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  • Goblin19
    Talkative Member
    • May 2, 2002
    • 6110

    I agree with Tbolt. The one thing FTC should do is show progress on the figures. I think it would help refresh our memories of what is coming since there is such a big gap between initial announcement and figure release. I know I’ve missed some figures when they first come out.


    • EMCE Hammer
      Moderation Engineer
      • Aug 14, 2003
      • 25680

      Originally posted by darkbros
      Actually...I think we are talking about two different groups.

      Scrolling and catching up over the last few posts your talking about the "We Are Mego Group". Yeah, no I got barred from that Group just becasue I know Scott Brown ( Scotty X).

      I'm talking about another group that has many people I've been friends with on here, that have recently fallen out of favor with some people here, some most recently over the MegoMeet Rules controversy.
      NOT THE WINGNUTs group.

      Hope that clarifies Steve and Brian.

      I do wish we could all just get along and talk toys. Its sad to see old men break into camps of "My Camp Only, your Camp Sucks".
      Then I'm assuming it's the "If you got yourself banned, you're not welcome" rule which is just too hard to grasp for some? Those guys? Plenty of people there who have done nasty things to people here, but overall just a super collection of pillars of the Mego community. Real bunch of angels on earth, and worth every minute spent there I'm sure just for the "exclusives" alone. The awesomeness is too much for me to bear quite frankly - please never speak of them here again for my sake.


      • palitoy
        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
        • Jun 16, 2001
        • 59280

        There was no "rules controversy", what Mego Meet had is what every gathering/event/show has, the basic right to refuse entry. As the showrunners of the event, we had every right to protect it from anyone we believed was going to act in a malicious fashion. It was ignored by most people as it didn't affect them.

        The so-called "PR Nightmare" with the judgment and "faux outrage" that rang forth was manufactured by a small group of people (most hadn't ever attended) looking for someone/thing to discuss, judge or ridicule. I'll add that we at several points during that, more than one person wished death upon Steve and myself but a lot of folks turned a blind eye to that fact. Funny how that double standard works.

        We don't have to accept that as being ok, it's not. I wish no ill will to anyone but I also release myself from caring what certain individuals think, I don't respect them.

        This site, whether it's here or twitter or the dreaded Facebook, has principles that we try to adhere too and now more than ever, I will be vigilant about this being a community to foster the hobby in a positive manner and not a place to project bitterness and blame.

        You reap what you sow.
        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


        • darkbros
          Persistent Member
          • Jul 3, 2012
          • 1361

          Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
          Then I'm assuming it's the "If you got yourself banned, you're not welcome" rule which is just too hard to grasp for some? Those guys? - please never speak of them here again for my sake.
          Agreed Steve, I will. For the record, thanks for the conversations we've had about the 14" Nightwing and Robin I'm in the process of making. I love your insight, & I'm glad to have that. :bow

          Originally posted by Palitoy
          The so-called "PR Nightmare" with the judgment and "faux outrage" that rang forth was manufactured by a small group of people (most hadn't ever attended) looking for someone/thing to discuss, judge or ridicule. I'll add that we at several points during that, more than one person wished death upon Steve and myself but a lot of folks turned a blind eye to that fact. Funny how that double standard works.
          And to me that's another thing I didn't understand...Two people ( who had gone to the meet, and are in Pictures of Past videos, walk throughs, photo ops with Marty etc) are butt hurt about OTHER PEOPLE, who actively bash and threathen, not being able to go. I couldn't and still do not understand why they couldn't go the other route, and just say "hey, you made your bed , you lie in it. I'm good, and I want to go to see my friends". And yes, I know the person you spoke of who wanted "Death and Damnation" and I asked him pointedly "Why?" no answer....

          I mean, you and I have disagreed over FTC's Penguin from Wave 5, but I respected your opinion, and I believe you respected mine.
          Even if you didn't, I wouldn't wish you "Death and Damnation", because its just a TOY. LOL
          At the end of the day, it doesn't bring world peace, or can cure deadly disease. its just a welcomed distraction, and that's all it should be. :Shrugs

          Now, as they say, the band is all broken up and some of us are scratching our head and like "dude ***?"

