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  • tmthor
    God of Knock-offs
    • Nov 29, 2005
    • 881

    Originally posted by emeraldknight47
    If they want to make money right off the bat, hopefully they've worked out a deal to produce GAME OF THRONES figures since those would likely sell to a wide demographic rather than just MEGOheads. Other almost guaranteed sellers would be the STRANGER THINGS license and possibly reissues of previous superhero figures (depending on who they can get licenses from). X-FILES would likely go over well and I would personally love to see FARSCAPE characters in MEGO form. I am wondering what the final price point on these will be since part of the appeal of the original MEGOs was the fact that they were of excellent quality and AFFORDABLE.
    Game of thrones licence is currently at Funko
    Stranger things licence is currently at McFarlane toys


    • tmthor
      God of Knock-offs
      • Nov 29, 2005
      • 881

      Originally posted by jwyblejr
      There's a chance to see them at retail with KB Toys coming back. As to what lines they can use,why not their in-house stuff like Fighting Yank or Dinah Mite?
      I was wondering if the retailer was the new KB ....only because if they are opening stores by the Christmas season we should be hearing about where (they did say 800 holiday stores). Plus I was wondering if Mego's return would coincide with Kb Toys return like a 2 in one. That being said i am still thinking EE is the retail partner only because of their some what success with Mego like figures from BBP


      • LonnieFisher
        Eloquent Member
        • Jan 19, 2008
        • 10877

        Big announcement in seven days!


        • Gorn Captain
          Invincible Ironing Man
          • Feb 28, 2008
          • 10549

          While I'm happy to see new Mego, I'm also cautious about its selling potential. It all depends on which lines they select, and if the target audience is large (and interested) enough. I remember getting so excited about POTA, and in the end we just got two figures "because they weren't selling". I've been with Mego since the day the first came out, I have never lost the faith, but I often wonder just how many collectors are still active, and still adding to their collection. I don't know the numbers of each figure sold, I have to admit. Say, the Neca Home Alone figures. Nice figures, but how many did actually sell?
          For us, a relatively small group, the name Mego is instant gold, but will it be enough to actually make a new brand with selling potential? Especially with all the new product flooding the market in so many scales. And as for the kids, well, I know many, and they aren't that interested in action figures. They go from balls and Lego to smartphones and tablets.
          I've been following the Neca 8" retro line pretty faithfully (28 of them), but honestly, I have one friend who has a couple, and that's it.
          That said, whatever is announced in a week or so, I'll be watching...
          "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


          • alex
            Permanent Member
            • Jun 15, 2009
            • 3142

            I kinda gave up om the FTC stuff half way through the batman 66, and although Scooby Doo was a dream licence , the price just killed it for me. So lets just hope these are in the $25 max section, and no more of those so called friendly collector clam shells, loved the old BBP rip it of the card. I honestly believe with the Doc being behind these, that they will be thoroughly thought through, regarding execution. Going back to Hec's idea of Alien, who would love a shrunken down version in scale of coarse of the kenner version. That would be just ideal!!


            • EmergencyIan
              Museum Paramedic
              • Aug 31, 2005
              • 5470

              I really think that within the 20 figures, some of them have to be well known superhero’s.

              One crazy idea I had last night, while watching “Tombstone” on AMC is that those might be a line that could sell well. That movie was and is quite popular. It’s 25 years old this year and figures would have some real play value (even knowing they many would sell to collectors). All of that said, I don’t know if it would even be good enough for a first wave “new” Mego line.

              This is tough; knowing that this first wave has to be a home run. ... Just a few days left until we know what the deal is.

              - Ian
              Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


              • JediJaida
                Talkative Member
                • Jun 14, 2008
                • 5671

                Is it too late to jump on the Raiders bandwagon? We could finally get a Mego Indy, both old and young. Marion, Willie Scott, Short Round, various Nazis, Mola Ram, minions, Sallah, Indy's dad, etc.


                • MRP
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jul 19, 2016
                  • 2093

                  If they were to tie it into current properties (which I think is necessary if you are going for a mass market retail audience and not the collector niche market), you could do some specific Marvel licenses to tie into the current TV series rather than a general Marvel license-Agents of SHIELD, The Gifted, Cloak & Dagger, Runaways, and not touch the movie stuff that has saturated the market.

                  I really like the Indiana Jones suggestion, especially with Indy 5 in the works.

                  Other possibilities include stuff from popular video games-I see a ton of Minecraft merch out there but nothing in the classic Mego style, Halo figures with weapons and armor as accessories (and maybe even accessory packs separate from the figure to upgrade your figures with new gear, maybe Warcraft or something similar, Assassin's Creed etc. all offer a wide range of figure possibilities plus other accessory possibilities in properties that have a little bit of mass audience pop culture cachet.

                  If they can swing the license from Disney, they can adapt some of the old pirate figures as part of a Pirates of the Caribbean line too.

                  I know it would never happen, but I would love to see a line of Lovecraft Cthulhu mythos figures-a large 12 inch Cthulhu and a line of 8 inch figures-Deep Ones, a few ordinary folks like professors and sailors, cultists, a few other Lovecraftian horrors. But I may be the only one here who would want this even though plush Cthulhu toys are ubiquitous it is still a bit niche.

                  Maybe with Jurassic World coming they could do a Jurassic line complete with some 8 inch scale dinos.

                  With Amazon doing a Lord of the Rings series, I would also love to see a Tolkien based line of Mego style figures. Again another property with a little bit of mass market pop culture appeal.

