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66 batman line

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  • thunderbolt
    Hi Ernie!!!
    • Feb 15, 2004
    • 34211

    Originally posted by megoknight
    Welcome to the club sir. We will be meeting at Tony Roma's in Orlando!
    awesome!! What a fun idea!!
    You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


    • scott metzger
      Persistent Member
      • Jul 9, 2007
      • 2124

      Originally posted by mickeymoosemego
      In my opinion, there are items being made in the Bat 1966 line I'm sure will never be made again by any license holder. Enjoy it while you can.
      I think that's likely true. Look at the Mattel line; it was basically pronounced dead by Mattel after one wave, then they backtracked and said that's not what they meant, then released a couple more figures, and now Batgirl can only be had in an exclusive 3-pack where you have to buy another Batman and Robin to get her. Just judging by the cardbacks and the assurances Catwoman and Batgirl are coming, FTC is easily going to surpass the world's #1 toy maker in this property in short order. I'll admit, I'm probably spending more on this line than I should (still sorting out where to put all the accessories from the Bat gadgets set), but I really think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for this property. I honestly don't see another toy maker giving us guys like Shame any time in the near or far future. This could very well become the definitive action figure line for Batman '66 for a very long time to come.


      • JediJaida
        Talkative Member
        • Jun 14, 2008
        • 5671

        Where is this week's clue?


        • Teemu
          Persistent Member
          • Dec 15, 2010
          • 1742

          Originally posted by JediJaida
          Where is this week's clue?
          it was posted on twitter/facebook


          • Boy_Wonder_1978
            Career Member
            • Apr 30, 2015
            • 567

            Originally posted by scott metzger
            I think that's likely true. Look at the Mattel line; it was basically pronounced dead by Mattel after one wave, then they backtracked and said that's not what they meant, then released a couple more figures, and now Batgirl can only be had in an exclusive 3-pack where you have to buy another Batman and Robin to get her. Just judging by the cardbacks and the assurances Catwoman and Batgirl are coming, FTC is easily going to surpass the world's #1 toy maker in this property in short order. I'll admit, I'm probably spending more on this line than I should (still sorting out where to put all the accessories from the Bat gadgets set), but I really think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for this property. I honestly don't see another toy maker giving us guys like Shame any time in the near or far future. This could very well become the definitive action figure line for Batman '66 for a very long time to come.
            I sincerely hope that you're right. This is an absolutely fantastic line and would certainly be spoiled by anyone else 'jumping on the wagon' (so to speak).


            • invisiblelad
              Veteran Member
              • Jul 6, 2014
              • 461

              I Agree with ScottMetz 100% on this! This FTC BATMAN 1966 line will be the definitive 66 Batman line & especially done in the perfect format for these figures! Do I wish that AWESOME 66 Penguin was shorter, Yes! Do I wish Egg Head's head was in scale, Yes! Do I wish wave 1 Riddler looked like Gorshin, Yes! Do I wish the eye colors & paints were just a bit different to make some of these awesome sculpts even more actor/character accurate, Yes!....
              ...but Do I think this FTC Batman 66 line is completely fantastic & will be the BEST Batman 66 Toy Line that will ever exist? Yes! Definitely & Definitively Yes!

              I just hope FTC gets a great sculpts, paints, & head scales (w/ removable masks where appropriate) for Gorshin's Green Suit Riddler, Julie's & Eartha's Catwoman figures, King Tut, & the Rest (< sang like the original Gilligan's Island theme)! I look VERY forward to:

              1. Catwoman (Julie & Eartha)
              2. Mr. Freeze
              3. Batgirl
              4. King Tut
              5. Goons
              6. Bookworm

              & I'd gladly take more villains (-minus some uninteresting ones to me like Siren, Louie, Marsha, Dr. Cassandra, Zelda, Puzzler, Archer, Minstrel, Chandell, Lord FFogg, Peasoup, Clavicle, ect.)

              Actually at least Louie The Lilac would make a good looking figure I guess. I just like the more "Dynamic" Villains myself & rather have goons or costumes for goons, than most of the ones I listed above!

              But This FORMAT & Scale is my ultimate favorite for this 66 FTC line! But they NEED 2 Stop the GIANT HEAD Madness! Hoping Alfred will be somehow smaller & in scale & moving forward they will all be!

              FTC -Watch the eye colors! Egg Head & Riddler's are definitely off! & get new 66 figures out (New non-variant characters) & keep them coming! Haven't even picked up x2 of Shame or Mad Hatter due to the variants killing my excitement for that wave! Don't want to move on because all the DC stuff is lost in the shuffle with all your product!


              • jeffbearco
                Persistent Member
                • Mar 27, 2011
                • 1325

                As a side note, since they are doing a remake of the Batcave playset, I'd love to see them do a 66 version with artwork based on the 66 Batman Batcave!



                • rlkrefft
                  Veteran Member
                  • Mar 14, 2010
                  • 306

                  I agree about a 1966 Batcave, even if they have to use the old Mego one with a different background. Just make the Batcomputer look like the one Mattel is doing, and somehow move the Batpoles over the other side where the batcopter landing is (add two poles though, side by side) and pretty much it could work. An in scale Batmobile would be cool too. At this point I could less if it rolls, I just want a great Batmobile to put Batman and Robin in. As for figures, my list is pretty much the same as most. Catwoman (Julie, Eartha), King Tut, Mr. Freeze (Otto and George), Batgirl, Barbara and Commissioner Gordon, Bookworm, Riddler in jacket, Removable mask Riddler, Removable Cowl Batman, Vote for Penguin, Jockey Penguin, Penguin Goons, Catwoman henchmen, Joker henchmen, False Face, Clock King, Louie The Lilac, Siren and Olga. I'd even maybe buy John as Riddler and Lee as Catwoman, but they are less important to me. I just hope we at least see King Tut and Catwoman soon. They are my top 2.


                  • Boy_Wonder_1978
                    Career Member
                    • Apr 30, 2015
                    • 567

                    I'd love to see the Batcycle and the Batboat to go with the Batmobile. Or is that asking too much do you think?


                    • wise guy
                      Career Member
                      • Dec 29, 2014
                      • 899

                      Batcycle with Batgirl set would be cool


                      • timmy
                        • Feb 5, 2008
                        • 62

                        How are the skin tones on the 1966 batman set? some pics they looked dark or "desaturated"?


                        • JediJaida
                          Talkative Member
                          • Jun 14, 2008
                          • 5671

                          Not as pale as the BBP stuff; their figures looked like escapees from a wax museum.


                          • PNGwynne
                            Master of Fowl Play
                            • Jun 5, 2008
                            • 19487

                            FTC uses a medium skin-tone, a bit grayish. It's not as pale as BBP or Matty's RetroAction. The warm tan of classic Mego is out of fashion I guess.
                            WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                            • timmy
                              • Feb 5, 2008
                              • 62

                              grayish is a good way of describing what I have seen. in some online pics they look "brighter" or "warmer".
                              I still like them, just didn't know if it was adjusted on newer shipments.


                              • PNGwynne
                                Master of Fowl Play
                                • Jun 5, 2008
                                • 19487

                                FTC's Conan has a warmer, more Megoesque color, maybe some other releases will.
                                WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.

