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What New Category Would You Like to See?

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  • Megotastrophe
    Permanent Member
    • Jun 29, 2018
    • 2988

    What New Category Would You Like to See?

    We have movies, TV , comic books and music. I would not mind seeing some historic and military figures. John Glenn in his Mercury era space suit. Maybe in a two pack with his shuttle era suit. Neil and Buzz in moon suits with a lander backdrop. Grand and Lee. Audie Murphy. Might be way too niche to make money but I think it could be fun if done well.
  • monitor_ep
    Talkative Member
    • May 11, 2013
    • 8247

    I just want more international heads. Wish I could use more Asian heads in my customs.
    Maybe redo Action Jackson or create a new lineup to include western, first responders, military, historic characters. This could be that "evergreen" lineup that would be sold on Amazon to add more merchandise for sale and since most of them are public use it sold make it very profitable.
    Visit my wiki site:

    Comic Books in the Media

    To view my custom works of both JLU and Megos go to:

    Monitor_EP Deviantart page

    Action Jackson Road Trip log


    • B-Lister
      Eccentric Weirdo
      • Mar 19, 2010
      • 3046

      I don't think generic pirates or ninjas or historical figures work for Mego in today's climate the way it did in the 70s.
      if it's not tied to a popular (or potentially popular) franchise, it's not really worth the risk.
      Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


      • palitoy
        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
        • Jun 16, 2001
        • 59604

        Luchadores would be fun but probably not popular enough for Mego these days...
        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


        • Megotastrophe
          Permanent Member
          • Jun 29, 2018
          • 2988

          Im surprised a little bit that there aren’t any Paco body figures out and about. They had ninjas and cowboys and pirates and luchadores and generic military guys plus at one point the Dino Warriors. Why aren’t these guys out there at ten bucks a pop?


          • KnightDetective
            Veteran Member
            • Aug 31, 2012
            • 332

            Originally posted by Megotastrophe
            Im surprised a little bit that there aren’t any Paco body figures out and about. They had ninjas and cowboys and pirates and luchadores and generic military guys plus at one point the Dino Warriors. Why aren’t these guys out there at ten bucks a pop?
            This exactly!

            Some time back, my cousin's boys saw pics of the Paco and Lion Rock figures and lost their minds! Made easy to afford and easy to get, they could find a following.

            I had hoped present-day Mego would do this sort of generic variety at their initial $12.95 price point but they're a collectible company, not a toy company. (No complaints!)

            Too bad, would have been a great way to justify sneaking in some sought after head sculpts. (Like the Trek guy subbing for Al Bundy)


            • puckace
              Veteran Member
              • Feb 5, 2009
              • 264

              I would love to see the western figures done again. All the Native Americans and cowboys were great growing up. I like the space theme as well. Historical would be fun. You could have actual people from history such as Romans, Pharaohs. WW II, Civil War, European leaders, etc.. You could also have more generic historical figures such as NInja, Samurai, Pirates, Conquistadors. Explorers, Soldiers, Inventors, I also think Fantasy characters would be great. Elves, Dwarfs, Wizards, Giants, Goblins, Orcs, etc...

              There's a lot of great themes to choose from imo


              • Werewolf
                • Jul 14, 2003
                • 14808

                Pocket Heroes, retro Candi fashion dolls, Speed Burners and Clown Around.
                You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                • palitoy
                  live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                  • Jun 16, 2001
                  • 59604

                  Originally posted by Megotastrophe
                  Im surprised a little bit that there aren’t any Paco body figures out and about. They had ninjas and cowboys and pirates and luchadores and generic military guys plus at one point the Dino Warriors. Why aren’t these guys out there at ten bucks a pop?
                  Jason Schiermeyer had contact with them, I think the molds just eroded over time.
                  Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                  Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                  • monitor_ep
                    Talkative Member
                    • May 11, 2013
                    • 8247

                    Would anybody like to see Batman TAS ReMgos?

                    I cannot believe the Tim Drake Robin costume has yet to be show up by either company. th (40).jpg th (39).jpg
                    Visit my wiki site:

                    Comic Books in the Media

                    To view my custom works of both JLU and Megos go to:

                    Monitor_EP Deviantart page

                    Action Jackson Road Trip log


                    • wise guy
                      Career Member
                      • Dec 29, 2014
                      • 934

                      Batman the animated series


                      • Robert_Anthony
                        Museum Patron
                        • Sep 5, 2015
                        • 127

                        Not just Batman: The Animated series, but also Superman: The Animated Series. Also, and as it's mostly TV history, the so-called Arrowverse shows on CW (now sans the "THE") referring to Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Batwoman, Stargirl and Superman & Lois.


                        • MRP
                          Persistent Member
                          • Jul 19, 2016
                          • 2178

                          I'm not sure Batman: The Animated Series would work well in Mego format. They could get the costumes right for sure, but a big part of the aesthetics of the animated stuff is the body proportions on the Timm-led character designs. The oversized torso, undersized legs, and impossibly square jaws, which I am not sure could be done on a Mego-style figure or head tooling. And without that look, it's just not Batman the Animated Series (or Superman or Justice League), its just the same Mego with slightly different soft goods costumes, and I for one, wouldn't open my wallet for that. They would have to design whole new bodies and new tooling for heads, and that would probably drive up the prices beyond what other Megos cost if they wanted to actually capture the aesthetic of the Animated Series characters.

                          Last edited by MRP; Jan 18, '24, 7:09 PM.
                          "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32774

                            I agree, if they were going to do any Timm-based stuff, I'd want to see new bodies. I think if they did a larger chest and slightly bigger arms, that may take care of it.


                            • Megotastrophe
                              Permanent Member
                              • Jun 29, 2018
                              • 2988

                              So a Hulk torso with the better arms and the topps exclusive legs?