          I mean, I read the "rules controversy" and I didn't have a problem with it AT ALL.
          But then again, I'm just a guy in Oklahoma who hasn't offended anyone and tries to help out and "ambassador" as much as I can.
          What do I know?

          thank you Brian and Steve for all you guys do. I know its a LOT of work to do this. I do appreciate all you guys do, and wish you all much continued success.
          Customizing 1:9: My Videoblog journey of Customizing!

          "I don't do it for the haters, I do it for the players." --snoop dogg


          • palitoy
            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
            • Jun 16, 2001
            • 59280

            And yes, I know the person you spoke of who wanted "Death and Damnation" and I asked him pointedly "Why?" no answer....
            i appreciate you doing that, you're rare sadly. Too many let that stuff slide.

            I mean, you and I have disagreed over FTC's Penguin from Wave 5, but I respected your opinion, and I believe you respected mine.
            Well, contrary to what some believe, it's perfectly acceptable here to have differing opinions on the toys here. We're not all on the same page and differing preferences/biases toward companies and styles are something we all have and should accept. Such debate is for the most part, healthy.

            Also, you were saying this stuff directly to me, which even when it's not rosy, I do have to appreciate it.

            That's a far cry from finding out that the people who say nothing but kind things to your face are privately critical or at some points downright malicious in little private pockets where they think they can't be seen. We're not public figures, we're people and I found that incredibly and for a while I viewed my whole efforts here as meaningless.

            Now, as they say, the band is all broken up and some of us are scratching our head and like "dude ***?"
            For me, it's over. I've let go and forgiven those people in my own way, saw some positives (I know who my friends are) but there is no putting this back in the bottle, trust is broken, some incredibly hurtful and disrespectful things were said and done.

            I don't want to be around people that secretly resent us or judge us but never admit their part in something, so it's done.

            It was a really dark time but I feel more confident in my new plan and goals.

            I won't waste my personal energy keeping this crap going or hucking back insults. I've got projects I want to finish and I'd rather go make something cool with friends than start a pointless live video about people who aren't even watching. It's just weird bravado and empty.

            thank you Brian and Steve for all you guys do. I know its a LOT of work to do this. I do appreciate all you guys do, and wish you all much continued success.
            Thank you very much, I appreciate that.
            Places to find PlaidStallions online:

            Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


            • EMCE Hammer
              Moderation Engineer
              • Aug 14, 2003
              • 25680

              Originally posted by darkbros
              Agreed Steve, I will. For the record, thanks for the conversations we've had about the 14" Nightwing and Robin I'm in the process of making. I love your insight, & I'm glad to have that. :bow

              And to me that's another thing I didn't understand...Two people ( who had gone to the meet, and are in Pictures of Past videos, walk throughs, photo ops with Marty etc) are butt hurt about OTHER PEOPLE, who actively bash and threathen, not being able to go. I couldn't and still do not understand why they couldn't go the other route, and just say "hey, you made your bed , you lie in it. I'm good, and I want to go to see my friends". And yes, I know the person you spoke of who wanted "Death and Damnation" and I asked him pointedly "Why?" no answer....

              I mean, you and I have disagreed over FTC's Penguin from Wave 5, but I respected your opinion, and I believe you respected mine.
              Even if you didn't, I wouldn't wish you "Death and Damnation", because its just a TOY. LOL
              At the end of the day, it doesn't bring world peace, or can cure deadly disease. its just a welcomed distraction, and that's all it should be. :Shrugs

              Now, as they say, the band is all broken up and some of us are scratching our head and like "dude ***?"

              I mean, I read the "rules controversy" and I didn't have a problem with it AT ALL.
              But then again, I'm just a guy in Oklahoma who hasn't offended anyone and tries to help out and "ambassador" as much as I can.
              What do I know?

              thank you Brian and Steve for all you guys do. I know its a LOT of work to do this. I do appreciate all you guys do, and wish you all much continued success.
              I apologize for coming off so salty to you. Some of the wounds were pretty deep and I misread your take on things. I really need to stick to the positive and constructive, less ranting and more sewing.


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32567

                I have said this in one way or another many times, but it bears repeating. You guys (Brian, Steve, Robyn, and everyone else who helps run the place), have brought a lot of entertainment, knowledge and joy into my life for the past 16 plus years. The Museum, and all the various offshoots including Plaid Stallions and Brian's YouTube videos never fail to lift my mood and get me excited by some of my favorite things. The fact that this place is intended to be a drama-free haven, and that you guys have kept the barbarians out of the gate is a testament to the unstated mantra of this being a safe place to just enjoy our various hobbies.

