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Wave 19!!!

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  • hizzy
    Museum Super Collector
    • Apr 1, 2023
    • 222

    Wave 19!!!

    Scarecrow! Wow!!!!

    And Neal Adams Batman!
    Kingdom Come Superman!

    Hawkman, Demon, Spectre, Lex!

    Last edited by hizzy; Sep 27, '24, 3:24 PM.
  • Figure8
    Museum Patron
    • May 18, 2016
    • 141

    Yeah, all those reveals have me excited, too! It's a peculiar line-up, but I really like that Mego doesn't shy away from more 'eccentric' characters. Hawkman and the new Batman are probably my favorites, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get most of the other figures as well.


    • B-Lister
      Eccentric Weirdo
      • Mar 19, 2010
      • 3052

      Really making it easy to walk away from NuMego. I'd happily buy if they produced a single thing that I want. Just hope they remember they threw everything behind WGSH at the expense of fans of other genres.
      Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


      • hizzy
        Museum Super Collector
        • Apr 1, 2023
        • 222

        WGSH is what they made their name with so I don't blame them.

        This is a cool Batman variant. If you need a Batman variant in almost every wave, this is how you do it.

        The Demon looks amazing. Hawkman is a must. Lex, too. I am curious to see how the final product of Cyborg comes out. The one I'm least excited for is Sinestro.


        • nubee
          Career Member
          • Feb 15, 2010
          • 527

          I sorta like the Kingdom Come SUPERMAN but that big head syndrome gotta go. I will hold out buying any mego until I know it's problem free. Each wave had it's own unique problem from the semi-loose side-kick body, the no-knee articulation body to the most recent syndrome: brittle joint body(osteo-plastic). I can't see any logic in "giving" my $$$ away. If Mego finally get their act together, I would luv to buy this Supes. We will definitely need an older Shazam aka Captain Marvel to go along with this Supe. Very much like the current Gong Studio Kingdom Come release.


          • B-Lister
            Eccentric Weirdo
            • Mar 19, 2010
            • 3052

            Originally posted by hizzy
            WGSH is what they made their name with so I don't blame them.
            There has always been more to Mego than WGSH.

            Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


            • wise guy
              Career Member
              • Dec 29, 2014
              • 937

              Are these the final products ? Martian Manhunter, NA Batman and some the others have huge heads. Figures toys had this problem and Mego continues this issue. The heads are the reason I sold off the Mego DC carded figures except Wonderwoman


              • CrimsonGhost
                Often invisible
                • Jul 18, 2002
                • 3604

                Originally posted by wise guy
                Are these the final products ? Martian Manhunter, NA Batman and some the others have huge heads. Figures toys had this problem and Mego continues this issue. The heads are the reason I sold off the Mego DC carded figures except Wonderwoman
                These are prototypes. The prototype stage is where you take note of what’s working and what isn’t a make adjustments for the factory. The head sizes may only be a percentage or two off, but the photography did no favors. The photos warp the perspective so you end up with figures that appear to have giant heads as well as short, tiny legs and feet.

                As far as character selection, it boils down to sales. Always. If Cheers had been a smash hit and Star Trek had been a flop, we would be seeing prototypes for Nick Tortelli and Eddie LeBec. Some lines, despite being our favorite, aren’t profitable for various reasons. Believe me, I would love to have seen various waves of KISS, but high license fees plus sluggish sales of the first releases mean it’s not in the cards.
                Expectation is the death of discovery.


                • MRP
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jul 19, 2016
                  • 2189

                  Originally posted by CrimsonGhost

                  These are prototypes. The prototype stage is where you take note of what’s working and what isn’t a make adjustments for the factory. The head sizes may only be a percentage or two off, but the photography did no favors. The photos warp the perspective so you end up with figures that appear to have giant heads as well as short, tiny legs and feet.

                  As far as character selection, it boils down to sales. Always. If Cheers had been a smash hit and Star Trek had been a flop, we would be seeing prototypes for Nick Tortelli and Eddie LeBec. Some lines, despite being our favorite, aren’t profitable for various reasons. Believe me, I would love to have seen various waves of KISS, but high license fees plus sluggish sales of the first releases mean it’s not in the cards.
                  When I do see Megos in the wild at places like Wal Mart, the WGSH never linger long, and sell out usually within a week of me first seeing them on the pegs. The other stuff lingers forever and usually winds up getting clearanced out. I've found a couple of Megos-horror and Trek marked down to a buck at Walmart and there was a whole peg of Ang's from Avatar for $4 that lasted weeks. So I am not surprised to see them focus on DC stuff (also not surprised to see Walmart scaling back what Megos they carry).

                  "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                  • shaunaconda
                    Veteran Member
                    • Mar 29, 2020
                    • 312

                    I’m pretty sure if it’s any WGSH figure, I’m in. It would have to be absolutely terrible for me not to be.


                    • B-Lister
                      Eccentric Weirdo
                      • Mar 19, 2010
                      • 3052

                      Originally posted by MRP

                      When I do see Megos in the wild at places like Wal Mart, the WGSH never linger long, and sell out usually within a week of me first seeing them on the pegs. The other stuff lingers forever and usually winds up getting clearanced out. I've found a couple of Megos-horror and Trek marked down to a buck at Walmart and there was a whole peg of Ang's from Avatar for $4 that lasted weeks. So I am not surprised to see them focus on DC stuff (also not surprised to see Walmart scaling back what Megos they carry).

                      Tell that to the piles of Reverse Flash that are stacked up at my local Wal Mart. And yet, not a single Ultraman, or Horror figure to be found.

                      Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


                      • MRP
                        Persistent Member
                        • Jul 19, 2016
                        • 2189

                        Originally posted by B-Lister

                        Tell that to the piles of Reverse Flash that are stacked up at my local Wal Mart. And yet, not a single Ultraman, or Horror figure to be found.
                        Reverse Flash took a while to sell in my area as well, but it did sell out before markdowns. Meanwhile Ultraman and the Toxic Avenger sat there since put out without selling a single figure unless they are putting out a fresh case of each between each of my visits. Until the Ultraman figs were marked down to $4 each and they finally either moved or got shipped out somewhere. Now the only Mego there is Toxic Avenger, alone and not selling

                        So there are going to be regional variations for sure, and clearance markdowns are done on a figure by figure basis, and I see the WGS boxes often at vendors at toy shows (not sure if they ae buying from Walmart and reselling or getting wholesale prices, but they prices are only a couple bucks higher than Walmart MSRP) and they seem to do a brisk business, and Trek and Universal monsters do ok at shows as well, but the rest of the stuff the vendors I talk to don't even bother to bring to shows or carry because they don't have enough demand for it to make it worth their while, and their sentiment is I wish we'd get more super-heroes Trek and Universal, and not other stuff which doesn't move for them.

                        Again, we all have our own personal wants-I'd love to have seen more LOTR figs as I am a huge Tolkien fan, but my individual tastes aren't the market's tastes and retailers who get stuck with figures they can't move are going to stop buying the line as a whole because they have too much capital tied up in unsold stock, and they have a better sense of where the demand is from tracking their actual sales and paying attention to what they get asked for that they don't have in stock that they could have sold. I may have been asking for more LOTR figures, but not enough retailers were, and thus distributors weren't, and thus Mego wasn't getting orders or feedback that that line was in demand. that's stuff we the fan never see, and a common logical error many fans make is that our personal tastes are representative of the tastes of others as well, and that is rarely the case. the retailers, the distributors, and Mego have access to a lot of data we don't, and any good business that is going to survive, uses that date to base their decisions on, not random internet comments, complaints and requests by solitary fans or even small groups of them. What we think are no brainers to say yes to, often aren't, they may be no brainers, but the answer more often than not is no, not yes. Especially when you are dealing with niche markets like Mego is, where economy of scale can be killer and producers have to dance a razor's edge line with it to maintain profitability. If orders and inquiries for lines other than WGSH were there, I'm pretty sure they'd be happy to make more, but the fact they aren't should be a good indication what the real world demand for that stuff is despite what you see posted on forums and social media.


                        "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                        • Z-man 307
                          Museum Super Collector
                          • Mar 15, 2010
                          • 184

                          A bit off-topic, but all the Wal-Mart talk just makes me wish we had other in-store options. I so miss Kmart (Kresge's), Sears, Penny's (when they had toys), and of course ToysRus. Frank Wojo does a great job taking care of my Mego needs, but it just isn't the same as purchasing at a store!


                          • hizzy
                            Museum Super Collector
                            • Apr 1, 2023
                            • 222

                            Originally posted by Z-man 307
                            A bit off-topic, but all the Wal-Mart talk just makes me wish we had other in-store options. I so miss Kmart (Kresge's), Sears, Penny's (when they had toys), and of course ToysRus. Frank Wojo does a great job taking care of my Mego needs, but it just isn't the same as purchasing at a store!
                            I miss the in-store experience. The only megos I've seen up here are Star Trek.


                            • B-Lister
                              Eccentric Weirdo
                              • Mar 19, 2010
                              • 3052

                              Originally posted by MRP
                              they're throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and eventually t's gonna catch up with them. If all they have is superheroes, they've got nothing when the bottom drops out on interest. And it will, it's already happening with MCU fatigue. Diversifying is the smart answer, but nobody ever accused those currently in charge of being smart.

                              Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures

