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Starwars childhood memories.

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  • Iron_fox85
    Veteran Member
    • Feb 14, 2008
    • 347

    Starwars childhood memories.

    I'm back again to talk starwars memories for some odd reason i have been obbessing!

    first up. kelloogs cereal 'power of the force' luke and han storm trooper disguise

    Now it was 95 i was 10 i think. came home, and my told me she send off for those figures or one of them. i was excited cause they would be my first starwars figures! never came...i was so ****ed. and mom was more ****ed cause she got ripped off... ... did anyone got theres? i didnt...and to this day it remains to be the ****tiest experiance of my life, i am not sure but i think starwar figures were'nt out yet, or they were always sold out i dunno.

    second memory 'christmas 1995' it was december... i asked for starwars of course. mind you i never got any starwars just yet. all i had were the bendy figures which were awesome enough they were cheaper to buy. that much i know...but these figures were the best suddenly i look at the bendy figures and i see crap. (mind you, they were the only figures i had so they were cool till kenner brought them out. for christmas it was good and bad. bad because i had my hoodlum friends over. they decide to sneak into my brother's room i told them to get out of there--one of them the youngest was looking in the messy closet...... >< and daaaammmn he discovered the chicken walker or et-at? is that right? i was shocked and i smiled wide... O.O then my brother came in and i was like ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhiiiiiiiitttttttttt ---neatless to say mom was mad..... she told me they were a surprise from santa... (i never question his existance till i was 15 ---even than i still wonder if he's real..but thats another story) anyways shje told me she was gonna put them back i was sad -.- but knowing where they were i snuck in just to look at them tilli couldnt help but open one... which was luke--- again--- anrgy mom...they hid them somewhere else.....but came christmas morning...well......yeah i got luke, han solo, chewie, C3-PO, RD D2, and ET-AT. i was a happy lil boy then mom was still irritated about the whole thing that morning...

    (i understand cus she really wanted this to be a surprise. cus she knew i wanted starwars so bad! my bro told stories of the massive toys he had and i dream and dream till it came true!)

    from that day on star wars was the goood stuff. *scratches my forehead*

    3'RED MEMORY : I remember going to target, as i went to the aile, i checked up what toys they had. BAM! storm trooper! and let me tell you guys i f^&**ing screamed "OH MY GAWD! STORMTROOPER! I FOUND THE STORM TROOPER! THANK YOU JESUS!!!" i #$@# you not i yelled those words cus storm troopers were my friggin fave! i went ape #$@#. >w< This adult looked at me smiling shaking his head---i remember....taking it---running--running like hell, running like the flash, running like that kid with willy wanka, holding that carded figure like it was friggin gold! i ran to my mom "MOM! MOM I FOUND THE STORM TROOPER!" i say while dancing in victory. yeah. yeah. i dunno guys did i over did it? at 10 years old? maybe, but man that was the biggest friggin find. storm trooper. still have him. still awesome. yeah...memories like that is what makes starwars fun.

    memory 4 : christmas 96 : i looked at the target paper to see the grand prize the big kahuna, the best friggin thing EVER! the AT AT WALKER. thats all i could think of all i could dream of! the best toy. my rich cousin said he wanted one too---he was a poser. pfft he didnt seem excited but he's rich he had alot of toys most were destroyed. but me...this thing was from what i can remember, is christmas asked me what i wanted for christmas (probily to make sure she got the things) she asked me of the AT AT walker, and i said "i want that mom!" and she looked at me and was like "uh oh i thik i forgot to tell santa" everything crashed in my mind i whined cause i wanted it . because this felt like the tie fighter i never got! nuuuuuu!!! so mom told me it was too late to tell santa...i accepted that i'll never get that AT AT WALKER. Disapointed was set on me. i cant remember what else i asked for but the ATAT was the top of my list. --that thing was what? 30? 40 back then? i dunno...then came christmas morning..........there it stood. ready to blast any damn remble sky high was the ATAT!

    at that time i thought santa was the best friggin guy in the world! at that moment i forgave him not giving me that tie fighter that one year! i was in joyous heaven!

    (heh but in reality i think mom knew what i wanted bought it already-- and just told me a lil white lie---so i be surprise in the morning! ^w^ i really do love her, she spoiled me alot--she still does.)

    to this day i still have that original ATAT which everyone wants. yep guys the one i have is the original from 96. (95?) (the ET AT was broken cause of my cousin ><-- but i got last years battle pack of endor to replace it 0w0)

    all in all it was a good year for me. i think that covers half of my memories and tales of starwars childhood.

    feel free to ad your own memories into this thread. --its all in fun and i think everyone enjoys a good tale to keep the starwars fun alive.

    till next time, Ironfox85 ~!

