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FTC Makes Batman and the Outsiders...Random thoughts?

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  • darkbros
    Persistent Member
    • Jul 3, 2012
    • 1361

    FTC Makes Batman and the Outsiders...Random thoughts?

    1. Will Katana be in scale to the other characters, like in the comics? And if so, does this mean they will make a new female body, or will they just re-use the Teen girl body to make her work?

    2. Will Halo be a re-use of the SuperGirl head, but with the colored streaks?

    3. Will Geo Force's head be mass produced in different colors, like their masked hero head, so that with the 3/4 cowl
    we can get heads to make custom versions of characters like Captain Mar-Vell (blue), Count Vertigo ( black or Green),
    et. al?

    4. Will Black Lightning's head be in scale ( meaning with Afro, will it not be bigger than say Alfred's)?

    5. Will we get a serious faced Metamorpho ( my wish) or a goofy faced Metamorpho?

    and lastly,

    6. Will we get another variant Batman, perhaps fixing the issues with the Batman from Batman Series 4?
    (non shiny blue, a bit darker, proper painted cowl, smaller bat emblem)

    Inquiring minds want to know FTC!!!
    Customizing 1:9: My Videoblog journey of Customizing!
    "I don't do it for the haters, I do it for the players." --snoop dogg
  • jeffbearco
    Persistent Member
    • Mar 27, 2011
    • 1325

    I'd bet on the teen body Katana with elbows that don't bend. Good luck with that sword.
    I'd bet on Halo using a pre-existing head, but one of the serious ones. Could be another Invisible Girl.
    It would be good to have that head. Also, if they are going to do an adult Kid Flash, they could reuse!
    No idea on Black Lightning.
    I'd almost bet on a reuse of the Mummy head for Metamorpho.
    I'm REALLY hoping to finally get a good, serious Batman head sculpt!



    • Rex Mason
      New Member
      • Dec 14, 2013
      • 17

      I can't tell you how excited I am for this wave of figures. My first comic book was an issue of Batman and the Outsiders. Then I went back and bought every appearance of the team (except for Batman - I'm still working on that one!). To collect the entire founding team in one style is a dream come true for me. The first Halo action figure? That's awesome.

      My thoughts on those questions:

      1. Teen Katana might work. She's a bit shorter than the other guys.
      2. I'm not against a reuse, but I'd love a variant with short hair, too!
      3. I would really love both Geo-Force uniforms. The brown is the classic (mostly because it matches Terra's), but the green and yellow "GF" suit got way more panel time over the years.
      4. Sure wish they could pull off the removable mask/afro. That would be incredible!
      5. Metamorpho smiles more than grimaces, so I'd vote for goofy face.
      6. Aparo-style Batman would be an instant purchase from me. (But I'm already buying this entire wave.)

      I honestly didn't think this wave was a possibility. I thought we may see a Black Lightning or a Metamorpho in one wave or another, but the entire team? Such great news.


      • rodkeith
        Veteran Member
        • Mar 16, 2008
        • 407

        I don't understand why putting Katana on the female teen body would be a consideration. She's an adult woman. If she's portrayed slightly shorter in the comics, she's still not a child, like the original Teen Titans. I'd rather err on the side or her being a little tall than on something that clearly is too small, not to mention inarticulate.


        • DC_Guy
          Museum Super Collector
          • Sep 18, 2008
          • 179

          I want an authentic Aparo Batman so badly I can almost taste it.


          • Mary Canary
            Career Member
            • Jun 21, 2017
            • 589

            I'm not an Outsiders fan - but I'm happy for all who are and are finally going to have figures of their favorites.
            I've always liked Metamorpho, since the JLI days, and I think I'd prefer a goofy face too.
            Katana, I'd say go with the adult body so she can be posed with her sword.

            Now let's see about some Doom Patrol or Legion of Super Heroes characters, please.


            • TRDouble
              Permanent Member
              • Jul 10, 2012
              • 2553

              Random thoughts... Oh... My... GOODNESS!!!!!

              A classic Black Lightning!!!! A chance to FIX that messed up Series 4 Batman! Metamorpho! And Halo, Katana and Geo-Force are cool. I would love to see two new female head sculpts.

