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Pod Stallions 13: Trek Kids

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    Museum Robot
    • May 9, 2007
    • 5810

    Pod Stallions 13: Trek Kids

    Star Trek is the main course in this month's episode, that is right after Brian brings up My Little Pony for absolutely no good reason.

    As always, we open with our first memories of Star Trek and our love of the merchandise, particularly the Mego dolls, segwaying into the first two films and our feelings on them.

    All that and the greatness of 70s Shatner, the Mike Douglas show and Jason tells of the time he met James Bond and Cornelius!

    Download the Show Here

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    For more Fashion Mockery and 70's toy love visit us at Plaid

  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    Coolcoolcool! downloading now.
    My store in the MEGO MALL!



    • Earth 2 Chris
      Verbose Member
      • Mar 7, 2004
      • 32561

      This frigid Friday will now be fantastic! Once again, you've saved my work day.



      • Chris
        Persistent Member
        • Dec 23, 2009
        • 2279

        GSI and PS on the same day? It's like Christmas and my birthday. Thank you.
        If a Mego figure of God did not exist, it would be necessary for EMCE to invent him.


        • Hedji
          Citizen of Gotham
          • Nov 17, 2012
          • 7246

          Wait... ROM wore a toupee?!?!?!


          • Earth 2 Chris
            Verbose Member
            • Mar 7, 2004
            • 32561

            Great show, as always. I love the conversational style you guys have. It's very genuine, and I always feel like I'm sitting at a table with you two as you ruminate on this stuff you love. I have to stop myself from joining in.

            The Gary Seven "Assignment: Earth" episode tripped me up too, Brian. It was one of the earlier episodes I saw, and I believe the only mention of time travel is in one of the Captain's Log entries. If you aren't paying real close attention, you'd have no idea the Enterprise crew were in their past.

            I was a late bloomer with Trek, compared to my other geek vices. Someone (I think our next door neighbor) gave me the Mego 8" Spock figure for Christmas one year. This had to be the late 70s. I had no idea who he was.

            Around that time, a friend of my dad's found a discarded Star Trek Phaser II game in a dumpster! He liked to tinker, so he fixed it up, and having no kids, gave it to us to play with. We had a lot of fun with that, but I still wasn't watching Trek, despite my Dad telling me I would like it. He watched it from time to time, and my sister had a crush on the Shat as well.

            Finally when I was 6 or so, I caved in and watched "All Our Yesterdays", which you guys spoke about (incidentally, my wife's favorite episode). That was it, I was hooked for life.

            I missed out on Wrath of Khan in theaters, but when III came out, I begged my Dad to take me. I still remember his audible "DAMN." as the Enterprise exploded. Around that time I got into the DC comics, which were pretty good, probably the best Trek comics ever.

            I have a hard time with TMP. Since I saw it after the much better II-IV, I pretty much just ignore it. I actually get more out of V, even. It's my least favorite film. Just too damn dull, both storywise and visually. I think the creators must have gotten wrapped up in the uber-white spaceship interiors in Star Wars, and Luke's beige and white outfit or something.

            I had no idea about the "sabotage" thing! That is cool that they referenced it in the first Abrams film. Shatner is coming to the Lexington Comic-Con in March, and I'm debating on whether I want to fork over the dough for an autograph, and possibly ruin my personal image of my childhood hero.



            • 4NDR01D
              Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
              • Jan 22, 2008
              • 3266

              I've honestly never seen a full Star Trek episode in my life. I will however listen to this entire podcast. Is that strange?


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32561

                The odd part is never seeing an episode of Star Trek!!! Get this man some TOS... STAT!!!!


                • palitoy
                  live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                  • Jun 16, 2001
                  • 59268

                  Originally posted by 4NDR01D
                  I've honestly never seen a full Star Trek episode in my life. I will however listen to this entire podcast. Is that strange?
                  I love reading about bizarre Wrestling promotions but not a chance of ever actually watching the stuff.
                  Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                  Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                  • 4NDR01D
                    Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
                    • Jan 22, 2008
                    • 3266

                    Originally posted by palitoy
                    I love reading about bizarre Wrestling promotions but not a chance of ever actually watching the stuff.
                    I would assume you've already seen it, but for anybody who hasn't I highly recommend Kaiju Big Battle, probably the most ridiculous wrestling outfit out there. It's what I wish Pacific Rim had been like to be honest.

                    Excerpt fron Kaiju Big Battel's DVD release "More Better Fighto"


                    • cjefferys
                      Duke of Gloat
                      • Apr 23, 2006
                      • 10180

                      Great episode guys! Like Brian, I can thank channel 29 in Buffalo for most of my early Star Trek exposure. I do have a vague recollection of realizing that the show wasn't new, but that sure didn't stop me from enjoying it (however, I never thought that it took place in the present day. Oh Brian, Brian, Brian ) The only Trek Megos I had a a kid were Kirk, Neptunian and the Keeper but I knew kids that had some of the other figures, and man, I loved those toys! And you can include me with the few people who collect the ST:TMP stuff (mostly the 12" figures).

                      Oh, and Intergalactic Trading Company is a blast from the past! Back in the early 90's I briefly lived in Florida in Altamonte Springs and Intergalactic's store was just up the highway. I loved that place and went there all the time, I still have some Megos that I got there (I traded some Kenner Star Wars and Super Powers stuff for them. And yeah, I kind of ended up getting a bit ripped off in the trade....)


                      • MIB41
                        Eloquent Member
                        • Sep 25, 2005
                        • 15631

                        Another classic episode! Star Trek for me was always a Sunday morning staple on television. And even though I was very much aware and watched it occasionally, I never gelled with the show until the Mego figures came out. I'm not really sure why. It could have been that I was just too much into '67 Spider-man, Batman, Lost in Space, and Rocket Robin Hood to really find room for Trek (until the figures anyway). Plus as a young kid in the early 70's, I think it was a little too cerebral to hold my interests until I was a bit older. By the time the figures were coming out, I was in 4th grade and the concept played better for me. To this day I think the transporter on the Mego Enterprise play set is the best, most original, accessory piece they ever created. I remember getting it for Christmas and being blown away by how you could make them 'disappear' and come back. A very clever idea for it's day.


                        • Red Hulk
                          Career Member
                          • Dec 19, 2012
                          • 849

                          Another great episode.My introduction to Star Trek was TOS through my Uncle Jim and later the animated series.As far as the 1979 movie I had a Lunchbox(still have the thermos)and two sweatshirts(a Kirk and a Spock)but I honestly never saw the figures but the Blackhole stuff was around for quite a while.

