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Your FTC Horror stories

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  • CrimsonGhost
    Often invisible
    • Jul 18, 2002
    • 3573

    Originally posted by HeartofGlass
    What is NuMego?
    I’m not going to lie, it’s the term that makes me the most queasy.
    Expectation is the death of discovery.


    • PNGwynne
      Master of Fowl Play
      • Jun 5, 2008
      • 19484

      Really? I'm sorry. I had been saying. "Mego Corp." but saw the other used here and thought it was in the collector community, I assumed from FB. It seemed concise and easy to type.

      What is preferred?
      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


      • CrimsonGhost
        Often invisible
        • Jul 18, 2002
        • 3573

        Originally posted by PNGwynne
        Really? I'm sorry. I had been saying. "Mego Corp." but saw the other used here and thought it was in the collector community, I assumed from FB. It seemed concise and easy to type.

        What is preferred?
        No reason to be sorry. It’s on me to deal with it. No official name variation has been established so it’s up to the fans to come up with one.
        Expectation is the death of discovery.


        • dr_cyclops
          One eyed, wonder
          • Dec 17, 2009
          • 2138

          Originally posted by CrimsonGhost
          No reason to be sorry. It’s on me to deal with it. No official name variation has been established so it’s up to the fans to come up with one.
          I know, right? Let's try some: MegoTomorrow. Mego 2, MegoNow, Mego1Zillion, Mego2.0, MeGone, WhatMegos? MegoAllOverAgain, WhyMego? and my favorite: WhereDidIGo?.


          • dr_cyclops
            One eyed, wonder
            • Dec 17, 2009
            • 2138

            So, back on to topic. I've told this story here before. FYI.
            Joining here in the 09, I got to read some very great critiques of all reproduction items of the times. After ordering from many different makers, I really never had a FTC/CTVT horror story. Sometimes bodies came with damaged (they were a great price), I just salvaged all the piece and made another order. Thanks to this place, I knew what to expect. Once, I didn't get some items in my order, so I contacted them and they sent them. Recently, they messed up my Bandolier belts. Sent unwanted items back, and received correct items in return. So, my horror stories all have a happy ending. Nevertheless, I'm scared of the story of 'Tony the Hook'.
            Last edited by dr_cyclops; May 17, '20, 11:32 PM.


            • palitoy
              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
              • Jun 16, 2001
              • 59272

              Originally posted by thunderbolt
              unfortunately I think I just joined that FB group, going to quit it next time I log in.
              If it's the same one I'm thinking about, they've begun a campaign of actual hate speech now. I'm sincerely disgusted and appalled with anyone who is a member there. This has gone way too far and you reap what you sow.
              Places to find PlaidStallions online:

              Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


              • phil
                Persistent Member
                • May 11, 2007
                • 2079

                Originally posted by palitoy
                If it's the same one I'm thinking about, they've begun a campaign of actual hate speech now. I'm sincerely disgusted and appalled with anyone who is a member there. This has gone way too far and you reap what you sow.
                Sounds like the group I left about ten seconds after joining.


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32564

                  I tend to think FTC's overall lack of quality control is too much of an issue for me to spend my money on. I want to, but then I read all these stories about folks having to fix and tweak things right out of the package. I don't buy enough new collectibles nowadays to warrant wasting that money on something I'm not going to be satisfied with, no matter what itch it scratches. That being said, Brian's recent videos on FTC product have me reconsidering my stance. The majority of Batman '66 figures I bought from them were surprisingly defect-free, aside from the obvious Batgirl issues. So maybe I should give them another shot. I certainly harbor no ill will against anyone who works for, or is a diehard fan of, FTC.

                  I personally tend to think Mego Corp makes the superior product overall, as I have had no issues with any of the figures I have bought, minus a few semi-loose 14" body parts. But nothing that needed repair.

                  But I want Mego, FTC and NECA to continue to succeed, and mine these licenses we've all wanted to see in this scale.

                  As for all of these offshoot groups who have formed, and continue to form...I have no use for them. Their petty squabbles tend to turn into actual hurtful, hateful rhetoric, and its ridiculous and childish. And targeting folks who have done nothing but gone out of their way to bring content and entertainment to the hobby is just beyond awful. I have removed myself from just about every FB group not somehow associated with the actual Museum account, just to avoid accidentally being considered among their number.



                  • thunderbolt
                    Hi Ernie!!!
                    • Feb 15, 2004
                    • 34211

                    Originally posted by palitoy
                    If it's the same one I'm thinking about, they've begun a campaign of actual hate speech now. I'm sincerely disgusted and appalled with anyone who is a member there. This has gone way too far and you reap what you sow.
                    oh, its not that bad, just bashing new Mego and pushing FTC. Not out and out hatred.
                    You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                    • darkbros
                      Persistent Member
                      • Jul 3, 2012
                      • 1361

                      Originally posted by palitoy
                      If it's the same one I'm thinking about, they've begun a campaign of actual hate speech now. I'm sincerely disgusted and appalled with anyone who is a member there. This has gone way too far and you reap what you sow.
                      Brian, there are some good guys in there who do try to keep the discussions civil and on topic, or at least give the "occassional stink eye" at those who bash. ( Pray for Us )
                      So, not all of us should be "condemed" for being in one place, is the point I try to make.

                      Even the FBI had people working from the inside to change Hoover's machinations, to make it better for ALL Americans. remember that.....

                      As for my FTC Horror GIYF, and last I looked they are all still here in the forum, but to summarize:

                      1. Only buy FTC figures loose and on Amazon. Having to deal with Amazon's NFG AtoZ policy on damaged items/ items broken in package / boot melt/ jacket melt/ fake leather vinyl melt/ missing boot/ holes in plastic boot / split boot has probably made them more aware of their problems with their figures than anything.

                      2. Doc has come down on his prices since NuMego ( and yes, I was one one the people to start that phrase usage...sorry Andrew! ) so if you want to avoid headaches, buy the comparable part from Doc.
                      I still don't see how they cannot see pin holes in boots that are in clear plastic and can be seen THROUGH the plastic before they package it to ship.
                      Or broken belts ( the actual square where the belt arrow goes in to connect is split ( think Batman's Utility belt), where its in a clear plastic bag....
                      When I buy now, I buy half from Doc, half from FTC, and I gently ask Doc if he can make / dye such and such part if possible. Sometimes its a yes, sometimes its a no.

                      3. And under the "maybe its just me dept." but when buying from FTC directly, buy with VISA, and be prepared to dispute if you catch the wrong customer service guy.
                      Again, this is Not as bad as when I bought from them in years 2015, 2016, and 2017 so SOMETHING must be changing down in Florida, but BACK THEN when they sent the wrong item,
                      and tried the ol " well, we will just make it up to you on the next order" crap, I had to call Visa and block the charge, and then all of sudden, here come the replacement!

                      For the record, I much more prefer the current policy of " send back the bad one , we send you a new one". NOW,...*sigh* in 2018 it wasn't always consistent, but since 2019
                      its shaken out and seems to now be the norm. so again, SOMETHING in Florida changed.......

                      so that's my summary, YMMV.

                      Now, I will point out things I do like about both ( and personal feelings aside about Doc aside*, I'll just base this on head to head merits)

                      * FTC has a bigger catalog, and seems to be proactively listening to the fans / customizers. Type -S acquisition, trying to make the Hanna Barbera line the successor to Batman '66, going deep into the DC catalog
                      and stopping the ad infinitum Batman Variations are a feather in their cap for sure.

                      * Doc's customer service is better hands down. He emails you when parts are going to be delayed, verifies your order BEFORE shipping via email, and includes free swag with every order, no matter how small.
                      I mean, two pairs of robin shorts for FREE on a $200 order? a free super hero belt on a $20 order? who does that? lol

                      * FTC has cheaper parts because they plan out a lot of figures, and they buy a ton of parts to get the best price point. Doc has adjusted his prices recently ( I keep spreadsheets on both to track when I make purchases
                      of who has what and at what price point currently), so on about 50% of stock they are neck and neck.

                      TO THE OP: I hope I presented this as fair and honest as possible so he can use the information to "get out of the corner". Unfortunately, I know of the people your dealing with, and while some of them are friends, you may not be able to reason with them, on certain issues due to personal hurts, beefs, people not getting their way or their voices head ( as Brian suggested) . so be careful.....

                      * for the record, I love Paul Clarke to death. He is my friend and I feel his contributions to the hobby are not only legendary, but reinvigorated me after a long abscence to come back to buying, collecting and customizing Megos. I am forever in his debt.
                      Last edited by darkbros; May 18, '20, 4:38 PM. Reason: fix spelling and words left out due to my rapid typing
                      Customizing 1:9: My Videoblog journey of Customizing!
                      "I don't do it for the haters, I do it for the players." --snoop dogg


                      • ODBJBG
                        Permanent Member
                        • May 15, 2009
                        • 3145

                        As far as FTC goes, I find most of the "horror" stories come from 10+ years ago before FTC was the single biggest producer of Mego-like products. That's not to say there still aren't quality control issues, there are, but it's not like the days when figures would disintegrate or whatever. Those days are long gone beyond some very rare instances. A lot of the complaints these days are from people who either expect too much or just don't know what to expect when dealing with FTC. That's true of anyone though, there are people who expect way too much of Mego or NECA or any toy company at times.

                        The bodies are still a crap shoot, but they're of a fine quality. They're no more a crap shoot than the new Mego and EMCE stuff. Actually, they're probably better. More authentic to classic Mego and less likely to have the arm rip off because the bands are too tight. If I had a dollar for every Mego/EMCE that did that, I'd run my own toy company. But the bodies across the board, not just FTC, are pretty worthless. One out of every 5 or so is poseable, but most are fine if you just want them to stand straight. Again, this is for all brands. Somehow a vintage T1 Mego I can buy on Ebay can pose in 100 positions but a modern Mego fresh from the store can pose in about 3. Everybody's bodies need to be restrung or replaced.

                        The nice thing about FTC is that they now sell Type-S bodies directly, which means you can buy a replacement with your figure. Cuts out the middle man.

                        And FTC is a bit expensive, but they command the market and have for a while, so it makes sense they want to charge what they feel is the right price, even if it's clearly too much. Until the market forces them to do otherwise, there's no incentive. And truthfully some of their figures ARE worth the price, but many are not. Again FTC is strong here because they are willing to part stuff out, making them the best resource for 8 inch customizers bar none.

                        My biggest gripe with FTC is that they still do things like a "cheap toy company" and so sometimes you'll have a figure that is 3/4s 5 stars and that final 1/4 is 1 star. Like making a really great Space Ghost figure and his suit being just a tad too small. There are lots of examples of this. Sometimes you don't know if a figure is going to have an issue until you get it in hand. Their marketing can be misleading. This is my biggest issue. Sometimes that tiny thing that they cheaped out on, ruin a figure.

                        Other issues like oversized heads are common in the whole range of companies. I think only Castaway Toys never had that issue, but then they had their own whole host of issues. Mego has been pretty good about head scale, but they still have a few whoppers. Sometimes I think Mego and other companies look better in comparison to FTC because they aren't doing the sheer amount of stuff FTC is. The large amounts of products you make, the more likely you are to have some duds in there.

                        I've been hit and miss with their customer service. Sometimes it's really good, other times they are ridiculously stringent about what, why and how they will replace things. Again, far too many people have probably abused their CS so we all suffer.

                        I still get frustrated that they couldn't include a tiny lump of plastic Bandit with their Jonny Quest figures. Again it's 3/4s of the way to being perfect, but they cheaped out.

                        Their 1966 Batman figures are the nicest Mego figures ever made. Quality beyond belief. Especially the first runs. Subsequent re-releases got sloppier with paint apps and stuff, but those figures set the bar for what this scale could be. Sometimes it boggles the mind that the same company that made those, also made those dreadful Action Jackson heads. It's a company of contrast. 80 percent fantastic, 20 percent garbage. Very strange thing, that.

                        Honestly with most FTC stuff I just wish there were honest reviews of it out there. It's often hard to tell what's good and what's not and even people who buy the items can sometimes be vague.

                        Anyway, it's a grand time in Mego. More stuff is available than ever before. It's a mixed bag for sure, but a darn full bag!


                        • palitoy
                          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                          • Jun 16, 2001
                          • 59272

                          Originally posted by thunderbolt
                          oh, its not that bad, just bashing new Mego and pushing FTC. Not out and out hatred.
                          The one I'm talking about was now attacking people and it was "out and out" hatred.
                          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                          • thunderbolt
                            Hi Ernie!!!
                            • Feb 15, 2004
                            • 34211

                            Originally posted by palitoy
                            The one I'm talking about was now attacking people and it was "out and out" hatred.
                            THey must have deleted it. I quit it anyway. Just anyone thinking the quality of FTC outshines Mego or EMCE is astounding. The hatred part I can do without and I am sure it would show up again.
                            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                            • jacoblb
                              Persistent Member
                              • May 7, 2009
                              • 1131

                              We know some of the new-Mego creators are on the board and online like the sculptors and seamstress, but do we know the names of the behind the scenes makers at FTC besides the sculptor Danny Farrow and the owner?

                              Maybe not for the lack of trying, but I am not aware of the MM putting any spotlight on them.

                              I really think the Batman 66 and the early Superfriends line owe a lot to the effort placed on the paint app. Even if it was a 3rd party person who made a painted model sheet for the factories to follow like Hot Toys, it really showed in the end.

                              I wish many of the other FTC lines followed suit and had as much care and attention to detail. My FTC Birdman and Hawkman could have benefited from similarly being painted as well as Batman 66 or early SF.


                              • CrimsonGhost
                                Often invisible
                                • Jul 18, 2002
                                • 3573

                                Originally posted by jacoblb
                                We know some of the new-Mego creators are on the board and online like the sculptors and seamstress, but do we know the names of the behind the scenes makers at FTC besides the sculptor Danny Farrow and the owner?

                                Maybe not for the lack of trying, but I am not aware of the MM putting any spotlight on them.

                                I really think the Batman 66 and the early Superfriends line owe a lot to the effort placed on the paint app. Even if it was a 3rd party person who made a painted model sheet for the factories to follow like Hot Toys, it really showed in the end.

                                I wish many of the other FTC lines followed suit and had as much care and attention to detail. My FTC Birdman and Hawkman could have benefited from similarly being painted as well as Batman 66 or early SF.
                                For what it’s worth, I don’t think the Farrow (I need to put some serious thought into a cool nickname.) has done any sculpting for them in a while. Most recently, he was playing guitar for a reunion of Angel.
                                Expectation is the death of discovery.

