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Why Hasbro Star Wars Should Call it Quits!

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  • Prime316
    New Member
    • Jan 10, 2008
    • 6

    Not to continue this argument anymore but I must respond some,

    BlackKnight so your saying because someone goes to Target at 8 in the morning (which is the only time a "COLLECTOR" has to goo to beat the "SCALPERS" at least in my area) but you're saying because we HAVE TO GO AT 8 just to simply get the new stuff, that we're automatically PREJUDICED into that "ebay scalper" category? Well it's good to know there's still prejudice people and bigots working out there to automatically judge me based on what time I go to the store. What ever happened to "Judge not, lest ye be judged?".
    But it doesn't surprise me if they work at Target. Neither does anyone who has a wife working inside Target so they can get things right away to scalp. Not saying that anyone here does that. And I'm sorry if you RUN into the stores (which is truly childish) to get the new stuff, but neither I, nor GrayHank do. So please don't just ASSUME that just because we're there that early that we go running to the aisles.

    Even IF we were scalpers what right is it of YOURS or ANYONE ELSE who works at a retail store to judge us and discriminate against!? Your JOB as a retail employee is too SELL product to the customers! To PLEASE the customers and make them SATISFIED so they want to come back to the store in the future! (And when I worked retail there were scalpers that came in that I didn't care much for, but I still DID MY JOB and sold product to them no different than a non-collector) LISTEN CLOSELY TARGET! NO store employee has the right to decide to sell or not to sell something to us because we are a collector, scalper, or a paraplegic midget circus FREAK! AND NO employee has the right to tell a customer not to ask again or they'll ban you from the store, DEREK!

    AS AMERICANS with the RIGHT to Freedom Of Speech, we can say "STOP THE STAR WARS LINE!" ALL WE WANT! Who's gonna stop us? YOU!? HA! I hardly doubt that. That would require leaving your houses for something other than to find new product & food. Or for many of you, leaving your mothers houses/basements period.
    Forums we're created so people could, as "misterdroid" so eloquently put it, "***** about this kind of stuff." To voice their opinions, be heard, and/or find other people to connect with who feel the same way.

    As for kids, kids want EVERYTHING, so Not Sorry to say, but most don't really care what they get at the store as long as they get something. Now there are a very few that actually "know" what they want. But generally they want anything other kids think or will think is cool. No one was disputing Hasbro marketing to kids, we're simply saying they direct more towards the adult collector. How many kids out there even know about (let alone have the means of buying) most internet, convention & store exclusives? Those are all directed at the adult collector. Half of what SW Hasbro puts out are exclusives! And before someone gets all butthurt and feels the need to correct me, I know Hasbro's SW product is not literally half exclusives, I was being facetious.

    And if I've been at all over-the-top, well boys, Sorry 'Bout Yo Damn Luck!
    Last edited by Prime316; Mar 12, '08, 3:53 PM.


    • jwyblejr
      galactic yo-yo
      • Apr 6, 2006
      • 11145

      What I don't understand is why now with the backlash? Battle Packs have been around since Revenge of the Sith came out. How many of the same figure or vehicle has Hasbro done more than once? It's not like it's anything new.


      • huedell
        Museum Ball Eater
        • Dec 31, 2003
        • 11069

        And if I've been at all over-the-top, well boys, Sorry 'Bout Yo Damn Luck!

        The gentleman that started the thread, grayhank, has always been cool with debates
        and discussion and I, in turn, have tried to be that way as well---
        (and will take my lashings when its pointed out to me that I'm being disrespectful
        and appropriately humble myself----and now MY pointing is at you Prime)

        This thread BASED off of grayhanks opinion turned out to be one of our more
        "divergent" issues and/or debates---and its been an invigorating discussion getting
        to the bottom of this split way of thinking....mostly because I was once a
        very simillar collector to grayhank

        In addition, I believe that in this "heated" thread both grayhank and I have acted with
        great decorum as has BK and everyone else -----except you Prime316

        And you know what? If the translation of "butthurt" to you means that your
        attitude has turned me off to addressing (or even CARING about) the actual
        issue and points you're trying to make....well ----my butt be a' hurtin'

        Cheers----and good luck with your toy collecting.
        Last edited by huedell; Mar 12, '08, 2:12 PM.
        "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


        • huedell
          Museum Ball Eater
          • Dec 31, 2003
          • 11069

          Originally posted by grayhank
          Thank you! You have reinforced my point entirely. Those larger playsets and vehicles are more expensive and are usually made as exclusives in limited numbers aimed at collectors because kids aren't likely to have $50.00 to spend. The battle pack pictured consists of five figures that have already been mass produced during a movie year, kids most likely already own all the figures in it. So what's the point in even making it? It's leftover mass produced carded figures that retailers could not sell and returned to Hasbro. Hasbro rehashes the figures into the battle pack in an attempt to still make money off of the excess product.
          Excuse me, but "What?"

