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NYCC Comic Con 18 Stuff

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  • hedrap
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 10, 2009
    • 4825

    NYCC Comic Con 18 Stuff

    DC Diamond Select

    Lots of statues, busts and Vinimates from DC Comics, movies and TV series by Diamond Select Toys at New York Comic-Con 2018. Batman Classic TV Busts Alfred Pennyworth Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson DC Animated Premier Collection Statues Harley Quinn's Holiday Harley Quinn DC Movie Gallery PVC Statue Dark Knight Returns - Bane Dark Knight Returns...

    Habro Marvel Legends - Possibly the best Kingpin figure, ever

    Here are the 6" scale Marvel Legends on display by Hasbro from New York Comic-Con 2018. Included are: Marvel Comics Deadpol with Dogpool & Squirrelpool on Scooter Professor X with Hover Chair Hydra Soldier Caliban - Build-A-Figure Kingpin Arnim Zola & Supreme Leader 2-Pack Beta Ray Bill Kraven vs Symbiote Suit Spider-Man 2-Pack Red Goblin...

    Super7 He-Man and She-Ra Filmation

    Super 7 debuted some new items at New York Comic-Con 2018. They are releasing Masters of the Universe Filmation Ultimate Figures and new figures based on the Netflix She-Ra cartoon. They also had other MOTU, ReAction and more on display. Masters of the Universe Club Grayskull Ultimate Filmation He-Man Ultimate Filmation Skeletor She-Ra Grizzlor Mantenna...

    SH Monster Arts - Godzilla & Gamera

    This mixed gallery contains everything else we photographed from Tamashii Nations at New York comic-Con 2018. Includes Disney, Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, Harry Potter, and S.H. MonsterArts. Harry Potter S.H. Figuarts Harry Potter Ron Weasly Hermoine Granger Mickey Mouse FiguartsZERO Steamboat Willie Modern 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's Naruto FiguartsZERO Minato Namikaze Naruto Uzumaki Kakashi Hatake Cowboy...

    Mezco 1:12 - Marvel, DC and Kong

    Here's our gallery of the Mezco Toys One:12 Collective and King Kong from New York Comic-Con 2018. Marvel Thor: Ragnarok - Hela Thor: Ragnarok - Gladiator Thor Thor: Ragnarok - Gladiator Hulk Netflix - Daredevil Netflix - Daredevil Season 1 Costume Netflix - The Punisher Black Bolt and Lockjaw Ghost Rider and Bike Magneto Logan...

    No Mego presence. You can thank NYCC bosses for that.
  • Blue Meanie
    Talkative Member
    • Jun 23, 2001
    • 8706

    Yeah...NYCC is not something I ever want to attend again. $50 just to get in the door. For basically SDCC lite. Way too much flash and not enough substance. My last one was 2 years ago. I enjoyed the hell out of Artist Alley...but the main floor was just a no go as far actually buying anything that I can't get cheaper anywhere else. I understand having to pay for the booths...but give me something that might be worth looking at and possibly buying...and they just don't have it at NYCC. East Coast Comic Con and Baltimore are the ways to go in my opinion.
    "When not too many people can see we're all the same
    And because of all their tears,
    Their eyes can't hope to see
    The beauty that surrounds them
    Isn't it a pity".

    - "Isn't It A Pity"
    By George Harrison

    My Good Buyers/Sellers/Traders list:
    Good Traders List - Page 80 - Mego Talk


    • Boris71
      GeekBot' For Life
      • May 13, 2007
      • 712

      isn't that the shadow king not kingpin? I know he was in the new x-men comic recently
      Check out my Electronic Mag here Psycho Styrene Modeling Magazine


      • Mego Newbie14
        Veteran Member
        • Jul 25, 2018
        • 305

        Shadow King head comes with professor x in hoverchair. Can pop it on the kingpin b.a.f.


        • EmergencyIan
          Museum Paramedic
          • Aug 31, 2005
          • 5470

          I went to NYCC Comic Con about 5 years ago. While it was ok, I wasn’t impressed. It was so jam packed with people that you were headed through each aisle like cattle. It was difficult to stop at any particular table on the main floor. If you dared to stop, you were so crowded and felt so rushed that you couldn’t even think, much less buy anything. It was an expensive day for a stampede.

          - Ian
          Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


          • rykerw1701
            Persistent Member
            • Aug 27, 2007
            • 1033

            Wizard World does a good show in Philly, and a lot of guys come down from the NYC area because of the reasons cited above. It's much more manageable and still sizable enough to get some good artists and speakers. Of course there are still times when you wonder if they've ever done this before with some organizational issues, but I suppose that happens when you've got mostly volunteers working the show.


            • palitoy
              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
              • Jun 16, 2001
              • 59649

              Originally posted by Blue Meanie
              Yeah...NYCC is not something I ever want to attend again. $50 just to get in the door. For basically SDCC lite. Way too much flash and not enough substance. My last one was 2 years ago. I enjoyed the hell out of Artist Alley...but the main floor was just a no go as far actually buying anything that I can't get cheaper anywhere else. I understand having to pay for the booths...but give me something that might be worth looking at and possibly buying...and they just don't have it at NYCC. East Coast Comic Con and Baltimore are the ways to go in my opinion.
              That's how i feel at the FanExpo in Toronto, it's expensive to exhibit so you see $200 Captain Kirk dolls.

              My kids however, are in heaven.
              Places to find PlaidStallions online:

              Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


              • melstapler
                Museum Super Collector
                • Aug 2, 2014
                • 198

                The Mezco 1:12 Dr. Strange NYCC exclusive for this year looks great, because it uses the design of his first appearance costume. I have one on order, but didn't bite on the Ronin Wolverine/Logan. It really does look great in the photos, hopefully I can still find one at an affordable price.


                • Nostalgiabuff
                  Muddling through
                  • Oct 4, 2008
                  • 11406

                  Originally posted by EmergencyIan
                  I went to NYCC Comic Con about 5 years ago. While it was ok, I wasn’t impressed. It was so jam packed with people that you were headed through each aisle like cattle. It was difficult to stop at any particular table on the main floor. If you dared to stop, you were so crowded and felt so rushed that you couldn’t even think, much less buy anything. It was an expensive day for a stampede.

                  - Ian
                  same here, went 6 years ago and would never go back. they cram far too many people in there. if there was ever an emergency like a fire or terrorist attack, people would be trampled to death


                  • EmergencyIan
                    Museum Paramedic
                    • Aug 31, 2005
                    • 5470

                    Originally posted by Nostalgiabuff
                    same here, went 6 years ago and would never go back. they cram far too many people in there. if there was ever an emergency like a fire or terrorist attack, people would be trampled to death
                    Yeah, you’re right. Awfully expensive price of admission for those poor conditions. My brother-in-law wanted to go, so we stayed for a few hours, but I was sure happy to get out of there.

                    - Ian
                    Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?

