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1984 Remco Toys Catalog

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    Museum Robot
    • May 9, 2007
    • 5917

    1984 Remco Toys Catalog

    By 1984, all of the toy lines Remco had called staples in the 1970s like utility belts and helicopters were long gone as the company dove head first into the crowded marketplace of 1980s Action Figures

    Batman and Superman had been replaced by less known DC characters like Warlord and Sgt Rock, the company experimented with home grown figure concepts like The Sarge Team, Warrior Beasts and Pirates of the Galaxseas.

    Their big launch for the year was the futuristic Man Tech line and there wasn't a single whisper about Krystar to be heard.

    All this and some very familiar rack toys!

    Visit the 1984 Remco Toys Catalog here.

    For more Remco toys, Check out these fabulous links:
    . .

    . .
    For more Fashion Mockery and 70's toy love visit us at Plaid

  • Starroid Raiders Dagon
    Persistent Member
    • Apr 28, 2013
    • 2162

    That was fantastic. I remember picking up some Warlord figures from a mall toyshop in the 80s. I had seen the Sgt. Rock figures advertised in the comics and hoped to get some to add to my G.I. Joe collection but I never ended up seeing any in the stores. I was so excited about the Mantech line but the figures left a lot to be desired. I swapped out the human heads with my Lion Rock soldiers and put hot glue in the sockets to keep everything from flopping around.


    • Iron Mego
      Wake Up Heavy
      • Jan 31, 2010
      • 3533

      Frizzlies! It's funny how some of these things endure. My daughter loves these (now they're called Squirmles).

      Toys from the '80s are not in my wheelhouse. I'd abandoned such silly things for girls and God knows what else. 98% of the stuff from this catalog is completely unfamiliar to me. So fun to see this stuff I missed out on.
      Wake Up Heavy Podcast

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      • Earth 2 Chris
        Verbose Member
        • Mar 7, 2004
        • 32827

        I always wanted Warlord himself, but never found him. I think I had Hercules...I got him in the Christmas gift exchange at school. I believe that's the same way I got the ZyBot bulldozer seen here. I remembered it being a Go-Bot. They are VERY similar to the main, cheap price-point Go-Bots.

        I remember seeing Man-Tech advertised in the Mighty Crusaders comics at the time. Did they come out in 1985? I expected to see them here.



        • bigdicebuddha
          • Sep 20, 2012
          • 64

          What is that Fortress of Doom made out of? That looks awesome. Anybody have any pics of packaging for it? Was that ever produced?


          • palitoy
            live. laugh. lisa needs braces
            • Jun 16, 2001
            • 59649

            Originally posted by bigdicebuddha
            What is that Fortress of Doom made out of? That looks awesome. Anybody have any pics of packaging for it? Was that ever produced?
            Based on my middling research on it, no. I couldn't find another colour picture of the thing.

            This is all an era where I no longer bought toys but took an interest in what was new. I remember a lot of this Remco stuff being on clearance forever and I kind of liked a lot of it. I do have a few pieces from the Sgt. Rock collection as the Kubert artwork is sublime.
            Places to find PlaidStallions online:

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            • bigdicebuddha
              • Sep 20, 2012
              • 64

              The more I'm digging deeper into collecting, the more Remco is emerging as one of my favorite companies.


              • Figuremod73
                That 80's guy
                • Jul 27, 2011
                • 3017

                Remco was a awesome company when I was a kid. Quality toys at a lower price point that would fit right in with whatever you collected.


                • HardyGirl
                  Mego Museum's Poster Girl
                  • Apr 3, 2007
                  • 13949

                  Yeah, those fuzzy things were called Squirmles in the 70s too. (my mom thought those were a waste of money, but I still asked for one). Those other things look like my youger half-brother would have been into, (He was a He-Man fanatic!), but it's just not my scene.
                  "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
                  'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
                  Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
                  If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


                  • Werewolf
                    • Jul 14, 2003
                    • 14884

                    Remco's fantasy figures were the nicest quality of all the MOTU knock-offs. Most of them really had excellent sculpts. The Warlord and Conan lines being the best of them.
                    You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                    • ScottA
                      Original Member
                      • Jun 25, 2001
                      • 12264

                      I remember seeing a lot of these in the stores.
                      sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


                      • ODBJBG
                        Permanent Member
                        • May 15, 2009
                        • 3179

                        Jewel Man is interesting. Appears to be a blue version of the Jewel Thief that actually saw release. I wonder why the change?

