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FTC Limited Edition DC 2-Packs

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  • EMCE Hammer
    Moderation Engineer
    • Aug 14, 2003
    • 25680

    Originally posted by huedell
    "Nice"? or "Odd"?

    If they would've said "Inspired by Vinny, Toyroom and Kenner" would that have been worse? Or better?

    As noted in this thread, Star Wars was doing three-packs in the 80's and many companies have followed suit since.

    I think you're on a slippery slope here.
    If they do a two-pack of Flash/Zoom or GL/Sinestro I'll expect to see my picture on the back with a bio. With an assist from Toyroom I did this back in 2009; can't seem to find pics of the GL version.

    I will grab at least one for the novelty of it, but probably not more for the same reason I quickly abandoned the customs two-pack idea. They simply take up too much of my display space, no matter how beautiful Anthony's art is.
    Last edited by EMCE Hammer; Apr 11, '14, 10:26 AM.


    • Vinny0026
      Year Five!!
      • Jan 26, 2012
      • 3724

      Originally posted by huedell
      "Nice"? or "Odd"?

      If they would've said "Inspired by Vinny, Toyroom and Kenner" would that have been worse? Or better?

      As noted in this thread, Star Wars was doing three-packs in the 80's and many companies have followed suit since.

      I think you're on a slippery slope here.

      I'm not saying on the package - maybe just a quick one liner or shout out on the site when they posted it would have been nice.

      Again I talk to Anthony from CTV/Fig Inc -.... a lot.

      I gave him a ton of ideas on what to make as far as parts. I even sent him the parts to cast. I don't brag or boast or take credit cause most of the ideas were no brainers - But it was from an out side view looking in.

      Anthony and his son are great guys. I have no problems with them at all - I would like to think we are friends. -
      If you were to ever talk to him I doubt he would say I did not help him with ideas to make. I have hundreds of emails as proof - I would send him spread sheets as what to make and what colors.

      The 2 packs he just launched were inspired by me. - You can call him and ask I doubt he will tell you they were not.
      He has other lines coming out with other figures that follow the same path of the customs I made with similar artwork from toyroom.

      I grabbed one of Toyroom cards a few years back - at that time they had made a few of them that I knew of batman/superman, batman robin, green lantern/ green arrow card to name just a few. Those cards inspired me - a lot.

      I started making 2 packs for my collection -
      I would tell Toyroom What I wanted to make - He brought them to life with great art work and design - we all know who he is and what he can do - the art he chooses and the layouts are always just about perfect.

      I thank Toyroom and list them in every single post I make anywhere

      Again - I'm not sour these are being made - matter of fact I'm happy.
      I'm not shocked - as I have talked to Anthony and I have seen some of the layouts for these months ago - anything we talk about I do not share - its not my place so I do not share that info with anyone.

      These bring some great figures and art together. Awesome sets. And to limit them is even better. I want to see his company do well, this way we all can get figures we want that were never made.

      So again I think most miss the point - It would have just been nice to see a one liner on the website or something
      But for most of you guys to think these were inspired by kenner is just crazy.

      These were inspired by Toyroom - Who Inspired me to ask them to make more and different ones for my customs - who in fact inspired Figs-inc.
      for anyone who thinks it was other wise or something else - is just crazy.

      Again don't take my word for it - Ask Anthony from CTV/Fig In - He is a stand up guy - he will tell you himself.

      And again - Can't stress it enough
      I'm happy for everything they are making - and I wish nothing but the best of luck to them.

      We all should wish them well!
      as they continue to do well and grow - we all should be happy to get many new products that we would have never seen before if they do not do well.

      So I hope they continue to grow and continue to push out great product.
      So 2 packs or single figures - what ever your choice is - just keep buying so you can see more great figures down the road.
      "Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?"


      • ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide
        • Feb 27, 2014
        • 1035

        I am on the fence on this one. I get what the guys are saying about they created the 'product' ie a 2-pack with custom art, maybe even the exact way FTC is using it. But they didn't invent the two-pack or multi-pack figure idea. And they didn't create the artwork, they just took existing artwork from DC. And the BIG difference is FTC *paid* to use that artwork. Unless these guys paid DC to use the artwork as well, maybe they did, but I doubt it.

        I still think the 2-packs packaging I've seen here are great and look very nicely-made, but again, it wasn't like the wheel was invented here. If someone had come up with a completely unique process for packaging figures that NO ONE else had used, then that's something. Which is why we have patents, to protect inventors that create unique products. I don't think the 2-pack packaging would pass the test for a patent. Maybe so, but I doubt it.

        Now having said all of that, I do agree that it would be nice for FTC to do something for these guys if for no other reason that because they are apparently well-respected here, on a major collector forum. Maybe they have something in the works, I have no idea.

        I don't mean this to be a slight to anyone that's created any 2-packs. Again all the ones I have seen look great and I get that FTC has said they were inspired by the existing ones that some people had created. I can understand why these guys might want some recognition, but I can also understand why FTC might not want to go that route.


        • ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide
          • Feb 27, 2014
          • 1035

          BTW what does everyone think of the art for the Batman vs Catwoman card, specifically incorporating a comic cover from the Mego era? I was tempted to snag that 2-pack just for the art, and I would definitely grab a Batman vs Two-Face 2-pack down the line if they added an image of Batman 234!


          • Vinny0026
            Year Five!!
            • Jan 26, 2012
            • 3724

            Look not sure if you guys are joking or busting balls so - let me just make this last point.

            I asked Toyroom to make me this Bruce Wayne card - TR picked the art
            its the same art they are using for the CTV 2 pack

            I also Asked TR for a bio on the back
            again he choose the art - I just told him what I wanted

            I say it all the time - these figures are simple customs - brought to full life due to the card art.

            But what you guys don't get is - Fig inc did not get this idea on their own - it was inspired by me and again ask him.
            It was a pure sign of respect when he asked me if he can make them - we are friends. Again he did not need my permission - as I had no say.

            I was glad to see these being made - and I'm glad they are doing so well.

            I have thousands of e mails from me and Anthony - of what parts he should make, colors - even spreadsheet - of tons of research.

            Its not that he saw these at the MM or ebay -
            again I have no rights to produce figures - He does.

            I'm glad to see them come to life - but I'm not like some people here who talk to him when for 2 mins when placing an order
            I talk to him - I have been invited to his factory - though I have not made it there yet.

            Normally I don't care about credit at all.
            And this has nothing to due what they are making.

            But for some remarks here - or the comments that some have posted just ****es me off to be honest.
            You guys can believe what you want. - I know the truth and you all can sit there and guess.

            I'm sure this will come up again in a few waves -
            where I have already seen the finished product.

            Another line inspired by both my customs on toyroom art.
            I will not disclose what it is - as I do not share the pictures they send me. But I'll let you wait till they come out and say it was not inspired by anyone

            and just to beat this fact home
            I have no problem with Anthony or CTV - I'm friends with those guys. I wish them nothing but the best and hope they continue to make more new and great products. At the end of the day I just give them ideas - they have to lay out the money and bring them to life. So at the end of the day to should get the credit as they are taking on the risk and expense.

            My comments are not directed at them but for the few people who think the 2 packs made by me with toyroom art had nothing to do with this
            Last edited by Vinny0026; Apr 11, '14, 9:19 AM.
            "Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?"


            • ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide
              • Feb 27, 2014
              • 1035

              BTW to clarify, I'm not saying that FTC weren't inspired by your work, hell you are saying Anthony called and emailed you repeatedly about it so I'm sure you are telling the truth.

              The only thing I disagree with you on is calling it your or Toyroom's art. Taking DC artwork and putting it on a card, even in an 'original' sequence etc still makes it DC's artwork. FTC is paying to use DC's artwork.

              If others paid to use that same artwork first and FTC is copying the exact sequence etc that others used first, then maybe we have something. Maybe. You said yourself that the art makes the card. That art belongs to DC, right?

              If this was original art that one of you had created that FTC was using, then I could see your point. But again, taking existing art from someone else and re-using it doesn't make it 'your' art. It's still DC. And FTC is paying to use it.

              Sorry, not trying to **** anyone off, just trying to be honest. From your POV, I could see where you would be upset, I just don't see things exactly from your POV. No harm or foul meant.


              • Brown Bear
                Still Old School
                • Feb 14, 2008
                • 7058

                Those posts sound like a passive aggressive way of getting that pat on the back that you weren't looking for.
                Congrats for being so influencial.
                Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


                • VinMan
                  Career Member Mego Maniac
                  • Sep 6, 2012
                  • 1039

                  Let me weigh in - I was half joking when I said Vinny and Toyroom deserved royalties or respect or whatever. Slippery slope? It's all fun.

                  Do I really think they should thank either of these guys on the packaging or whatever? NO

                  Can I see a DIRECT correlation between what is being done by FTC and what Vinny0026 and Toyroom have done? YES

                  I know 2 and 3 packs have been around forever. But they are using Toyrooms actual artwork here (owned by DC - used first by one of our own right here). Imitation is flattery I guess.

                  I will buy them. I will fully support these 2 packs. I had a problem in the past with something from FTC and Anthony talked to me directly and fixed it right away. They are running a great business and I will support them forever.

                  But make no mistake - these packs were inspired by what we all have seen on these boards, right here. It is now being taken to the next level. Vinny and Toyroom could never pump out what FTC is doing in bulk. 100's of 2 packs? FTC will handle it beautifully - from the seed that our own members (and Mego brothers) planted.


                  • ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide
                    • Feb 27, 2014
                    • 1035

                    Originally posted by VinMan
                    But they are using Toyrooms actual artwork here (owned by DC - used first by one of our own right here). Imitation is flattery I guess.
                    No, Toyroom and whoever else used DC's artwork. That would be like you doing several original drawings then I take those with photoshop and create a new scene and call it 'my' artwork.

                    And while I'm not a copyright lawyer, I am pretty sure DC could cause a stink about someone taking their artwork without their permission and making custom packaging. This is why FTC paid the money so they COULD use the artwork.

                    I love the 'custom' cards and backs, but you can't just take someone else's content and use it without permission. It can get you into trouble quickly. If you have permission, that's fine. But if you don't, you are opening yourself up for issues you don't want.


                    • Vinny0026
                      Year Five!!
                      • Jan 26, 2012
                      • 3724

                      Originally posted by Brown Bear
                      Those posts sound like a passive aggressive way of getting that pat on the back that you weren't looking for.
                      Congrats for being so influencial.
                      This one time I will prove a point - If I'm not friends with him and did not speak to them about 2 packs
                      where did this alt art come from?

                      You have no fking clue how influential I have been with them and not just 2 packs. No clue
                      Out of respect for CTV/Fig inc I won't go into detail. Again I have no problems with them or what they are making. Its you guys who think you know what your talking about ... when in fact you do not.

                      But I know the truth -and if you don't know what your talking about - you should keep your mouth shut.
                      Normally I try to keep calm - but sarcasms does not sit well with me - at all.

                      Especially with people you think are brothers and friends.
                      Last edited by Vinny0026; Apr 11, '14, 10:07 AM.
                      "Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?"


                      • jeffbearco
                        Persistent Member
                        • Mar 27, 2011
                        • 1325

                        This convinced me to finally pull the trigger and buy my first DC Mego Repro from FTC. I got the Batman/Bruce Wayne figures since I've mentioned several times that I wanted to see a similar combo. I hope they do more like that. I'd love to at least get the big 3, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

                        I actually have friends that are Wonder Woman collectors so I'd probably buy more than one set for Christmas presents and such. For WW, that would mean some changes in the head at least to do away with the printed tiara for Diana Prince.



                        • rjm118
                          Museum Super Collector
                          • Apr 25, 2012
                          • 174

                          I would say they had to have been 110% influenced by Vinny and The Toyroom.

                          Ive seen those two packs on ebay forever! Ill give them credit at FTC, they are listening to what we want. The price point on the other hand......

                          I ordered the Batman Vs. Catwoman, thought it was the coolest artwork of all 5.


                          • jeffbearco
                            Persistent Member
                            • Mar 27, 2011
                            • 1325

                            As one last nudge on Wonder Woman, I'd much MUCH rather they use the 12 inch figure as a guide instead of the 8 inch figure. The original 8 inch figure would look like CRAP next to the Mattel version.

                            And yes, I am trying to pull this conversation back around to the figures instead of the well vetted controversy. *sigh*

                            For the record, I never saw the 2 packs on ebay but I don't doubt they have shown up before.



                            • VinMan
                              Career Member Mego Maniac
                              • Sep 6, 2012
                              • 1039

                              Originally posted by rjm118
                              I ordered the Batman Vs. Catwoman, thought it was the coolest artwork of all 5.
                              Me too!! Best one!!!!!


                              • sprytel
                                Talkative Member
                                • Jun 26, 2009
                                • 6556

                                I think anybody who has been here for a while recognizes that these were inspired by the beautiful 2-pack cards that you commisioned from the Toyroom.

                                Your posts now make it clear why that is... they didn't rip you off, you asked them to make these. You have a friendship and a collaboration with Fig Inc. Again, I don't think anyone doubts the facts you presented. I think the majority of the MM crowd understands, and I think we all credit you for these sets being made. So I wouldn't get too worked up. Wishing for something more official is probably just begging for a Cease & Desist letter anyhow.

                                I am curious though, and please do not take this as an accusation: Did you discuss this with Toyroom before you asked Fig Inc to make these?