                  But I am still in wait and see mode, I am trying not to have unrealistic expectation and have those expectations taint my reaction to whatever the actual announcement is.

                  "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                  • ZombieJimC
                    Persistent Member
                    • Mar 12, 2014
                    • 1246

                    Originally posted by EmergencyIan
                    I really think that within the 20 figures, some of them have to be well known superhero’s.

                    One crazy idea I had last night, while watching “Tombstone” on AMC is that those might be a line that could sell well. That movie was and is quite popular. It’s 25 years old this year and figures would have some real play value (even knowing they many would sell to collectors). All of that said, I don’t know if it would even be good enough for a first wave “new” Mego line.

                    This is tough; knowing that this first wave has to be a home run. ... Just a few days left until we know what the deal is.

                    - Ian
                    I was watching that as well. Tombstone is one of my all time favorite movies. Ive wanted Mego figures from this since it first came out. Probably Val Kilmers greatest performance ever. Who didnt love seeing Snake, I mean Kurt Russell as Wyatt. What a fantastic movie.


                    • EmergencyIan
                      Museum Paramedic
                      • Aug 31, 2005
                      • 5470

                      Originally posted by ZombieJimC
                      I was watching that as well. Tombstone is one of my all time favorite movies. Ive wanted Mego figures from this since it first came out. Probably Val Kilmers greatest performance ever. Who didnt love seeing Snake, I mean Kurt Russell as Wyatt. What a fantastic movie.
                      Yeah, it’s a great movie and would make a more than solid line of figures. Mego could bring back a few horses, I suppose. It won’t be part of the first wave, of course. It likely will never be, but I think it would do well.

                      I do like the Indiana Jones line idea that’s been floated. That could be a keeper. However, didn’t some company bring them back after Kenner did them in the early 80s? Did that most recent line do well?

                      Anyhow, it matters not, at this point. Can’t wait to see what’s coming!

                      - Ian
                      Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


                      • ODBJBG
                        Permanent Member
                        • May 15, 2009
                        • 3151

                        Game of Thrones and Stranger Things while popular shows, have been largely failures in the toy market. Why anyone would want those licenses in the Mego format, when they can't succeed in more popular formats is beyond me. If they had those licenses, I would expect one wave and then death.

                        Anyone hitching their hopes that KB Toys is going to carry Mego is also a bizarre fantasy. There is no KB Toys and there's no evidence that the guy who's pretending to own KB Toys (he doesn't own the name, the domain or any else in reality) will even be able to open up one store, much less the projected 600. That guy is all talk. Marty would be foolish to get in bed with him (as is anyone at this point) until he proves he can open a store or even wrangle the actual rights to KB.

                        "Classic" Megos are going to be a niche market item, sorry folks. Unless Mego has some true blockbuster licenses and we're talking Star Wars and Marvel and can offer them for about $10 at retail, they're going to continue to be specialty items sold in niche shops and online boutiques. Maybe they could end up at a Target or something down the line, but if you're expecting that Mego is going to suddenly be back and cornering a small piece of the market, I'd hope you taper those expectations.

                        That doesn't mean Mego can't be successful. FTC is obviously making money and has secured major licenses. NECA continues to produce select Mego figures, so they do sell, but I do think some of you guys need to get a bit more realistic.

                        I'm excited to hear what the news is. I think there's a lot of potential here, but I also think we have to be realistic. The toy market is crowded, competitive and on hard times already. Mego coming back now is exciting, but it's one of the worst times to do so and Mego itself is fighting for a tiny percentage of the market because a ton of people who buy toys wouldn't ever buy a Mego and Mego has competitors doing the same thing, if not presumably better things already. So this is not gonna be easy, it's going to be an uphill battle.


                        • tllgn
                          Persistent Member
                          • Feb 6, 2010
                          • 1690

                          Neca figures are not megos. We shouldn't get our hopes too high.but new megos from the mego corp will still be fun.whether its action Jackson to star trek or something else.I like the speculation.nothing wrong with that .as far as kb stores coming back.who knows.who ever thought mego under Marty Abrams would come back.


                          • tmthor
                            God of Knock-offs
                            • Nov 29, 2005
                            • 881

                            I think they will have a hard time at general retail (Walmart,Target,Kmart etc) maybe smaller retailers like comic shops or EE gamestop or even BBTS but no way will they be be a success with out good licences in main stream toy depts. What worked in the 70's is not going to work now. Just think of how expensive the figures are going to be most casual collectors will drop $20 on a Marvel legends figure will they drop $20+ on a Mego style 8" figure probably not. will kids want them probably not in fact many might call them dolls now. Unless a good tie in and maybe do some advetisments something that many toy companies DON"T do anymore.


                            • SWDAVE
                              • May 31, 2017
                              • 65

                              Originally posted by JediJaida
                              Is it too late to jump on the Raiders bandwagon? We could finally get a Mego Indy, both old and young. Marion, Willie Scott, Short Round, various Nazis, Mola Ram, minions, Sallah, Indy's dad, etc.
                              I would buy every single one!!!!


                              • Makernaut
                                Persistent Member
                                • Jul 22, 2015
                                • 1552

                                I think I am going to be happiest if there is a continuation of new figures from the big properties from my childhood...Marvel WGSH, Trek, POTA. It'd be kind of a dream come true if there was a mix of figures from AJ to Legends and Monsters that added to those lines or if something that was in the works years ago finally got made, like Logan's Run for example. Or some 8-inch Flash Gordon. I don't have a clue what would sell or what licensing would be like on any of what I listed, but I know what I'd be willing to buy and that is by-in-large motivated by nostalgia.

