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Some People Hate FTC

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  • hedrap
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 10, 2009
    • 4825

    Originally posted by Blue Meanie
    Only reason why I didn't get the Kiss figures is that I have a set made by Bryan (Boss) His customs were better than what FTC came out with in my opinion.
    That can be said about every DC custom Austin has made compared to FTC, especially the Superfriends/Legion of Doom.


    • TRDouble
      Permanent Member
      • Jul 10, 2012
      • 2554

      Madcap70, because your experiences, expectations or perspective is different, that doesn’t mean the issues that some of us have had the misfortune of experiencing or our perhaps higher expectations are, “Wrong.”

      It’s why I post pictures when I have issues. FTC customer service has been good to me, but that does not change the fact that I do pay for returns of defective items or agree to wait on replacements to be shipped with my next order. I do that because I try to help out a small-ish company (at least the latter; they should pay for defective returns).

      There are some that go overboard — in their attack or defense — but sometimes facts are just facts, positive or negative. Even if they don’t apply to your experience.


      • Madcap70
        • Dec 4, 2017
        • 55

        Originally posted by TRDouble
        Madcap70, because your experiences, expectations or perspective is different, that doesn’t mean the issues that some of us have had the misfortune of experiencing or our perhaps higher expectations are, “Wrong.”

        It’s why I post pictures when I have issues. FTC customer service has been good to me, but that does not change the fact that I do pay for returns of defective items or agree to wait on replacements to be shipped with my next order. I do that because I try to help out a small-ish company (at least the latter; they should pay for defective returns).

        There are some that go overboard — in their attack or defense — but sometimes facts are just facts, positive or negative. Even if they don’t apply to your experience.
        No it's "Wrong" to constantly bash other people over the heads with this we get it other companies have problems or do you not see what I posted about the MOTUC line that is a joke now?

        Originally posted by Madcap70
        Perfect example: I bought the Masters Of The Universe classics line since 2008 but have since stopped reasons? Distribution,QC,Price,Customer Service!!! And the secondary market prices were almost I quit wasting my time and money with that line because it had more than three strikes against it...See when you make a line available to all in the beginning then **** on the fans that bought it since day one then you get where it is today a toy line that only certain people can collect....
        See it could be ALL around bad like this nightmare...
        Last edited by Madcap70; Aug 11, '18, 2:07 PM.


        • TRDouble
          Permanent Member
          • Jul 10, 2012
          • 2554

          Reading this thread... some of the posts at the Mego forum... it's always going to be the same. You will have some people who are balanced, which is maybe most.... some who see any criticism as an attack... some who see any praise as butt kissing... those need to defend or attack one company by defending or attacking another company... those who cannot appreciate or comprehend that others have different experiences, likes, dislikes, etc... it's all very tiring, if you allow it to be.

          Here it is, in a nutshell for me.

          I like Figures Toy Company. I have a LOT of their figures. Overall, I like what they have done. I've had issues with their product that have been mentioned countless times; I've also seen people mention issues that I have not experienced. And all of my posts of my likes and dislikes are based on MY experiences dealing with FTC, owning FTC products, having it in my hands, etc. I am rarely a first wave buyer of FTC figures anymore, preferring others to take that leap first, which is hard because for all the complaints and praise, people don't post many pictures of FTC figures, at least not here.

          I like the new Mego. I only own a handful of the new Mego figures and I've opened two 14" and one 8". Guess what?... I like 'em! Oh, there are some legit issues with the 14" figures. You've read them, I don't need to rehash. My 8" AJ is great, but some have had some negative experiences with the 8" too. And that's fine. It's going to happen. As time goes on, we will hear more of the good and the bad with the new Mego figures... just like we have with FTC, BBP, EMCE, and everyone else. Funny, but we do see a lot more pictures of the new Mego figures that FTC.... but I digress...

