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Video on the current and future state of Star Wars merchandise.

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  • MeWantMegos
    Museum Super Collector
    • Apr 4, 2010
    • 169

    The video was interesting. Amazing to see all those SW toys.

    The audio was frustrating. Like many of you I was put off by many of his comments towards women and people of color. I also think he jumps to too many conclusions. How long have those items been on the shelves? Were they just placed there a day before he came. Did he return post the holidays to see if they were still there. The Target I went too had very few figures left.

    Having said that...he's probably right that there's probably more merchandise than consumers are demanding. But I have no idea. Are toy figures sales listed somewhere?

    It's also possible that the kind of SW collectibles has changed. While I'm primarily interested in kids prefer Legos.

    How does Steve Sansweet - the number one SW collector - handle all this? Does he still buy one of each action figure? Or has he slowed down?


    • huedell
      Museum Ball Eater
      • Dec 31, 2003
      • 11069

      Originally posted by MeWantMegos
      The audio was frustrating. Like many of you I was put off by many of his comments towards women and people of color.
      I still haven't heard anyone give a legitimate example of this.

      I am put off by that.

      CrimsonGhost gave a time period, but not a quote, to make a point similar to yours.

      I just let that slide, and made a reply because I thought asking for the words was a bit much. But then you reiterated Crimson's sentiment. Because of this, I'm curious what in that guy's stupid video was a negative comment towards women and people of color.

      Seriously, if there was any legitimate example, I'll apologize. Its just, in this current climate, I find myself truly confused at what constitutes inappropriate commenting regarding gender and race.

      Maybe if I hear the exact inappropriate comments, I can learn something positive.
      "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


      • enyawd72
        Maker of Monsters!
        • Oct 1, 2009
        • 7904

        Originally posted by huedell
        I still haven't heard anyone give a legitimate example of this.

        I am put off by that.

        CrimsonGhost gave a time period, but not a quote, to make a point similar to yours.

        I just let that slide, and made a reply because I thought asking for the words was a bit much. But then you reiterated Crimson's sentiment. Because of this, I'm curious what in that guy's stupid video was a negative comment towards women and people of color.

        Seriously, if there was any legitimate example, I'll apologize. Its just, in this current climate, I find myself truly confused at what constitutes inappropriate commenting regarding gender and race.

        Maybe if I hear the exact inappropriate comments, I can learn something positive.
        I don't get it either. Some people may not like the guy's tone, but some of his points are valid. I was just in Target last night...there were 23 "Last Jedi" figures on the pegs and 19 of them were Rose Tico...LOL Yep. She SURE is popular. People aren't buying her because the character sucked, and the figure looks like little girl wearing diarrhea soaked coveralls, not because she's an Asian woman. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of social justice warriors are out there telling everyone they MUST like Rose Tico BECAUSE she's an Asian woman, and if they don't like her, it's because they're racist or sexist.

        It's all pretty ridiculous.

        On the plus side though I did score a sweet 12" scale Yoda for $10...yay!


        • PNGwynne
          Master of Fowl Play
          • Jun 5, 2008
          • 19484

          Originally posted by huedell
          I still haven't heard anyone give a legitimate example of this.

          I am put off by that.

          CrimsonGhost gave a time period, but not a quote, to make a point similar to yours.

          I just let that slide, and made a reply because I thought asking for the words was a bit much. But then you reiterated Crimson's sentiment. Because of this, I'm curious what in that guy's stupid video was a negative comment towards women and people of color.

          Seriously, if there was any legitimate example, I'll apologize. Its just, in this current climate, I find myself truly confused at what constitutes inappropriate commenting regarding gender and race.

          Maybe if I hear the exact inappropriate comments, I can learn something positive.

          I'm not going to direct quote this guy's commentary, it was bad enough listening a second time to note his bizarre definition of marketing and sarcastic tirades. But:

          2:30 inaccurate and glib
          5:25 bias
          7:20 bias
          15:45 the meltdown
          17:30 yech
          21:40 personal opinion and entitlement posing as fact
          31:00 nerd elitism
          32:15 let's close with a bit of casual homophobia

          There probably is too much SW merchandise, but IMO this guy has a rather disgusting way of commenting on it.
          WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


          • huedell
            Museum Ball Eater
            • Dec 31, 2003
            • 11069

            Originally posted by PNGwynne
            I'm not going to direct quote this guy's commentary, it was bad enough listening a second time to note his bizarre definition of marketing and sarcastic tirades.
            Well, its appreciated. I truly meant what I said (regarding wanting to hear examples).

            And you have not only satiated some of my (infinite) curiosity, but you’ve given me an opportunity to give more shape to my stances that, while some (unfortunately) view as malicious, are really just another valid side to the same coin.

            This is a reality I’m learning to accept as I brace myself for my late-40s.

            I think all our hearts are in the right places… its just that we come from different places.

            Yet, we have to live in the same place.

            And that’s where the challenge begins.

            As far as inaccuracy of sales numbers for Rey/Finn/Jyn, I’m going to take your word for it. Obviously me going: “Where are the numbers?” is taking this too far. You’ve already expended enough energy on this. And, hey, seriously, why shouldn’t I trust you.

            As for as “sexism” and “racism” in there? I’m assuming that when you note “bias” in your list, that elements of race/gender are the core of the bias being referred to.

            To be more specific, I see what you guy/gals that have race/gender issues with this guy are hanging your hats on…

            And that’s his “People say its sexist/racist not to enjoy Rey/Finn” observation.

            I mean, otherwise, him having a sexist/racist agenda is based on pure speculation.

            So (if I’m understanding correctly), the guy is speaking with a sexist/racist tone in that:

            He has the (biased) sales assessments he has, and that is combined with his claim of not being sexist or racist. And this approach of his? That's what is off-putting (even offensive) to certain people.

            At 15:45 (what you term “the meltdown”) he goes on about disliking Rey… and takes a jab which you found particularly “yech” at 17:30. And with that? If you’re looking for sexism… I suppose you can make the case using the angle I diagrammed above.

            But, personally that seems like a dangerous jump. I mean, if that’s the kind of logic that we all should use, I’d think we’d be setting ourselves up for some unwarranted grief. Just my opinion.

            With time/place taken into consideration, I suppose the more helpful/pertinent thing worth pointing out is that the guy’s attitude when speaking on Rey, Finn or Jyn might very well be (and seems to be) born entirely out of a dislike of the new movies (and extreme passion the Original Trilogy) rather than a problem with females or races.

            ****SPOILER****LAST JEDI****SPOILER****
            Like, at 9:57 you can tell he really loves that (as far he knows at this point, non-new films) Yoda character! Hopefully, he'll be happy with his cameo.
            ****END SPOILER****LAST JEDI****SPOILER****

            As well as at 12:45 with AT-ST thing… again, this comment has everything to do with the guy’s (obviously deep) passion for the Original Trilogy and not gender/race.

            I cite his (IMHO) sincere comment at 28:03 in support of the Lando character. Its at this point in the video that he also indicates that he isn’t White. Not sure if y’all caught that.

            And how about his disdain for the Loopin’ Chewie game? The guy gets quite sarcastic regarding the thing… and Chewie’s an Original Trilogy character, and, while not being a white male Chewie is neither female nor (Black/ Asian/ Hispanic).

            Well, maybe he’s an Anti-Wookite.

            At 21:40 you cite personal opinion. Well, “personal opinion” and even being “glib” seems to be the method for most of these video editorials. And, I suppose if one has an issue with that alone, then, its no big deal, right?

            I mean, just because someone is opinionated and glib isn’t enough alone to get offended… what’s key is what is being discussed, and all I hear there is more “I hate Rey” stuff. i'm still going with my assumption that this more disdain for the new flicks than sexism.

            You also mentioned “entitlement posing as fact” That I did not detect. I’m curious what you meant by that. But, again, you’ve already went above & beyond providing your list. So...

            At 31:00 you noted “nerd elitism”. I suppose.

            But, then again, there’s some practical logic in Disney caring more about numbers than the independent filmmaker that was George Lucas.