                Let the social media groups rise, fall, implode and whatever the hell they are going to do. By becoming vocally hostile groups of bitter man-children, it just separates the small, petty people from those who can look behind such insignificant differences and just enjoy some common bits of media we all love in one way or another.

                I'm sorry any of you have to put up with such negativity that I quite frankly, don't understand on a personal level. But I appreciate everything you do, and will support all your efforts to continue to just have fun with toys. Imagine that.



                • Brown Bear
                  Still Old School
                  • Feb 14, 2008
                  • 7058

                  I can’t stand reading ppl beeotch about Mego or FTC. Forcing sides like u have to hate one. We’ve waited so long For these figures to come back. I’ve purchased many from them and Neca. I’ve tweaked a lot of them but I speak with my dollar not my opinion. Online is filled with opinions which, like something else, everyone has one.
                  Buy what ya like and have fun. They are TOYS!!!!
                  Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


                  • Myoldtoys
                    Veteran Member
                    • May 15, 2012
                    • 303

                    I second the praise for the admins and moderators of this forum. I appreciate the group of people here. People share their opinions, but I have never seen it cross the lines. I'm not on Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. I sometimes look on other forums as a visitor for information or to see what new toys are coming. But this is the only forum I am a member of because I feel I am among friends. I am probably missing out on information and purchases because I am not on social media but I am ok with that. I don't need the drama, anger, and negativity.


                    • B-Lister
                      Eccentric Weirdo
                      • Mar 19, 2010
                      • 2968

                      Originally posted by kept back
                      One person seems to think that FTC can do no wrong but insists any items from Nu Mego or Paul Clarke are absolute trash.
                      I agree with one of these sentiments.
                      Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


                      • kept back
                        Persistent Member
                        • Aug 2, 2002
                        • 1203

                        My take is that FTC has done some spectacular things in a relatively short time. They're also responsible for some absolute crap.

                        I've never had an issue with Paul Clarke's China made products. I've never bought any of his cast parts, but ended up with a few in trade. They were absolute crap(except the heads, which were ok.)

                        Both companies started with terrible sitcom characters(FTC and Nü Mëgo)that I cared nothing about. There had plenty of good and bad on both sides of the fence. I'm just thrilled to have this much product to choose from.

                        When I was a kid, I used to dream of being able to walk into a store and find Mego belts, boots, gloves, multiple colors. These two companies have made that more of a reality than I ever dreamed possible. Thanks to both.

                        Now, get your s#!+ together on the crappier stuff!
                        Of all the souls I have encountered his was the most...human.


                        • thunderbolt
                          Hi Ernie!!!
                          • Feb 15, 2004
                          • 34211

                          Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
                          It's too late for this week, but I will ask for next week's news if they have anything. Remember the early pics of the bins of Batman heads and workers at the factory painting? That seems like eons ago.
                          yeah that stuff was really cool. It'd be nice to see stuff before it gets to that point, like Swampthing's head or something like that.
                          You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                          • rayray
                            • May 21, 2013
                            • 98

                            On a related note...just bought the Diana Prince FTC figure...and whaddya know, they made a Diana Prince figure without glasses. For non-Wonder woman fans, that’s like making a Clark Kent without glasses. in a way, the glasses are the whole point.

                            Can anyone recommend a pair of glasses that fits the female FTC head?



                            • PNGwynne
                              Master of Fowl Play
                              • Jun 5, 2008
                              • 19485

                              ^I wanted that doll very badly for the costume, but it was cheap cotton and worst of all, her military uniform has a mini-skirt?! WTH.
                              WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                              • darkbros
                                Persistent Member
                                • Jul 3, 2012
                                • 1361

                                To me, the best way to make Diana Prince is the Kelly Garret from 2018 NuMego, clothes swapped with 2018 Sabrina Duncan.
                                Brush hair back & make a ponytail with a mini clear rubber hair band (a pack of 200 from Five Below is like $3).
                                A Pair of the HP Oval glasses FTC, and done.
                                Customizing 1:9: My Videoblog journey of Customizing!
                                "I don't do it for the haters, I do it for the players." --snoop dogg