          I like EMCE Toys. I tracked down almost all of the Star Trek ReMegos and think they are great. So great, that I don't see a need to buy the Mego Chekov and Sulu. I've had no issues with mine, but others have and I respect that. Some say it's sacrilegious to criticize anything that Doc Mego is involved in, but the good Doctor is not perfect either, just like FTC or BBP aren't perfect. Or any toy company. Not even the original Mego.

          I don't like the NECA figures; they are not for me, so I haven't purchased any. Same with Mezco. So I just skip those forums, or pop in for a second, and keep it moving. Others like them, so good for them! I don't need to rain on their fun.

          I like where we are at right now. FTC. Mego. NECA. Mezco. All releasing a style of figure that most say people no longer have any interest in, that they are something from a bygone era, yet, it's a format that refuses to die. Something we can thank Doc Mego for, and then all those that came after to keep it alive, from the customizers to the toy makers, like ZICA and Castway Toys. It's a good time to be a fan of this style of figure.

          But none of these companies are perfect. None will every be. Maybe some could work to be a little better. Maybe some have and it goes unnoticed. In the end, I think they all try to put out good product and are run by people who are passionate about what they are doing. Yes, there will always be comparisons made between the company's products. It's human nature. And I'm going to post my likes, hopefully with pictures. I'm going to complain, sometimes with pictures, sometimes based on other people pictures. I will also ignore areas that I have no interest.

          And that's it for me. I don't have anything else to say on this subject or in this thread. I am going to continuing enjoying this ReMego renaissance. And maybe spend more time with the actual figures than reading about them on this board.


          • KOMonger
            • Feb 17, 2015
            • 267

            Originally posted by Blue Meanie
            What I find funny is that NONE of the FTC lovers know how they got started doing Mego knockoffs... showed me the Space 1999 heads that ...
            ...Their product has been INFERIOR since day one...COPIES. The only original line they have come out with is the '66 Batman line.
            Are you just trolling?
            1) Most people here know they started with copies of old Megos.
            2) In addition to the four Mego copies CTVT's Space 1999 added *more than* a dozen new, awesome(!), head sculpts for their line.
            "...only original line... is '66 Batman line."
            3) Munsters, Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy...
            Their Happy Days line has *all* new sculpts for their four repeated characters and added five additional characters.


            • KOMonger
              • Feb 17, 2015
              • 267

              Well said TRDouble.
              I originally didn't feel compelled to post a response in this thread because most people were already posting opinions that I shared.

              My only overall comment on this is, whenever there is passion, in any field, the gamut of human emotions will show itself---good and bad. Considering this, it's all good, no?


              • KOMonger
                • Feb 17, 2015
                • 267

                Originally posted by TRDouble
                You need pictures of the neck, underneath. I will try to post a picture of mine later.
                If you guys are saying the hole is no longer there I would very much like to see that fix. Plus, do you have any tips on how to get this fixed version, short of just asking FTC, I mean? Is there a packaging variant or anything?


                • Boywonder0
                  Persistent Member
                  • Dec 29, 2007
                  • 2411

                  Originally posted by TRDouble
                  "I'm going to complain, sometimes with pictures, sometimes based on other people pictures. I will also ignore areas that I have no interest."
                  Anyone who feels like complaining should do that with the manufacturer. Its pointless to complaint in the forum. Trying to convince others not to buy what you didn't like is silly... Complaint to the toy manufacturer!

                  FTC doesn't visit this forum... Dr. Mego doesn't come here that often anymore. DSTZach got sick and tired of all the whining herein...
                  And I am so glad that they don't come herein to read all the cr@p from many self-denominated Mego experts...

                  Vote with YOUR wallet and enjoy your toys!


                  • toothaction
                    Career Member
                    • Jul 15, 2017
                    • 714

                    Originally posted by Boywonder0
                    Anyone who feels like complaining should do that with the manufacturer. Its pointless to complaint in the forum. Trying to convince others not to buy what you didn't like is silly... Complaint to the toy manufacturer!
                    Actually, although I realize that tones will vary greatly, the Museum strikes me as exactly where you should go to voice concerns about new Megoish output - where else are we to go, as consumers, for open discussion about the pretty dollies we so adore? I like that I can look to this place for a variety of opinions and reports on the many products out there, as I can't afford to vote blindly with my wallet on every option that catches my eye.
                    >>> Looking for a few Bif Bang Pow! pretties. Please click to see if you can help!


