If that was directed at my comment, I wasn't talking about people who are merely pleased with their purchase. I clearly stated extremists, because they do exist from both sides. I have seen the arguments, as have we all. It IS sad, but I am not trying to separate anyone into groups, it exists.

                    I don't fight with anyone. If I have an issue with a head that's too big or something, I'll say so, but it isn't anger. I also give praise when I am happy with something, like the new Trek two pack. Problem is, people like to focus on and remember the negative. And that can be said about a lot of things these days.


                    • Hedji
                      Citizen of Gotham
                      • Nov 17, 2012
                      • 7246

                      Just gotta remember, these are $15 dolls. I think they are an incredible bargain. There is so much range in offerings, I feel like there's something for everyone, of all age groups. I freed Action Jackson from his card today, and am completely impressed by the heft, quality of build, poseability. He feels sturdier than any of my vintage megos.

                      I'm sure Marty and Co. know what they get right and what needs improvement as soon as they get the toys from the factory, even without customer feedback. Doc Mego probably is the best barometer Mego Corp. could ask for. I have no doubt they are able to identify hits and misses without facebook.

                      We have MEGO on the shelves, at real stores, at great prices. It's pretty unbelievable. I buy the ones I like, and am quite happy. I hope Action Jackson sells through really well, because I'd love to see more of that kind of non-licensed toy from them. He's a home run.


                      • enyawd72
                        Maker of Monsters!
                        • Oct 1, 2009
                        • 7904

                        I just got back from Target and finally saw the entire collection on the pegs, minus Dracula of course.

                        There was also another person who stopped briefly to look at them and quickly moved on. My takeaway is this...the new card designs were easy to spot from a distance, but up close they are very unappealing. With the exception of the box sets which are quite attractive, the carded figures look like generic knockoffs. Sorry, that's just my impression. You may disagree, but I feel better card art will go a long way towards enhancing their visual appeal, especially to non-Mego fans.
                        Next are the likenesses. The male figures all looked pretty good. The ladies, not so much. Peggy Bundy and Tootie look nothing like their respective characters. Norm, Fonzie, Jimi Hendrix were all very impressive.

                        Next I checked out the 14" figures. Number one complaint is the window boxes completely cut off the figures heads in package. Terrible presentation. General Zod looked like the hands down best of the four.

                        Now, I have no way of knowing when these were put out, but they appeared to have been handled quite a bit, and with the exception of Dracula and Action Jackson, didn't appear to be selling. My wife, who is a non-collector was with me, and as a casual observer she was baffled by the character selection. She repeatedly commented..."Who's going to buy that?" Also I should note, she thought the cards were, and I quote, "ugly".

                        So, that's my opinion so far. I'm still looking for a Dracula.


                        • jwyblejr
                          galactic yo-yo
                          • Apr 6, 2006
                          • 11146

                          It's not the ones that are pointing out what needs improving that's bothering me. I get that. What gets me down are the people who gripe about the choices of whatever lines Mego is putting out. And yet,I've said this a few times on Facebook,people like the stuff Neca is putting out. So it's bad that Mego is doing Facts of Life but good that Neca is doing Golden Girls?


                          • Hedji
                            Citizen of Gotham
                            • Nov 17, 2012
                            • 7246

                            I won't pretend that I have the slightest comprehensive understanding of the wacky world of toy licensing, but if I had to venture a guess, I'd say that "smaller" licenses are affordable, and sort of like loss leaders, allowing the toys to get on shelves at the amazing price point, to diversify and round out the line, and to help generate revenue for more expensive licenses like Star Trek. Gotta crawl before you can run. But hey, there's a lot of nostalgia for Married with Children. And look at the splash the news on the Brady Bunch house going up for sale just made. Sadly Charlotte Rae's passing made headlines, and reminded everyone how beloved Facts of Life is. There may be more fans of those properties than any of us know. Those offerings may not appeal to us WGSH crowd, but risks with smaller licenses are probably worth taking to build momentum and get the brand name out there.


                            • wise guy
                              Career Member
                              • Dec 29, 2014
                              • 898

                              The one Target in my area that had an end cap for 2 weeks still has 4 Kelly's, 4 Pipers, 3 Norms
                              3 Alice , 4 Jeanies, 3 Mirror, and more than 4 14''DC each.Nothing looks to have sold
                              since my last purchase and now 2 more stores have full end caps.What happens when all
                              7 stores have full endcaps and only a couple of people are buying these in my area?
                              Last edited by wise guy; Aug 12, '18, 6:54 PM.


                              • lilbrosj66
                                Persistent Member
                                • Jul 4, 2011
                                • 1594

                                Originally posted by Hedji
                                Just gotta remember, these are $15 dolls. I think they are an incredible bargain. There is so much range in offerings, I feel like there's something for everyone, of all age groups. I freed Action Jackson from his card today, and am completely impressed by the heft, quality of build, poseability. He feels sturdier than any of my vintage megos.

                                I'm sure Marty and Co. know what they get right and what needs improvement as soon as they get the toys from the factory, even without customer feedback. Doc Mego probably is the best barometer Mego Corp. could ask for. I have no doubt they are able to identify hits and misses without facebook.

                                We have MEGO on the shelves, at real stores, at great prices. It's pretty unbelievable. I buy the ones I like, and am quite happy. I hope Action Jackson sells through really well, because I'd love to see more of that kind of non-licensed toy from them. He's a home run.
                                You spelled Action Figure wrong.

