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Toys R US doing pre-orders on collectables

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  • supes
    For the love of Mego's!
    • Jan 19, 2004
    • 2070

    Toys R US doing pre-orders on collectables

    I just read that Toys R Us is going to try a collectable toys pre- order system, similar to the video games. There will be a side end cap with pegs holding the pre- order slips.

    It said it will be for figures from NECA, DC Directs, and a couple of others.

    Could be cool if it works!

    For the love of Mego's
  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    That is pretty cool
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • BlackKnight
      The DarkSide Customizer
      • Apr 16, 2005
      • 14622

      I was Under the Impression that ToysRus Online already Did Pre-Orders ...
      I have purchased Many Pre-orders from them,.. in the Past. Thier online Store Kinda sucks if your Looking for a certain DC Universe,.. Most current DC Direct figures show up there,.. as well as Neca I believe. Speaking of Neca,.. there is an Arnie Terminator 2 figure with Gatlin Gun out now,. or Very soon. Man, it looks Great.
      ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

      always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


      • livnxxxl
        Megoholic RocketScientist
        • Oct 23, 2007
        • 3903

        I absolutely hate pre orders myself. At the trend in which the collecting market is going these days I can see this being the only alternative in the future. Everything will be a preorder and the toy aisles as we currently know them will be extinct.

        To me there is nothing like buying something that is in hand. It is absolutely amazing to me what people will go for these days. Years ago if one would have even mentioned the thought of taking someone's money and sending the product months later they would have thought you to be nutso.

        It could be ok I guess so long as the company does not charge you BEFORE they ship your order. I personally just had a bad deal once on a pre order in which I was charged prior to recieving the goods....The pre order took way longer than expected which is usually the case. Not much recourse other than just sit back, shut up an enjoy the ride if you will. It kind of opens the door for businesses to be as crappy with your order as they want since they already have your money. Just my opinion.
        Enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. (C) Azrak 2009

        Too much space. Need more toys!

        Check out the ever growing Mego like sized vehicles data base.


        • ctc
          Fear the monkeybat!
          • Aug 16, 2001
          • 11183

          >Years ago if one would have even mentioned the thought of taking someone's money and sending the product months later they would have thought you to be nutso.

          ....unless it was for Star Wars figures....

          It almost sounds like they're trying to edge towards a system like the online "print on demand" bookstores. So as to not end up with tons of overstock.

          Don C.


          • BlackKnight
            The DarkSide Customizer
            • Apr 16, 2005
            • 14622

            Online Pre-Orders Are FANTASTIC !
            It Means I get the Item,.. when the item is in.
            It has never failed me yet.
            I no longer Have to go from Toystore to toy store & spend a Day, week, months, or yr trying to get what I want now.
            I hate the thrill of the Hunt,.. unless I am able to get something.
            Without Pre-Orders,.. I would only have like 7or8 of the DC Universe Classic figures,... almost all 9+ waves I obtained in Pre-Orders. .. The stores up Here still carry no strong love for them.
            The Mark-ups on Ebay Suck with Shipping for these..
            Now if they can only stop with the Walmart only waves....
            ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

            always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


            • BlackKnight
              The DarkSide Customizer
              • Apr 16, 2005
              • 14622

              Originally posted by livnxxxl
              It could be ok I guess so long as the company does not charge you BEFORE they ship your order.
              Most don't.

              & as far as Toys becomming extinct in Toy Iles ...
              Well They Don't really stock what I want to buy anymore anyways...,
              & The Idiots that Order Toys always Flood the shelves with Crappy Movie Toys every yr,.. that shouldn't be Made, Nore should be put on the Shevles to begin with. So it's really thier own Stupidity. Give me that Job,.. everyone would love to visit my store & buy some toys.
              ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

              always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


              • livnxxxl
                Megoholic RocketScientist
                • Oct 23, 2007
                • 3903

                Originally posted by BlackKnight
                Most don't.

                & as far as Toys becomming extinct in Toy Iles ...
                Well They Don't really stock what I want to buy anymore anyways...,
                & The Idiots that Order Toys always Flood the shelves with Crappy Movie Toys every yr,.. that shouldn't be Made, Nore should be put on the Shevles to begin with. So it's really thier own Stupidity. Give me that Job,.. everyone would love to visit my store & buy some toys.
                Lets face it. In the future to come maybe many years from now a brick and mortar business will be farther and farther in between. Just like the good old five and dime stores once used to be. On line is the way it will be. Good or bad. Personally, I like options and hope that it never gets to an all eggs in one basket scenario. It kind of takes the fun out of it for me.

                Myself, I like the thrill of the chase. To each their own. Yes, It can kind of suck when you have dry periods for weeks at a time without finding something really worth having.

                I totally get your reasoning for doing pre orders. It works for your and that is cool. I would still much rather go out and socialize a bit as I try and find some goodies. IF I do not get what I am after in it's entirety I will just hit eBay or an equivelant and buy what I want as needed. That is just me though. Everyone is different and like I always say to each their own.

                p.s. IF it were up to me I would give you that job so that we could both have what we wanted when we wanted it.
                Enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. (C) Azrak 2009

                Too much space. Need more toys!

                Check out the ever growing Mego like sized vehicles data base.

