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New MOTU Origins and Masterverse pre-orders tomorrow.

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  • Dannyc
    Museum Patron
    • Feb 6, 2023
    • 101

    Just waiting for the Tri-Klops reissue to go up for preorder and I can call it a day on Origins (not too interested any Motu past 1984). For whatever reason, the aftermarket prices were crazy for that figure. So itll be great to finally get the Origins version.


    • jacoblb
      Persistent Member
      • May 7, 2009
      • 1135

      Looks like I'm getting Skeletor & VeeFriend after all. Wife is ordering now. I assumed that ship had sailed, but nope, I put a reminder in my phone calendar.


      • Jrfjr126rock
        Veteran Member
        • Feb 23, 2008
        • 356

        I wasn't a big fan at first with the Origins line but have really liked some of the figures that have come out. I am super excited for the Filmation style figures. They look amazing so far from the prototypes and it seems Teela's bodice is slimmer which is one change I was looking for the female figures. The previous ones seemed block shaped.

        I am very glad we got the Sun-Man figures and I am hoping we get more Princess of Power figures in Bow, Glimmer, Entrapta, Catra and Imp. I also don't think it will happen but I hope we get Netossa. Fun fact, she was the only female figure I had in MOTU growing up besides She-Ra so I am impartial.


        • Werewolf
          • Jul 14, 2003
          • 14638

          Originally posted by Jrfjr126rock
          I am hoping we get more Princess of Power figures in Bow, Glimmer, Entrapta, Catra and Imp. I also don't think it will happen but I hope we get Netossa. Fun fact, she was the only female figure I had in MOTU growing up besides She-Ra so I am impartial.
          I think we have a better chance now with the cartoon collection. Toy Habits has claimed She-Ra and Bow have been tooled for the cartoon collection. She-Ra & Bow Coming to MOTU Origins Cartoon Collection 2024 ( It's hopeful but I would treat it as just a rumor for now.​
          You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


          • KingKickass1983
            Career Member
            • Jan 19, 2019
            • 634

            Anyone else saw that Duplico was available for pre-order on mattel's site? I managed to nab one...fingers crossed I actually get it.

            Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..


            • KingKickass1983
              Career Member
              • Jan 19, 2019
              • 634

              Anyone else saw that Duplico was available for pre-order on mattel's site? I managed to nab one...fingers crossed I actually get it.

              Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..


              • jacoblb
                Persistent Member
                • May 7, 2009
                • 1135

                I learned Duplico was listed too late at MC's website. As a matter of coincidence I did learn the day it was listed, but it had long sold out. I wrote to Mattel asking that they consider a preorder as I missed it and have never seen one in store. Targets in my neck of the woods have the new Rulers of the Sun 3 pack. Silly thing is, I had preordered it and it kept getting pushed back by My order remained unfulfilled but at least stores near me have them and there are quite a bit. I'm gonna take a gamble and see if they'll wind up on clearance rather than spend $50. Got the Origins Mossman at a Wal-Mart and paid full price. Only 1 of the 3 WMs I go to have them. He's a pegwarmer and I bet it's because the cost is too high.


                • KingKickass1983
                  Career Member
                  • Jan 19, 2019
                  • 634

                  Originally posted by jacoblb
                  I learned Duplico was listed too late at MC's website. As a matter of coincidence I did learn the day it was listed, but it had long sold out. I wrote to Mattel asking that they consider a preorder as I missed it and have never seen one in store. Targets in my neck of the woods have the new Rulers of the Sun 3 pack. Silly thing is, I had preordered it and it kept getting pushed back by My order remained unfulfilled but at least stores near me have them and there are quite a bit. I'm gonna take a gamble and see if they'll wind up on clearance rather than spend $50. Got the Origins Mossman at a Wal-Mart and paid full price. Only 1 of the 3 WMs I go to have them. He's a pegwarmer and I bet it's because the cost is too high.
                  The only reason I was able to get Duplico was because a youtuber who goes by Pixeldan posted it on twitter. So I got lucky.

                  I'm probably going to hold off on the new 3 pack too, they don't seem to be selling at full price at all.

                  Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..


                  • Jrfjr126rock
                    Veteran Member
                    • Feb 23, 2008
                    • 356

                    The new Cartoon Collection figures look amazing. Teela's head sculpt looks better than the Super7 one even. I really hope we get the usual suspects including She-Ra in Cartoon collection but also I hope we get some new characters like Melaktha, Catra, Entrapta, Shokoti, Lord Masque, etc.


                    • KingKickass1983
                      Career Member
                      • Jan 19, 2019
                      • 634

                      I just purchased the Target Sun-man three pack today at $30. I'm glad I waited.

                      Now I just have to wait for Duplico to arrive in the mail and my Rulers of the Sun sub-set will be complete!

                      Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..

