Here is a custom Captain Action Batman figure I put together. He consist of:
Vintage CA figure;
Vintage Batman Cowl and Mask, repainted;
Body suit and Cape from Rauty's Toy shop I bought ages ago;
Boots are repainted Playing Mantis "Ming the Merciless";
Belt and gloves are from Classic Plastick (Wes McCue)
Bat chest emblem is a puffy sticker that came in a set of Batman stickers from Hobby Lobby.
Vintage CA figure;
Vintage Batman Cowl and Mask, repainted;
Body suit and Cape from Rauty's Toy shop I bought ages ago;
Boots are repainted Playing Mantis "Ming the Merciless";
Belt and gloves are from Classic Plastick (Wes McCue)
Bat chest emblem is a puffy sticker that came in a set of Batman stickers from Hobby Lobby.