            The guy follows that at 32:20 with quite a bit of “nerd humility”. I cite this not to support what I see as his skewed theories, but to show that maybe this guy isn't as big a jerk as one might think after all.

            During that rant (at 32:15) you noted “casual homophobia”… but that really stymies me… I mean, if you’re going to make that throwaway phrase something “homophobic”, wouldn’t that also have to count as “misogyny”?

            My personal opinion is that it counts as neither.

            Because its only offensive if you make it so. And why torture yourself?

            Originally posted by PNGwynne
            There probably is too much SW merchandise, but IMO this guy has a rather disgusting way of commenting on it.
            Well, as I mentioned above, I think he's off... and I think he's off in just about every point he made.

            He sounds like a guy who just improvises stuff with no business experience or data, and thinks he's some kind of market expert regardless.

            What was more intriguing about his video was the comments made in this thread that his video inspired.

            Lucky for us I’m a fan of these newer movies, so even if my opinion regarding your opinion conflicts with yours, I’d assume that takes a bit of the “bite” away.

            Actually, I’m thinking that if I didn’t like the new movies to the extent that I do, I wouldn’t even feel comfortable going this deep into this. It would likely be just too contentious for this particular message board community.

            Rock on!
            "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


            • enyawd72
              Maker of Monsters!
              • Oct 1, 2009
              • 7904

              ^That was a great, very well thought out post.

              I still agree with a lot of what the guy in the video said, though certainly some of it could've been said better. As I stated local Target had 23 figures on the pegs, 19 of which were Rose Tico. (And that was spread across three different lines...the 5 P.O.A., 3.75" and 6" Black Series) Based on that, one can speculate she's either the most popular Star Wars character ever, or nobody likes her. I'm going with the latter. Is it because she's Asian? I highly doubt it. Is it because she was a throwaway character in the film and her figure is atrocious? Definitely.
              Having said that...we are talking about fictional characters. Some fictional characters are great. Some aren't. That's just reality. People also have different likes and dislikes. That's also reality. When we as a society start pushing the idea that one must like everything regardless of quality or their own preferences, we are on a slippery slope. If someone doesn't care for Swamp Thing, it doesn't mean they hate plants. If someone can't stand Rocket Raccoon, it doesn't mean they abuse animals, and if someone doesn't like Rose Tico, it doesn't make them racist or sexist.

              That's just my two cents.


              • Werewolf
                • Jul 14, 2003
                • 14623

                Originally posted by PNGwynne
                I'm not going to direct quote this guy's commentary, it was bad enough listening a second time to note his bizarre definition of marketing and sarcastic tirades.
                Spot on analysis. The guy clearly has some issues. My feeling is, if your hobby is making you that angry it's time to step back and reflect. I disliked the 5 Michael Bay Transformers movies but they didn't cause me to stomp around TRU in some creepy rage. I was like "Wow, those movies really suck. I guess I wont buy the toys." and that was the end of it.
                You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                • huedell
                  Museum Ball Eater
                  • Dec 31, 2003
                  • 11069

                  Originally posted by Werewolf
                  Spot on analysis.
                  If you have one way of interpreting things.

                  Originally posted by Werewolf
                  The guy clearly has some issues.
                  I spent quite a bit of time explaining how it isn't so clear. I'm offended you aren't acknowledging that.

                  See how easy it is to manufacture outrage?

                  Originally posted by Werewolf
                  My feeling is, if your hobby is making you that angry it's time to step back and reflect.
                  But, is he really "that" angry? Sounds like he was just venting, to me. But, that's just my feeling on his ranting.

                  Originally posted by Werewolf
                  I disliked the 5 Michael Bay Transformers movies but they didn't cause me to stomp around TRU in some creepy rage.
                  Then you, my fellow nerd, are not as interesting as that gentleman.

                  Originally posted by Werewolf
                  I was like "Wow, those movies really suck. I guess I wont buy the toys." and that was the end of it.
                  Yeah, but you weren't making YouTube channel content.

                  The guy was making a video for YouTube which implies that he was (if only a bit) performing for his audience, while also venting his disappointment with Force Awakens, etc..

                  My justification for pointing these things out is my attempt to diagram other ways a guy like this could be interpreted.

