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Batman 66 Guesses for Wave 4

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  • houseofdracula
    Veteran Member
    • Nov 11, 2011
    • 423

    Batman 66 Guesses for Wave 4

    FTC doesn't communicate or answer questions on Facebook as much as they used to but I'm going to go out on a limb and try to guess what will be released in Wave 4 using recent posts that they've made as clues.

    1. Surf's Up Joker:
    A few days ago, they posted this photo.
    v joker 020.jpg
    I know that some are tired of variant figures but IF they produce "Surf's Up" figures, I'll get them.
    Actually, let me be clear,... I'll buy them IF they come with the Surfboards.
    Without the boards, they're just the same figures with swim trunks.

    2. Surf's Up Batman:
    It would only make sense that IF they do the Surfing Joker, they'll have to add the Surfing Batman as well.
    batman surf 001.jpg

    3. Mister Freeze:
    Yesterday, they posted a Mr. Freeze clip and said that he was responsible for the recent Blizzard.
    Sure, they may have just said this to be funny but I took it as a clue.
    Maybe I'm reading too much into it but there have been photos of the Mr. freeze head sculpt floating around for a while.
    v freeze 001.jpg

    4. I Have No Clue!
    We know that (along with Freeze) Catwoman, Bookworm and King Tut have been featured on the backs of the cards.
    I'm going to guess, Bookworm.
    I don't know why, it's just a gut feeling.
    King Tut's costume is going to be very elaborate and I'm betting that Catwoman will be released in a Wave with Batgirl.

    Again, these are just MY GUESSES and I have absolutely no inside information.
    Anyone else have any guesses?
    Last edited by houseofdracula; Jan 28, '15, 10:21 AM.
    The House of Dracula - Monster Model Museum.
  • jayraytee
    Career Member
    • May 27, 2011
    • 724

    I think those surf ones are likely since all they have to do is put shorts on existing figures, easy pass for me. But I don't think what they post on facebook has anything to do with what they will put out product wise, at least it doesn't seem that way so far. They have posted Marvel stuff, movie stuff, even star wars stuff and they don't seem to have gotten any of those licenses. To me it seems like they just post random fanboy stuff while they don't have any news to post.

    Wave 4; I bet Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Batgirl and and ??? I could see the surf guys being variant exclusives.
    My posts were needlessly deleted ...


    • Teemu
      Persistent Member
      • Dec 15, 2010
      • 1742

      Wave 4-Freeze,Bookworm,Batman and Batgirl

      Wave 5-Catwoman,King Tut,Batman,Chief Ohara


      • Wise4671
        • Aug 11, 2007
        • 1389

        How about Alfred for the 4th figure :-)


        • thunderbolt
          Hi Ernie!!!
          • Feb 15, 2004
          • 34211

          the surfer ones will be store exclusives or whatever, and my guess is Tut, Catwoman and two more bat-variants
          You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


          • MIB41
            Eloquent Member
            • Sep 25, 2005
            • 15632

            Yeah, the surfing figures really serve no purpose without he equipment, because you could mimic the trunks with what they currently sell in-house. Of course, I guess one could argue that for most of the variants. But this one in particular would seem completely pointless without the surfboard.


            • madmarva
              Talkative Member
              • Jul 7, 2007
              • 6445

              What I'd like to see is Tut, Freeze, Batgirl and Newmar Catwoman


              • jwyblejr
                galactic yo-yo
                • Apr 6, 2006
                • 11146

                Surfboard shouldn't be all that hard to do. Just get ahold of a AJ surfboard and make new molds.


                • PNGwynne
                  Master of Fowl Play
                  • Jun 5, 2008
                  • 19485

                  ^ Yes, most FTC items are mold swipes & I'm sure there are several options out there, even Barbie/Big Jim boards.
                  WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                  • nobody
                    • Jan 26, 2012
                    • 1572

                    Already got em!!



                    • Bronxboykev
                      Permanent Member
                      • Mar 7, 2011
                      • 3013

                      Save Yourself money on $35 Surfer variants, get the SURF Boards from Lasermego and swim trunks from someone Here or as stated from the accessories on FTC'S SITE and you will be good to go.

                      So far the FTC variants aside from the Pink Cowl Batman have been a big disappointment to me.

                      As for Wave 4 I say finish off the back of the Card Backer

                      Newmar Catwoman
                      King Tut

                      Wave 5


                      • thunderbolt
                        Hi Ernie!!!
                        • Feb 15, 2004
                        • 34211

                        I just don't see getting a whole wave of villains, they will put a Batman and/or Robin in the wave.
                        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                        • jeffbearco
                          Persistent Member
                          • Mar 27, 2011
                          • 1325

                          I'm betting when we finally do see female 66 characters, they will have boots and gloves similar to the Batman and Robin figures. That may be what has been holding up Batgirl and Catwoman.



                          • TrekStar
                            Trek or Treat
                            • Jan 20, 2011
                            • 8382

                            How many more Batman versions can they possible make? I'd like to see the Batmobile
                            for the figures to fit into. For new villains I really want to see Mr. Freeze with souped up
                            ice cream truck, Joker mobile, Newmar Catwoman, Batgirl/Barbara Gordon, Tut would be cool
                            but the outfit might be a problem? Colonial Gumm, how about Sandman with fur coat?
                            and maybe Henchman like Penguin goons and Catwoman henchman with tigers stripe shirts
                            and those mousekeeter hats.


                            • thunderbolt
                              Hi Ernie!!!
                              • Feb 15, 2004
                              • 34211

                              Tut's outfit should no more of a problem to FTC that what they have produced so far for the series. Gumm is a no go due to likeness issues with Roger Carmel's estate, not sure about Micheal Renne, DC used him once, then changed his likeness later in the comic series.
                              You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks

