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Will FTC attend 2014 Toy Fair Feb. 16-19?

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  • ovenmitt
    Persistent Member
    • May 26, 2009
    • 1448

    Will FTC attend 2014 Toy Fair Feb. 16-19?

    I hope so! I want to see new figures and new licenses hopefully like Marvel!
  • Brown Bear
    Still Old School
    • Feb 14, 2008
    • 7058

    To my knowledge FTC has never attended any kind of Toy Fair. Doesn't seem to be there thing.
    Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


    • thunderbolt
      Hi Ernie!!!
      • Feb 15, 2004
      • 34211

      If they ever want to reach a wider audience and get into brick and mortar stores, they need to go.
      You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


      • Bronxboykev
        Permanent Member
        • Mar 7, 2011
        • 3013

        They responded to someone's post on Facebook and said they weren't


        • samurainoir
          Eloquent Member
          • Dec 26, 2006
          • 18758

          Why would they want to court Walmart type brick an mortar when they would just squeeze Figures Toy Co's margins down to the bone, 'cause y'know... they are Walmart.

          We've seen for the past decade that they are long-tail retailers. They have a warehouse facility in Florida and seem happy to sit on product like Happy Days and Knights and Western figures for that amount of time. Once their licences are up, they simply move the product from the Figures website and can still sell via their affiliated retail arm, Classic TV Toys (and even the Wrestling Superstore seems to be converting over to sell this newly licensed product as well).

          Selling direct to the consumer through their websites, amazon and ebay, their margins are much much higher and it's more lucrative for them. They wholesale to some of the largest online retailers such as Entertainment Earth and BigBadToystore. They have brick and mortar distribution across North America and potentially the world via Diamond.

          If there are any other retailers that want this product, they know where to find them. Toyfair is a huge expense to mount for a toy company that isn't Mattel or Hasbro, and if you don't need to and your marketing budget is better spent elsewhere, why bother with it?
          Last edited by samurainoir; Jan 2, '14, 10:24 AM.
          My store in the MEGO MALL!



          • Astronut
            Veteran Member
            • Sep 21, 2010
            • 360

            Originally posted by samurainoir
            Why would they want to court Walmart type brick an mortar when they would just squeeze Figures Toy Co's margins down to the bone, 'cause y'know... they are Walmart.
            Uh, yeah. Um, no. There's a reason everyone wants in Walmart, it's called mass quantity. If FTC got in there, the company would be hitting a veritable jackpot.

            Everything else you said I do agree with, though.


            • samurainoir
              Eloquent Member
              • Dec 26, 2006
              • 18758

              Originally posted by Astronut
              Uh, yeah. Um, no. There's a reason everyone wants in Walmart, it's called mass quantity. If FTC got in there, the company would be hitting a veritable jackpot.

              Everything else you said I do agree with, though.
              I've got an uncle running electronics factories out of China right now who would disagree... the amount of product they need to manufacture and the effort needed to meet Walmart demand while Walmart continually squeeze his margins down close to non-existence using threats of going elsewhere in the world (that would make China's working conditions look like paradise). That model of doing business is not looking too peachy, and again relative to apples and oranges, isn't necessarily the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow IMHO.

              ReMegos are probably best served as a niche right now given that it is aimed primarily at an aging nostalgia driven collectors hobby, that don't have the population density of boomers nor post boomers. Sure everyone wants Batman, Robin and The Joker, but that second wave in a mass market retail outlet like Walmart of Toys R Us? i honestly don't think there are any kids out there that would want anything to do with the Secret Identities figures (they are only prized because of their status amongst collectors) unless they come with a Batman outfit to change into, and no kid would want an Alfred figure for that matter. Penguin was the peg warmer back in the day wasn't he? He might very well be so again if they produced in Walmart quantities (witness Luthor and Sinestro for Matty). And the "girl" figure of Catwoman stocked in the "boys" aisles? In the most obscure costume that nobody past the age of 40 would recognize on top of that. Bad Idea.

              But that's just my armchair quarterback opinion, and believe me, I would love to be proven wrong about how much ReMego can successfully saturate the market (for very selfish reasons).
              Last edited by samurainoir; Jan 2, '14, 11:58 AM.
              My store in the MEGO MALL!


