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Great Ohio Toy Show WOW (Lots of Pics)

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32827

    Great Ohio Toy Show WOW (Lots of Pics)

    My wife, daughter and I attended The Great Ohio Toy Show in Xenia, OH yesterday, and I was not prepared for the size of this thing, and how many vintage toys I'd see. The show was in 7 buildings on their large fair grounds! We got there at 9:30, a half-hour after opening, but barely made it into every building by the closing time of 4.

    I managed to pick up some really nice items for what I considered fair prices. The Batman water gun called to me, since I had the same mold used as an AHI projector gun. Plus, that lifted Jim Aparo artwork is sweet!

    The large Corgi Supermobile has long been on my list of desired items. I was happy to find one with intact and working fists. The Marx Hunchback brings me one step closer to a complete set of original Universal Monsters (I'm missing Frankenstein now). I had the Batman brush as a kid, but the paint all rubbed off, and I murdered it trying to fix it as a teenager. The Batman juice cartons have been on my radar for years, but the price on these was a great time to make it happen.

    I had some great deals on a few modern items this weekend too, but I posted about those in the Modern Toys section. Instead I'll post some random pics I snapped from the show. I wish I could have taken more, but it was honestly a tad bit overwhelming, and VERY crowded at times.

    We look forward to going back next year!

  • PNGwynne
    Master of Fowl Play
    • Jun 5, 2008
    • 19812

    That looks like a terrific show. I'd have taken a stab at that boxed Mego Penguin.

    I'm very intrigued by the Batman '66 milk cartons by the Medina, Ohio dairy. Medina is 15 minutes from me, I wonder what other characters were produced?
    WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


    • drquest
      • Apr 17, 2012
      • 3839

      Wow that looks great and thanks for all of the pictures!
      Captain Action HQ
      Retro shirts and stuff
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      • MRP
        Persistent Member
        • Jul 19, 2016
        • 2189

        I know lot of vendors who set up at that show, and it's only a couple of towns over, but I have yet to get to it, as I always seem to have other commitments the weekends it runs (it's twice a year, spring and fall). It looks like a great show.

        "Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -Plato


        • PNGwynne
          Master of Fowl Play
          • Jun 5, 2008
          • 19812

          The Mighty Comics Super Heroes game (AC's Mighty Crusaders) loots neat. I like those characters, and merchandising must be scant.

          Also, I've always loved the Marvel card game--the card art reminds me of Mego boxes.
          WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


          • Goblin19
            Talkative Member
            • May 2, 2002
            • 6124

            It really is an amazing show. Almost too much stuff there. We went yesterday and it was so crowded, both in attendees and dealers.


            • J.B.
              Guild Navigator
              • Jun 23, 2010
              • 3033

              Great pics of some great toys! Would have nabbed that Remco Spidey.
              You are transparent; I see many things... I see plans within plans.


              • Jorge Galvan
                Career Member
                • Jun 8, 2015
                • 950

                Oh yeah. This is my kind of show. In fact it does remind me of the St. Charles show,coming up April 23. And like that show it's spread out in 4-5 buildings. You literally have to race through each building and skip getting lunch and going to the restroom. I NEED to check this show out. Thank you for posting the pics!!!! And even better at least not in the photos, No Funko Crap!!


                • TrekStar
                  Trek or Treat
                  • Jan 20, 2011
                  • 8580

                  Looks like it was a fun time, thanks for posting. I am curious to know what the asking price was on the ahi Dracula and boxed type 1 Robin?


                  • SainthoodDenied
                    Veteran Member
                    • Feb 26, 2008
                    • 334

                    Great looking show and awesome toys. I think I would have to had the complete boxed death star.


                    • rche
                      channeling Bob Wills
                      • Mar 26, 2008
                      • 7391

                      great pics! Thanks for sharing. So many fun things to look at. The Shogun vendor would have had some of my scratch for sure. I might have even finally pulled the trigger on a rebel transport pickle.


                      • Earth 2 Chris
                        Verbose Member
                        • Mar 7, 2004
                        • 32827

                        I'm very intrigued by the Batman '66 milk cartons by the Medina, Ohio dairy. Medina is 15 minutes from me, I wonder what other characters were produced?
                        I know there's another flavor, and another vendor there had it and these two for $40 each. I got these both for $20. I'll have to look into the others.

                        It really is an amazing show. Almost too much stuff there. We went yesterday and it was so crowded, both in attendees and dealers.
                        Yeah, early on, it was kind of overwhelming! Hard to get close to a table to see everything at times. I'm sure I walked by tons of stuff I would have bought.

                        Great pics of some great toys! Would have nabbed that Remco Spidey.
                        Yeah, that was sweet, but I have one!

                        Oh yeah. This is my kind of show. In fact it does remind me of the St. Charles show,coming up April 23. And like that show it's spread out in 4-5 buildings. You literally have to race through each building and skip getting lunch and going to the restroom. I NEED to check this show out. Thank you for posting the pics!!!! And even better at least not in the photos, No Funko Crap!!
                        I'm not a Funko hater, but I do grow a bit tired of seeing so much of it. I will say there wasn't much there, overall. Maybe the big landfill controversy spread enough that vendors didn't bother to bring them?

                        Looks like it was a fun time, thanks for posting. I am curious to know what the asking price was on the ahi Dracula and boxed type 1 Robin?
                        I did ask about the Dracula. I believe he was $175. I probably should have bought him at that, but it would have blown my budget for some other items I had my eye on.


                        • Werewolf
                          • Jul 14, 2003
                          • 14885

                          Wicked! So much cool stuff. Even a Marx Big Loo by the Shogun Warriors. Wow that thing is huge and a little creepy.
                          You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                          • KingKickass1983
                            Career Member
                            • Jan 19, 2019
                            • 697

                            I'd have been all over those Trendmasters Tarzan figures.

                            Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..


                            • J.B.
                              Guild Navigator
                              • Jun 23, 2010
                              • 3033

                              Originally posted by Werewolf
                              Wicked! So much cool stuff. Even a Marx Big Loo by the Shogun Warriors. Wow that thing is huge and a little creepy.
                              And next to creepy Loo is this combination of 3 Bandai chogokins to make this monstrosity. I've got the Red and Black, just need the Blue.

                              They always remind me of my favorite Three Stooges episode: Malice in the Palace

                              You are transparent; I see many things... I see plans within plans.