    In June Of 1938 A Hero Is Born...
  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    Mine was 1985 i was 5,and my stepfather walks in with almost the whole Star Wars collection loose that he had just bought off of a teenage kid that didn't want them anymore

    My mom sat down and split it up for me and my brother,we each took turns picking one by one
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • huedell
      Museum Ball Eater
      • Dec 31, 2003
      • 11069

      I don't have the energy to post my personal experiences right now
      I love reading about SW experience stuff from younger people---
      (I'm 37 years old----as are many members here, I'm betting!)
      same bug but a whole new strain for t2cool and certainly ironfox
      ----that's cool guys.

      May the Force be with you----
      "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


      • txteach
        • Jun 17, 2005
        • 3769

        In 1995 you were 10?? Dang I feel old now. My memory of Start Wars was standing in line in the summer of "77 waiting to see the movie. It was worth the wait and I was in awe of it. Right after I got out of the movies I got in line again .


        • david_b
          Never had enough toys..
          • May 9, 2008
          • 2305

          Originally posted by txteach
          In 1995 you were 10?? Dang I feel old now. My memory of Start Wars was standing in line in the summer of "77 waiting to see the movie. It was worth the wait and I was in awe of it. Right after I got out of the movies I got in line again .
          Ditto.. I distinctively remember walking out of the theater in May 1977 and looking at suddenly how archaic our cars looked with wheels..?!?
          Peace.. Through Superior Firepower.


          • Delusional B
            Museum Super Collector
            • Nov 14, 2007
            • 208

            Originally posted by txteach
            In 1995 you were 10?? Dang I feel old now. My memory of Start Wars was standing in line in the summer of "77 waiting to see the movie. It was worth the wait and I was in awe of it. Right after I got out of the movies I got in line again .
            I feel old, too. I was expecting a thread about much older Star Wars toys. It seems inconceivable to me that some adults, now, are reminiscing about having the 1995 Star Wars figures as kids. Wasn't that just a couple of years ago?

            AAAAGH!!!! More like 14 years ago. Plenty of time for someone ten or under to now be in their twenties.

            I'm gonna go grab a geritol and a nap. Once I'm back up, I'll have to ponder this some more. Someone must have hit the fast-forward button on my life at some point in the mid-nineties.

            My favorite Star Wars memories involve the very first twelve Kenner figures and trying to find them all. Twelve figures seemed like SO MANY!

            Here's a post I put on my toy blog a couple of months ago about finding the first 12:

            Yesterville Toy Room: Kenner Star Wars Action Figures (Original 12)
            Last edited by Delusional B; May 28, '09, 9:39 AM.
            Yesterville Toy Room


            • MIB41
              Eloquent Member
              • Sep 25, 2005
              • 15632

              Now I understand why my folks in the early 70's shook their heads when I use to talk about horror films in the 30's and 40's being so loooooong ago. I have come to feel their pain...


              • Seeker
                Neptunians RULE!
                • Feb 20, 2008
                • 1954

                Hell I felt old when everyone started talking in the sci fi section about being in school when the Phantom menace came out.......

                I remember going to see the movie like 12 times and getting blown away ever time.

                I remember one of my coolest birthday presents at the time was a white tie fighter.

                That X mas I got the land speeder and the Cantina aliens and I was in star wars heaven.

                The summer after I spent most of my days going to the mom and pop store with the other kids in the nieghborhood buying packs of star wars cards. (Blue border, red, green , yellow, red and silver) And trading like crazy..
                Lo there do I see my Father.
                Lo there do I see my Mother and my Sisters and my Brothers.
                Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the begining.
                Lo they do call me.
                They bid me take my place among them.
                In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever.


                • chunky B
                  Museum Eclectic Collector
                  • Apr 9, 2009
                  • 335

                  I feel bad because I assumed it was original (1977) Star Wars memories and also that in 1995 I was still buying the toys, I'm still buying them today what am I saying... I need to grow up.

                  My earliest Star Wars Memory was going to a mall after the movie when the only merchandise was a poster, buttons, and t-shirts. No toys, took them a year as most know. Besides the Star Destroyer coming across the screen and us looking for a seat, it wasn't until I saw it the second time that I got to read the crawl at the beginning. I also remember riding the bus home one day when someone was showing off the early bird set, white mailer box and all.

                  As for the POTF line, I remember eating box loads of Fruit Loops to get the Han Solo in Stormtrooper disguise, when he came in the mail... they didn't have guns, I thought for sure he would have a blaster. All of them are like that by the way. I think I still have a few of them kicking around. The POTF At-At was another one all together, I still have mine next to my PC, taking up desk space. I didn't get the original back in the Empire Strikes Back days so when this was re-released with the updated electronics, I bought that sucka!