          You're faulting HASBRO because they are trying to find the best way to
          make a buck and squeeze as much profit as they can out of their overstock?

          If you were in their shoes---and didn't makre the same decisions, people
          would question your business acumen for sure.

          Brian, near the start of the thread, said he "saw this coming" and "got out
          of it" as a smoker quits smoking.

          Who's the one making the smoker buy cigarettes? The companies don't have
          a gun to smokers' heads.

          And when a smoker finally decides to quit smoking...they do it by merely "quitting"--
          -not by taking the whole industry (company) down with 'em.

          I'm an alcoholic...and do stupid things while drinking....
          ---I guess its Budweiser's fault because they make available all that
          tasty beer? Of course not.

          But, really, forget the "smoking" and "drinking" metaphors
          because I was once in Brian's (et al) shoes regarding this very action figure
          we're talking about.
          And I just quit---and I kept all my stuff because it wasn't threatening my
          psyche in any way to keep the stuff. In fact, I consider myself
          better for it because these are all cool toys----

          BUT, cool as they are---- when the "economic reality" came crashing down--
          -I didn't feel an intense, irrational need to COLLECT 'EM ALL

          The problem that was stated originally by grayhank ---- it all
          stems from obsessive behavior and demands on the buyers' part.
          That's it.

          Let's say you guys wishing for the end of the line have your way...

          Then that's it.

          No more additions to a great line---and all because a group of obsessive
          collectors were angry that Hasbro was trying to do good business by
          getting rid of overstock and making use of their molds etc.

          Last edited by huedell; Mar 12, '08, 2:34 PM.
          "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


          • jds1911a1
            Alan Scott is the best GL
            • Aug 8, 2007
            • 3556

            Originally posted by grayhank
            The battle pack pictured consists of five figures that have already been mass produced during a movie year, kids most likely already own all the figures in it. So what's the point in even making it? It's leftover mass produced carded figures that retailers could not sell and returned to Hasbro. Hasbro rehashes the figures into the battle pack in an attempt to still make money off of the excess product.
            because kids age out every few years. actaully it isn't leftovers/returns at all they produce the stuff for battle packs new (often using existing molds to maximise profit). as far as hasbro is concerned once a retailer buys the stuff it's their problem to sell it or resell to a store like big lots and KB (hence why TRU walmarts and targets sometimes have figures from prior years still on the shelves 18 months later.


            • raider5gt
              Museum Tree Cutter
              • Nov 25, 2007
              • 1911

              Hasbro is a business so if it has overstock they would put it into something else like all business's do.I have been collecting Star Wars 3 3/4 inch figures since 1995 and i am guilty of trying to get them all

              Back to the thread,i dont think Hasbro should call it quits,they have done a good job on the 30th Anniversary figures,there are a few new figures in this range,such as Darth Malik,Darth Revan,Hermi Odle,Ellis Helrot and so on,the McQuarrie concept figures are a nice change too.

              Yes they re-release the figures in different packs but at the end of the day its up to the individual to make the choice to purchase or not.Just my 2 pence worth


              Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


              • Seeker
                Neptunians RULE!
                • Feb 20, 2008
                • 1954

                Now I've seen stores like Walmart carry the special multi pkgs. 2 single carded figures merged into one pkg. And yes that is usually a way to get rid of overstock. Usually its at a special lower price.

                Most Battle packs i'd like to point out have at least 1 or 2 new sculpt figures or several different assessories. In addition to the few old figures.

                Its not like they are totally screwing you reusing the same old figures over and over just to ring a buck out of you.

                Hasbro makes out and Star Wars fans make out. If someone doesnt want to buy anymore then don't.
                Lo there do I see my Father.
                Lo there do I see my Mother and my Sisters and my Brothers.
                Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the begining.
                Lo they do call me.
                They bid me take my place among them.
                In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever.


                • ZICA
                  Persistent Member
                  • May 7, 2006
                  • 2330

                  Seems like I remember reading that Hasbro has the license until 2015 and it cost them a not so small fortune so I don't see them calling it quits on Star Wars toys anytime soon. I seriously doubt they'll ever give up that license.


                  • BlackKnight
                    The DarkSide Customizer
                    • Apr 16, 2005
                    • 14622

                    Originally posted by huedell

                    The gentleman that started the thread, grayhank, has always been cool with debates
                    and discussion and I, in turn, have tried to be that way as well---
                    (and will take my lashings when its pointed out to me that I'm being disrespectful
                    and appropriately humble myself----and now MY pointing is at you Prime)

                    In addition, I believe that in this "heated" thread both grayhank and I have acted with
                    great decorum as has BK and everyone else -----except you Prime316

                    And you know what? If the translation of "butthurt" to you means that your
                    attitude has turned me off to addressing (or even CARING about) the actual
                    issue and points you're trying to make....well ----my butt be a' hurtin'.
                    Well Said Hue.
                    Words of Wisdom right there...

                    This all,.. for the MOST part, was an interesting conversation. When I was reading GrayHanks points, I thought that he had Valued issues about collecting, & thought I would offer perhaps a bit of the "other side of the spectrum of veiws" if you will. I NEVER diagreed with him,.. I just pointed out perhaps different peoples thoughts on the Matter..., that were overlooked in ways.

                    I really am in no Mood to apply any effort to Primes "ButtHurt" Comments, nore Argue about a Flipp'in Action figure that is Made, inwhich has been made & re-painted 100times & marketed half of those times as Exclusives.

                    I really don't give a Damn what people Buy, or What issues they have in buying whatever they Buy, or how it is marketed.. or whether or not they want to Quit buying the line. I have far better things to do. I buy what I like to Buy,.. & thats really all that Matters.

                    Everyone "Sues" for EVERYTHING now adays,.. if Anyone has a Case of this "Discrimination" .. why not Take it to court then.. & do something about it, rather than B-tch on a Mego Board about a Toy Line that has a Label of 4+ on it,.. & is NOT Mego.

                    Nuff said.
                    Last edited by BlackKnight; Mar 12, '08, 3:53 PM.
                    ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                    always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                    • Iron_fox85
                      Veteran Member
                      • Feb 14, 2008
                      • 347

             - Movie News, Reviews, Interviews and More! - First Star Wars: The Clone Wars Poster Art Revealed! new poster's out for the CGI clonewars movie thats coming to theaters. (after that in the fall it'll be a tv show) toyfair already showed theyre new toyline; Star Wars Toy News Archive i'm excited to buy more clone troopers since i'm a clone trooper junkie! 0w0

                      In June Of 1938 A Hero Is Born...


                      • huedell
                        Museum Ball Eater
                        • Dec 31, 2003
                        • 11069

                        Originally posted by raider5gt
                        I have been collecting Star Wars 3 3/4 inch figures since 1995 and i am guilty of trying to get them all ...
                        PARODY SUNG TO THE TUNE OF "GUILTY"
                        BY BARBRA STREISAND AND BARRY GIBB

                        Shadows falling , baby , we stand alone
                        in toy aisles anybody you meet got a heartache of their own
                        (It oughta be illegal)
                        Make it a crime to need a Battle Pack
                        (It oughta be illegal)
                        You got a reason for livin'
                        You battle on with the figures you're jonesin' on
                        They gotta be mine
                        We take it away
                        Even if it's an eighth repaint
                        We are spendin' our dime
                        And we got nothing to be guilty of
                        Our love... will fight our accountants... we'll even deal, with no meals
                        HASBRO will never let it end
                        We are devotion
                        And we got nothing to be sorry for
                        Our love makes Lucas millions
                        Eyes can see that we got an addiction to the line
                        And I don't wanna say goodbye

                        Pulse's racing , darling
                        How grand we are
                        Little by little we meet in the aisle
                        There's danger in the store
                        (It oughta be illegal)
                        Make it a crime to treatin' these like gold
                        (Well, scalping is illegal)
                        You got a reason for livin'
                        You battle on with the Expanded Universe
                        They all gotta be mine
                        We take it away
                        Where's the Sarlacc-soaked Weequay?
                        Just a matter of time
                        And we got nothing to be guilty of
                        Our love will scour any TARGET near or far , our cars
                        We'll drive 'em to their treads
                        We are devotion
                        And we got nothing to be sorry for
                        Don't mind spendin' a million
                        Eyes can see that we think "love/hate" with this line...
                        "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                        • grayhank
                          That Fisher Price Guy
                          • Feb 9, 2007
                          • 1134

                          Originally posted by jds1911a1
                          because kids age out every few years. actaully it isn't leftovers/returns at all they produce the stuff for battle packs new (often using existing molds to maximise profit). as far as hasbro is concerned once a retailer buys the stuff it's their problem to sell it or resell to a store like big lots and KB (hence why TRU walmarts and targets sometimes have figures from prior years still on the shelves 18 months later.
                          That is not entirely accurate. When it's movie product overload, retailers can in fact return the product to Hasbro. I have seen and physically talked to Hasbro reps at places like TRU, Target and Walmart packing up stuff like Episode II and III to return to their own distribution centers (not the store's distribution centers, but Hasbro's.) This all came about because there was so much leftover stock from Episode I that retailers didn't want to order mass quantities and be stuck with it again. So Hasbro's solution was "we'll take back what you can't sell". There were quite a few press releases regarding this. It's also interesting to note that hardly any of the Episode I stuff has been repacked - because it wasn't returned to Hasbro. And if you open some of those figures from those battlepacks you will see date stamps on their legs from 95, 96, 97 etc. So perhaps they are using the molds from the Power of the Force line to some extent.