                    • CrimsonGhost
                      Often invisible
                      • Jul 18, 2002
                      • 3574

                      In all honesty, a smart company or creator would benefit from reading the comments and criticism. If you cut through the branches and get to the root, there may be a gem that is useful in there somewhere.

                      I always read reaction to my work, and I've absolutely been attacked and insulted. Whenever a new figure that I worked on was released, my first thought before reading anything was "Well, I wonder why I'm an a** hole this time." Sometimes I got blamed for something I had nothing to do with...well, the nameless, faceless, sculptor was blamed anyway which happened to be me. Sometimes, the comments had a suggestion or something I could apply next time. But I read all of them because I'm looking for ways to improve. Paul Clarke has been setting Facebook on fire responding to all of the criticism, letting the factory know what problems have come up, learning what to look out for and do better next round.

                      In these situations, no one needs a cheerleader and no one needs a troll. But speaking for myself, honest opinion, be it good or bad, is appreciated.
                      Expectation is the death of discovery.


                      • KOMonger
                        • Feb 17, 2015
                        • 267

                        Originally posted by KOMonger
                        Are you just trolling?
                        1) Most people here know they started with copies of old Megos.
                        2) In addition to the four Mego copies CTVT's Space 1999 added *more than* a dozen new, awesome(!), head sculpts for their line.
                        "...only original line... is '66 Batman line."
                        3) Munsters, Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy...
                        Their Happy Days line has *all* new sculpts for their four repeated characters and added five additional characters.
                        I forgot, they also did Three Stooges way back when. They even used their own bodies! Sure, they weren't pretty, but it was original!
                        Last edited by KOMonger; Aug 11, '18, 5:32 PM.


                        • KOMonger
                          • Feb 17, 2015
                          • 267

                          Originally posted by CrimsonGhost
                          In all honesty, a smart company or creator would benefit from reading the comments and criticism. If you cut through the branches and get to the root, there may be a gem that is useful in there somewhere.

                          I always read reaction to my work, and I've absolutely been attacked and insulted. Whenever a new figure that I worked on was released, my first thought before reading anything was "Well, I wonder why I'm an a** hole this time." Sometimes I got blamed for something I had nothing to do with...well, the nameless, faceless, sculptor was blamed anyway which happened to be me. Sometimes, the comments had a suggestion or something I could apply next time. But I read all of them because I'm looking for ways to improve. Paul Clarke has been setting Facebook on fire responding to all of the criticism, letting the factory know what problems have come up, learning what to look out for and do better next round.

                          In these situations, no one needs a cheerleader and no one needs a troll. But speaking for myself, honest opinion, be it good or bad, is appreciated.
                          Yes! Unfortunately I can see why they would stop, too. Too many criticisms, like floppy limbs, bad paint apps, and even the female body complaint, are out of their control.

                          Human beings on a production line are putting these together, mostly by hand. The same person can string one figure perfectly fine and then turn around and string the next figure too loose, or too tight. Same with paint apps, hold the stencil less than 1mil from level and your figure now has "bad eyes".

                          As for the female body complaint, it wouldn't be Mego if they re-did the body. Starting a new one from scratch would not be cost-effective either, since the current one does what it's supposed to do.
                          Last edited by KOMonger; Aug 11, '18, 5:20 PM.


                          • Blue Meanie
                            Talkative Member
                            • Jun 23, 2001
                            • 8706

                            Originally posted by KOMonger
                            Are you just trolling?
                            1) Most people here know they started with copies of old Megos.
                            2) In addition to the four Mego copies CTVT's Space 1999 added *more than* a dozen new, awesome(!), head sculpts for their line.
                            "...only original line... is '66 Batman line."
                            3) Munsters, Brady Bunch, I Love Lucy...
                            Their Happy Days line has *all* new sculpts for their four repeated characters and added five additional characters.
                            Not trolling at all. In fact I think I'm the oldest resident on this forum besides Brian and Steve. Here before there was a here (Yahoo Mego boards) I stated my opinion and facts. Nobody has defended the fact that the bodies are still crap...the heads are "oranges on a toothpick" and the patterns of the outfits need to be fixed in the factories BEFORE they go on sale. You can say all you want about FTC...but those are still facts. The fact of the matter is that for the most part 60 - 75% of the FTC output from day one are "knock-offs" I'll give them 30% as original. And again I will say this...if they don't improve the QUALITY of their product they will start losing licenses. If I am a company like damn right I want quality product out there.
                            "When not too many people can see we're all the same
                            And because of all their tears,
                            Their eyes can't hope to see
                            The beauty that surrounds them
                            Isn't it a pity".

                            - "Isn't It A Pity"
                            By George Harrison

                            My Good Buyers/Sellers/Traders list:
                            Good Traders List - Page 80 - Mego Talk


                            • Blue Meanie
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 23, 2001
                              • 8706

                              BTW...I supported the Classic TV Toys figures when they came out and have 2 or 3 of the original catalogs. The only way to keep these new lines going is to support them. In turn the lines have to support/respect the buyers/collectors. Once that is lost then the customer is lost. I stuck it out until the '66 line came out. Bought them...just can't support any of the re-issued Mego figures that they did and with the quality issues that have continued to show I can't support any of the new figures that they have come out with...especially at the price point of $30. Again, there is no hate...just non support for inferior product in MY OPINION.
                              "When not too many people can see we're all the same
                              And because of all their tears,
                              Their eyes can't hope to see
                              The beauty that surrounds them
                              Isn't it a pity".

                              - "Isn't It A Pity"
                              By George Harrison

                              My Good Buyers/Sellers/Traders list:
                              Good Traders List - Page 80 - Mego Talk


                              • KOMonger
                                • Feb 17, 2015
                                • 267

                                *I recently implied I didn't have very many CTVT/FTC figures but found I have 61 different figures 8"+12", not counting doubles. A small number, in the scheme of things, but this should be enough to have valid opions on their products.

                                CTVT's biggest proof of wanting to do things right was to fix their earlier bodies. Their early bodies were made in India that used recycled plastics that were processed to the point that they would shatter instead of flex.
                                They switched to the current bodies made in China that are closer to Mego's type 2. Are Mego type 2 bodies crap? The problem is the metal hooks. Rectify this issue and the bodies will behave in the same manner as Mego type 2.

                                If we ignore the Three Stooges, 100% of CTVT's product was "knock-offs". At this stage in the game, though, CTVT/FTC have produced more than 300% the number of characters that Mego originally did for 8 inch scale. (I pulled this out of my butt, but am I wrong?). Look at the DC characters on the cardbacks alone. They usually double, or exceed the number of figures originally available... The regular DC line, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman. How can this be 60-75% knock-offs when more than 50% were never available before?
                                These so-called "knock-offs" are always done as homage to Mego's beloved original figures and are made for everyone who wants repros without the price of new vintage versions. They improve on some of these, such as the newer Shazam, but their goal has always been to present our beloved Mego. This includes the copies and then expanding on that.

                                We all benefit by all the Mego-style companies' efforts for the last decade or so. Some companies have gone a little edgier with lines like Bluntman and Chronic, Ambiguously Gay Duo, or even The Venture Bros., but it's all for the love of Mego. I agree with you, while they are nice, Neca's and Mezco's figures aren't Mego. They are simply small figures wearing clothing. They've gone for the "real" approach which is definitely not Mego style.

                                Keep your love for the style, Blue Meanie. Although the companies may not check in very much nowadays, I personally like to hear what other people think about the stuff I love. Continue to express yourself anyway you feel suits you, no one need apologize for being who they are or their opions.
                                Last edited by KOMonger; Aug 11, '18, 7:46 PM.