              The key, of course, is FTC doing it right. Don't. Over. Think. It. Simple is better than complex. Series 4 Batman was a case of overthinking. We didn't need silk shorts or shiny material anywhere. It's the material, and that melon head... and the short sleeves... and short pants legs... that killed that Batman. And it was too light, although that didn't bother me that much.

              Black Lightning and Katana are the two that have the most potential for overthinking how these are done. The others, especially if they learned from Series 4 Batman, should be easy enough to do.

              I am really looking forward to these! And they are already in production, so it shouldn't be long before we see how they did with these.


              • Figure8
                Museum Patron
                • May 18, 2016
                • 120

                Didn't FTC start a poll a while ago and JSA came out on top of most people's wish list? And what about the Legion of Superheroes, a close 2nd as I seem to remember? The Outsiders seem like a queer choice, but I'm still happy for those who're into the characters. I hope they get Batman right this time, really right like Cyborg or Firestorm. I don't hate the updated Batman we got, but the head IS too big and I think everybody agrees that they should fix the color scheme.


                • CrimsonGhost
                  Often invisible
                  • Jul 18, 2002
                  • 3573

                  I'm curious to see what their Aparo Batman will look like. Black Lightning and Metamorpho are also ones I'd like to see.
                  Expectation is the death of discovery.


                  • PNGwynne
                    Master of Fowl Play
                    • Jun 5, 2008
                    • 19484

                    Huge fan of the classic Outsiders. That said, I'm nervous about any FTC adaptations. Several of the figures would benefit from screened suits, and I'm concerned FTC will overwork the detailing.

                    I love Jim Aparo's work and I'd love a better Batman.
                    WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                    • darkbros
                      Persistent Member
                      • Jul 3, 2012
                      • 1361

                      Digging in and answering my questions:

                      1. It would be ULTRA NICE if FTC would create a new 7inch body and get away from the terrible teen repro.
                      Katana, yes is a short adult woman, and would benefit from a new 7inch female body, which might lead them to
                      fix issues overall they have with their bodies.( terrible too tight bands that give the figures the hunched/ slanted look), but I don't
                      hold any chance of this happening, as it is far easier to use up their existing stock. More than likely it will be adult, with modeled hair
                      and their terrible rubber boots.

                      oh, and no sword accessory ( like Mr. Freeze and no freeze gun)

                      2, IG would be nice, but proably will be the SG head, just hope we get the streaks.or Jane's head for that matter.

                      3. Hopefully this will be areality, and would be a no brainer for them. Your producing the head anyway, milk it for all you can FTC!

                      4. As a BIG Black Lightning fan, gonna hold out hope for this one. At least we hopefully will ( not) get a a flattened head sculpt...?
                      that would kill it for me. Good thing I'm stocked on John Stewarts and SWAT Terrys...if everything else is right but the head, I'll
                      swap in a heart beat!

                      5. I grew up reading Frandon's Metamorpho comics off the spinner racks, so I'd take as close to that version as we could get.
                      Just not too goofy, some where in between like this:
                      other than that hard to mess up this one.

                      6. And yes, hopefully they learned from their mistakes / non selling figure and give us finally a worthy Aparo Batman done right.
                      Customizing 1:9: My Videoblog journey of Customizing!
                      "I don't do it for the haters, I do it for the players." --snoop dogg


                      • drogge
                        Career Member
                        • Jul 24, 2009
                        • 739

                        This is wonderful news.


                        • powersthatbe
                          Persistent Member
                          • Sep 27, 2010
                          • 1968

                          I'm excited for this line up.something unexpected and out of the blue.


                          • The Bat
                            Batman Fanatic
                            • Jul 14, 2002
                            • 13412

                            just give us a decent BATMAN head sculpt that isn't oversized....PLEASE!!


                            • Gramercyplace
                              Museum Super Collector
                              • Jan 23, 2012
                              • 173

                              And no dreadful rubbery boots...the traditional hero boots are more retro Mego, which after all, is the point. FTC has done an outstanding job at recreating the Mego hero boot in various colors, I don’t understand why they’re not using them on their figures. It’s very frustrating.