                          Now for places like KB, the items get sent to the Outlet division, along with any excess warehouse stock from other retail stores that they have way too much of. The everyday stuff...not so much the mass produced movie stuff. That is why if you've ever been inside a KB Outlet (one of the divisions I also worked within) you will often find exclusives original to the other stores with their store logos on them. The KB Outlet division has been enormously successful which is why very few of them closed when KB was closing down hundreds of their mall stores.

                          Most "HOT" exclusives don't get sent back because they are made in smaller quantities. Target will clearance these down to almost nothing (usually after Christmas) and the stuff goes very quickly at that point.
                          Last edited by grayhank; Mar 12, '08, 4:23 PM.
                          Scott D Thompson | Facebook


                          • Prime316
                            New Member
                            • Jan 10, 2008
                            • 6

                            Originally posted by BlackKnight
                            Everyone "Sues" for EVERYTHING now adays,.. if Anyone has a Case of this "Discrimination" .. why not Take it to court then.. & do something about it
                            I won't take it to court because the American Judicial System is a sham and favors the criminals now. So it would only favor the Discriminators and be a waste of the victims & tax payers time. And the only reason everyone sues for everything nowadays is because Americans are too fraggin lazy to make serious money another way. Everyone just wants to sue someone to get a lot of money rather than earn it.

                            Originally posted by BlackKnight
                            This all,.. for the MOST part, was an interesting conversation. When I was reading GrayHanks points, I thought that he had Valued issues about collecting, & thought I would offer perhaps a bit of the "other side of the spectrum of veiws" if you will. I NEVER diagreed with him,.. I just pointed out perhaps different peoples thoughts on the Matter...,
                            So wait, Blacknight your not even arguing your own opinion!? Wow, imo that's lame. Why not voice your own opinion? why talk for people that should be here talking for themselves if they feel that way? Are you the spokes person for people who aren't here to disagree with us on this matter?
                            I find it funny yet stupid when someone comes on here and argues points of opinions they don't even see themselves, but rather argue just to argue with someone. Probably in hopes of making someone else feel bad like the way they feel about themselves. I'm not on here trying to tell people they're wrong, I'm here stating my opinion on this matter for my own sake and to connect with others who feel the same way. You have as much right to voice your opinions (as you have) as well. But really should voice the opinions you have, not the opinions you think others might have yet aren't here actually stating for themselves. Speak for your own opinion please, not those you think others have.

                            We know to buy what we want and not buy what we don't want, we've heard it a million times, so that doesn't need bear repeating AGAIN.

                            What a lot of you guys apparently don't seem to understand is we're just venting our frustrations with Hasbro. We ARE entitled to do so as Americans. And if it bugs you that much to read someone else's B*tching, then maybe you should read something else! I'm not complaining on here about Hasbro to find people to argue with who disagree & tell me I'm wrong. I'm complaining to find other people that agree and feel the same way. There IS NO wrong or write. ONLY opinion. And MYYY Opinion is such as previously stated.

                            Anyways, I have better things to do for now, like read a good book!

                            And Blacknight, incase you haven't noticed, this is the Modern Toys section of the Megoboards. A section for toys NOT mego.


                            • grayhank
                              That Fisher Price Guy
                              • Feb 9, 2007
                              • 1134

                              Originally posted by BlackKnight
                              Everyone "Sues" for EVERYTHING now adays,.. if Anyone has a Case of this "Discrimination" .. why not Take it to court then.. & do something about it, rather than B-tch on a Mego Board about a Toy Line that has a Label of 4+ on it,.. & is NOT Mego.
                              I said it was a form of discrimination (i.e. prejudice - which means to pre-judge). I certainly have better things to do with my time than take a few sales associates to court for being rude. I think I have tried to be very cival and talk very politely about all that I've said here. As a Minister, it is not my nature to offend. If I have offended you in any way I am truly sorry. Peace be with you.
                              Scott D Thompson | Facebook


                              • BlackKnight
                                The DarkSide Customizer
                                • Apr 16, 2005
                                • 14622

                                ^^^ You didn't bud. & It was in NO way my intention of Offending you either.
                                Good luck with your collecting Future, in where it takes you.
                                Last edited by BlackKnight; Mar 12, '08, 5:15 PM.
                                ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                                always trading for Hot Toys Figures .