                  But I'm not doing this to change your own opinion on interpreting his intent. I mean... your assumption could be spot-on correct.

                  I find it troubling that there are people on this message board who have their mind made up that this guy's words were unequivocally offensive. This is a recipe for the kind of communication breakdown so rampant these days.

                  So, I'm diagramming alternate interpretations of his rant because that simple process logically enables those people that were offended by his rant to not have to be irritated. Reason being: Alternate interpretations show that there's no way to definitively know what his actual intent was, let alone if one should take offense to it. So, then why bother being offended?

                  Tell me... Should I just abandon such logic?

                  Should I instead just allow people their feelings, as destructive to themselves and others as I see such a thing?


                  "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                  • enyawd72
                    Maker of Monsters!
                    • Oct 1, 2009
                    • 7904

                    ^The sad fact one can say anything anymore without offending someone, regardless of truth or intent.
                    And far too many people view anyone with an opinion different from their own as "the enemy".


                    • PNGwynne
                      Master of Fowl Play
                      • Jun 5, 2008
                      • 19484

                      Hue, if you can't suss how 32:15 is homophobic, I certainly won't try to explain it to you--not even in a PM.

                      I think the videographer's biases are pretty apparent, apart from a concern for SW toys themselves. He could have done a more objective analysis, but he either chose not to or couldn't help himself. Whatever. For me, his video and argument are less compelling because of his tone and the baggage he brings with it.

                      And BTW, no-one here is my enemy, even when terms like "SJW" are thrown about lol.
                      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                      • spockoda
                        Museum Super Collector
                        • Jan 14, 2018
                        • 198

                        As soon as Disney came out with the 5 poa 3.75" figure 2 packs in 2013 or around that year I had a bad feeling. I probably agreed with most of what the guy said. Even if the prequels weren't your thing, I CARED about Obi-Wan, Anakin, etc. I will admit I have no emotional attachment to Poe, Finn, Kylo, or Rey. I don't hate them but I really don't know if I would have even seen these movies if not for Han, Luke, etc. being in them. It's sad but I feel like as soon as Disney took over on the merchandise, that was the beginning of the end. The quality dropped and prices soared. Not a good startegy. I would rather buy 3.75" figures from the prequels than any from the new movies, minus the original Star Wars characters. I just get a sense Disney paid 4 billion for Lucasfilm and they want to earn there money back NOW. I used to think of the figures and the movies as kind of going hand in hand, until Disney took over. Sad.


                        • danadoll
                          Micronaut Nut!
                          • Apr 11, 2005
                          • 1840

                          All Hasbro's far as many Star Wars toys are concerned. Too many nobody characters packed in each case, crappy articulation, bland and/or awful scupts and outrageous pricing.
                          Last edited by danadoll; Mar 9, '18, 9:42 AM.
                          "Do you want a doll?" Kurt


                          • enyawd72
                            Maker of Monsters!
                            • Oct 1, 2009
                            • 7904

                            Originally posted by danadoll
                            All Hasbro's far as many Star Wars toys are concerned. Too many nobody characters packed in each case, crappy articulation, bland and/or awful scupts and outrageous pricing.
                            Yep. How many Rose Ticos you want in her diarrhea colored jumpsuit? My Wal-Mart has about 50 of her left. I don't know why...she's SOOOOOO empowering and important and relevant.


                            • The Batman Professor
                              Veteran Member
                              • Jul 15, 2010
                              • 359

                              A million different hunks of plastic, but we can’t get affordable 1/6 Hasbro figures with cloth costumes. My wife and I have one of each character on display from episodes 1-6, BUT we refuse to display those atrocious $9.99 figures, or $200 HT/SS. Kylo Renn isn’t worth two bills, IMO.
                              sigpicSWEAR TO ME!


                              • palitoy
                                live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                                • Jun 16, 2001
                                • 59278

                                Originally posted by enyawd72
                                Yep. How many Rose Ticos you want in her diarrhea colored jumpsuit? My Wal-Mart has about 50 of her left. I don't know why...she's SOOOOOO empowering and important and relevant.
                                Yeah we need more guys like this!

                                Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                                Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:

