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Shocker Toys gets Served at SDCC

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  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59305

    Shocker Toys gets Served at SDCC

    Court Papers Served On Shocker Toys At Their Own San Diego Comic Con Panel Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors

    Never personally dealt with the company but read some interesting things in the past ten years or so.

    Bustling panel - you are viewing an external link to
    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:
  • David Lee
    The Fix-it-up Chappie
    • Jun 10, 2002
    • 6984

    WoW! that's gonna leave a mark...

    I have had limited contact... but it's been poor. They also use Day2Day and that's gotta mean somthing right there...



    • thunderbolt
      Hi Ernie!!!
      • Feb 15, 2004
      • 34211

      Bet the Toymania boards are eating this up, Geoff is a popular dude over there.
      You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


      • johnmiic
        • Sep 6, 2002
        • 8427

        Originally posted by thunderbolt
        Bet the Toymania boards are eating this up, Geoff is a popular dude over there.
        By "popular" do you mean they are ready to chase him with pitchforks and torches over a cliff like in the old Frankenstein films?


        • Werewolf
          • Jul 14, 2003
          • 14629

          I'm honestly almost afraid to post in this topic. Shocker is infamous for message board spaming, among other things. Hate for that to start here. The article called them "controversial." I think that's being kind. From what I've read they are darn right reviled.
          You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


          • thunderbolt
            Hi Ernie!!!
            • Feb 15, 2004
            • 34211

            Originally posted by johnmiic
            By "popular" do you mean they are ready to chase him with pitchforks and torches over a cliff like in the old Frankenstein films?
            yeah, that kind of popular.
            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


            • chalwa
              Mego Philomath
              • Jun 8, 2007
              • 592

              I had been on a waiting list for over a year for a special Dick Tracy figure. Every time I called (they never contacted me!) they were rude and told me different stories from a fire destroying their stock to I owe it to independent companies to support them and basically take whatever they throw at me.
              I got a bit perturbed with them and finally got my money back.
              One figure they sent was a black and white Tracy that had yellow stains on it.
              To be fair, they did refund and replace the bad figure but I didn't enjoy conversing with them on the phone. Acted very entitled.
              Chalwa AKA The Pre-Crisis Chris

              Chris' Blogs:
              The Misadventures of Captain Blog
              Comic Book Fanzines: Chain Letters for Disturbed Children

              When I am grown to man's estate,
              I shall be very proud and great.
              And tell the other girls and boys,
              not to meddle with my toys.
              -Robert Louis Stevenson


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32591

                I have nothing to really add here, other than their legend, deserved or not, precedes them.



                • MEGO_SUPERMAN
                  Say No To Kryptonite!
                  • May 9, 2011
                  • 341

                  Bummer Tick looked cool.
                  Truth, Justice and Megos THAT is the American Way!

                  The Human Torch was denied a bank loan! - Ron Burgundy KVWN Channel 4 News Team

                  A picture is worth a thousand words. A Chuck Norris is worth 1 billion words. - Chuck Norris

                  You know what? I can already tell that I don't like you. And I'm probably not gonna like you no matter how many pull-ups or push-ups you do. All right, anybody who wants to pick on anybody in class, aim for him, 'cause I'm not watchin'. -Kenny Powers


                  • Bizarro Amy
                    Formerly known as Del
                    • Dec 12, 2004
                    • 3336

                    I recall a Katchoo from "Strangers in Paradise" being announced years ago, made by Shocker Toys. I mean, when Toyfare magazine was still going strong. It didn't hit stores around here until about a year ago. I never bought it, because I didn't want to display her without Francine. I asked Terry Moore's wife about the possibility of completing the set. She explained that it wasn't going to happen due to the difficulty they had getting the first figure from this company.
                    Hey! Where's the waiter with the water for my daughter?

                    Check out my customs!


                    • samurainoir
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Dec 26, 2006
                      • 18758

                      Originally posted by del
                      I recall a Katchoo from "Strangers in Paradise" being announced years ago, made by Shocker Toys. I mean, when Toyfare magazine was still going strong. It didn't hit stores around here until about a year ago. I never bought it, because I didn't want to display her without Francine. I asked Terry Moore's wife about the possibility of completing the set. She explained that it wasn't going to happen due to the difficulty they had getting the first figure from this company.
                      I didn't realize that Katchoo even came out! I'd probably pick it up, but yeah, not much point without Francine (or David, or Tambi, or Casey, or Freddy etc)
                      My store in the MEGO MALL!



                      • justzeg18
                        Career Member
                        • May 5, 2003
                        • 776

                        If I recall correctly, they popped up here and posted a few times around the time of the captain action license announcement.

                        Personally not a fan, waited entirely too long for the Scud figure and it broke right out of the package.

                        I followed a lot of the internet drama surrounding them for to avoid it seems.


                        • GreenLantern9999
                          GL of Mego Sector
                          • Oct 8, 2007
                          • 995

                          I have dealt with these guys for a long while now on a retail end, I am still waiting for an order and I really hope that this turn of events isn't going to hurt that order any further. So far there communication hasn't been the greatest that is for sure, but I'll let you guys know how my dealings with them turn out. As of now I have had lots more communication and they were almost pleasant with me.
                          No body takes pot shots at Lubic! Good Journey

