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Does anyone remember a Stryfoam Hawk kite?

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  • bobws
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 13, 2008
    • 3479

    Does anyone remember a Stryfoam Hawk kite?

    i remember having around 1970 (yes i'm old) a styrofoam and plastic hawk that few like a kite. it had plastic feet,nose and spot on the chest to attach the kite string. the rest was formed styrofoam and painted in the shape of a hawk, tail feathers wings and torso. i think it was called Soar or zoar and after i broke the string attachment i played with it in my sandpile posting it on a stick. it would fly cover for the heroes down below. who i think was major matt mason. i woould love to know what this is exactly to see if there is still one out there. So anybody know? Thanks.
    "Hang on Lady... We go for a RIDE!" - Shorty to Willie Scott.Best movie line from Indiana Jones & the Temple Of Doom
  • Beatnik
    Museum Patron
    • Apr 2, 2008
    • 114

    I've been thinking about this post alot. I remember this toy, but just can't place the name. Be sure and update when/if you come up with something.


    • Beatnik
      Museum Patron
      • Apr 2, 2008
      • 114

      Okay, everything you ever wanted to know about this thing, except the actual name. I know Mattel definitely made this because here is all the patent info. I had one of these myself, so of course, now I need one again!

      Last time I had this much trouble was the looooong search for Hasbro Air Devils.

      Added info, there it is on the cover of the 73 Mattel catalog. In my experience collecting Hot Wheels, anything from 1973 is far and few because the company went bankrupt that year.

      Last edited by Beatnik; Jul 28, '08, 2:27 PM.

