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Customizing Marvel Legends figures.., anyone..?

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  • david_b
    Never had enough toys..
    • May 9, 2008
    • 2305

    Customizing Marvel Legends figures.., anyone..?

    Hi, everyone..!

    I've been scoping out customizing some Legends figures, and found the nice 'Fwoosh' toy forum, but haven't received any answers to my posted questions.

    Has anyone here head-popped Legends figures..? I have a Yellowjacket I'd like to change heads on, using a DC Direct Hawkman figure head (for an unmasked Hank Pym...).

    I've head popped Trek Playmate figures before.. Is it basically the same concept..? With Playmate figures, I've done the boiling water trick, just looking at the head/neckpost and thinkin' out loud.

    Just curious...

    Thanks much..!!
    Peace.. Through Superior Firepower.
    Permanent Member
    • May 15, 2009
    • 3152

    Here's the answers you're looking for: The Fwoosh View topic - Newbie question - How to remove/attach Marvel Legends heads

    I believe Yellowjacket is one of those with a joint under the neck, but you should still be able to pop the head off with enough heat.


    • david_b
      Never had enough toys..
      • May 9, 2008
      • 2305

      Wow, perfect. Yeah, the joint under the neck was what my concern was about. Apparently the head used is from a DC Direct Hawkman set.., so will have to hunt around.

      Slight dremeling needed, but would love to try it. Also need to add a black holster on the side for his earlier appearances.

      Thanks much.
      Last edited by david_b; Jan 4, '12, 4:42 PM.
      Peace.. Through Superior Firepower.


      • thunderbolt
        Hi Ernie!!!
        • Feb 15, 2004
        • 34211

        Man, it'd be soooo easy to sneak up on his side.
        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks

