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The "identify this classic toy" thread

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  • mazinz
    Persistent Member
    • Jul 2, 2007
    • 2249

    Originally posted by 4NDR01D
    I believe the weird robotic men are 12".
    Never saw them before, but I like them!
    "What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hells Angels is currently unclear,"

    Starroid Raiders Dagon wrote "No Dime Store Monster left behind"


    • 4NDR01D
      Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
      • Jan 22, 2008
      • 3266

      Ok here's one I started a thread on a while back that never got ID'd.


      • ctc
        Fear the monkeybat!
        • Aug 16, 2001
        • 11183

        >I was wonderin' if you guys could help me out identifying the last of my unknown accessories.

        Bat wings go to the GI Joe Nemesis Enforcer. I think.

        Don C.


        • SpaceCrawler
          Veteran Member
          • Mar 20, 2008
          • 443

          Originally posted by mazinz
          I am a bit confused since a few things are now going on in this thread (and why separate threads of "what is this toy should" remain).
          I agree. Putting all Toy ID posts in one thread is massively confusing when people don't fully quote the post they are replying to (or reply to older posts, reply to things that have already been IDd, etc).

          All toy id posts should be separate. There aren't that many to make them a nuisance, so this was a solution to a problem that didn't exist (like all these new voter ID laws).

          Last edited by SpaceCrawler; Feb 12, '12, 2:53 PM.


          • 4NDR01D
            Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
            • Jan 22, 2008
            • 3266

            Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. Maybe the sticky would only be for toys that have been id'd? I dunno.


            • MPM1972
              Museum Patron
              • Jan 23, 2012
              • 127

              New item I need help with

              silversuit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

              I have a bag full of 70s figure parts & clothes that I am going to be putting up on ebay soon and this was in the lot. Some Joe stuff, Big Jim and a few pieces of Lone Ranger parts.

              No tags or lables. Made of thin vinyl. Butterfly on zipper. Reminds me of Henshin Cyborg suits.

              Thanks for the help


              • ddgaff1132
                Persistent Member
                • Oct 3, 2007
                • 1705

                Myster MIni Action figures

                These are'nt classic but I could use a hand in Identifying them.

                I added the ruler in the pic to give an idea of scale. L to R .
                I think the littlest guy is from a Galoob Micro playset like Rambo but searches havent pulled anytrhing up
                Middle guy??? I have no clue where to start on this guy. No trade mark nuthin. I've been calling him a cavity creep.
                The last guy I thought was some nevue Playmobile person but checking ebay only brings up the old style playmobil's

                Here's the thing. I've been finding these by the boatload at thrift stores. Also any compatible vehicles if any are probably there too. I was thinking there might be some parentals out there who might like these for the kids.
                Last edited by ddgaff1132; Feb 22, '12, 8:30 PM.
                Check out my picture library of Mego-ish compatible vehicles with ID data.
                MEGO MOTORS


                • mazinz
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jul 2, 2007
                  • 2249

                  Originally posted by ddgaff1132
                  These are'nt classic but I could use a hand in Identifying them.

                  I added the ruler in the pic to give an idea of scale. L to R .
                  I think the littlest guy is from a Galoob Micro playset like Rambo but searches havent pulled anytrhing up
                  Middle guy??? I have no clue where to start on this guy. No trade mark nuthin. I've been calling him a cavity creep.
                  The last guy I thought was some nevue Playmobile person but checking ebay only brings up the old style playmobil's

                  Here's the thing. I've been finding these by the boatload at thrift stores. Also any compatible vehicles if any are probably there too. I was thinking there might be some parentals out there who might like these for the kids.

                  It has been driving me nuts all day because I have seen the soldier on the left and I have seen your joe on the right and neither of their proper names are coming to my mind
                  "What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hells Angels is currently unclear,"

                  Starroid Raiders Dagon wrote "No Dime Store Monster left behind"


                  • 4NDR01D
                    Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
                    • Jan 22, 2008
                    • 3266

                    ddgaf1132- Guy of far right is Imaginext.


                    • ddgaff1132
                      Persistent Member
                      • Oct 3, 2007
                      • 1705

                      Thanks 4ndr01d.That helps alot as I have several of these little guys.
                      Check out my picture library of Mego-ish compatible vehicles with ID data.
                      MEGO MOTORS


                      • megocrazy
                        Museum Trouble Maker
                        • Feb 18, 2007
                        • 3718

                        I think the guy in the middle is Imaginext too, but from the earlier series. He looks a lot like the Pirates and Knights I've had. The one on the right is the latest releases. They do the DC Comics line in that style. I've had a couple of Batcaves and figures from that line.
                        It's not a doll it's an action figure.


                        • 4NDR01D
                          Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
                          • Jan 22, 2008
                          • 3266

                          I picked up a figure today in a bag of stuff and it's driving my nuts trying to figure out who it is.
                          Toybiz-1997-Marvel (!?) looks like sinestro- big elongated head- funny little mustache, hair is the same, pointy lil ears. Head is clear green plastic, hands are green.
                          Figure is wearing similar type outfit, but not Sinestro's outfit. The uniform is black and orange. The figure has a button in his back that squirts liquid into clear green head. I washed him with some pvc figures I picked up and now he has redish liquid inside (maybe he did before too?).
                          I'll post pic later if nobody can get it from discription.

                          as always, MM/PS cards for first person to ID.


                          • Fire Marshal Bill
                            Career Member
                            • Jul 25, 2010
                            • 994

                            Saw this fellow in an eBay auction the other day. Any idea who he is?

                            Vintage Toy Rescue
                            1614-B N State Hwy 161
                            Grand Prairie, TX 75050
                            (972) 740-4424



                            • Splitty
                              Career Member
                              • Jan 25, 2012
                              • 586

                              Originally posted by 4NDR01D
                              I picked up a figure today in a bag of stuff and it's driving my nuts trying to figure out who it is.
                              Toybiz-1997-Marvel (!?) looks like sinestro- big elongated head- funny little mustache, hair is the same, pointy lil ears. Head is clear green plastic, hands are green.
                              Figure is wearing similar type outfit, but not Sinestro's outfit. The uniform is black and orange. The figure has a button in his back that squirts liquid into clear green head. I washed him with some pvc figures I picked up and now he has redish liquid inside (maybe he did before too?).
                              I'll post pic later if nobody can get it from discription.

                              as always, MM/PS cards for first person to ID.
                              It sounds like a clear liquid action version of Incredible Hulk The LEader:

                              (non fluid)

                              this dude?

                              Any toy with clear fluid is win.
                              I gots Toyyyyzzzzz


                              • 4NDR01D
                                Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
                                • Jan 22, 2008
                                • 3266

                                Originally posted by Splitty
                                It sounds like a clear liquid action version of Incredible Hulk The Leader.

                                Originally posted by Splitty
                                Any toy with clear fluid is win.
                                AND THIS!

                                If your interested in Mego Museum and/or Plaid Stallions cards PM me your address Rebecca.

