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Looking for a toy...Talk n Play??

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  • protazoey
    New Member
    • May 19, 2007
    • 5

    Looking for a toy...Talk n Play??

    OK, I really need some help on this one. I have been wracking my brain trying to remember what this toy was called....but I was like 5 or 6, maybe 7 when I played with it all the time, and I have no clue what it was called. Let me describe it, and maybe someone can tell me what it is so I can try to find one and buy it to play with my children one day...

    I used to play with this toy when I was 5 or 6 I think; that would make it about 1987, 1988. Toy could have been manufactured 1 or 2 years before that. This toy was white, had a cassette tape deck on the left, and a storage compartment below a door to store the casette tapes and books in on the right. Books that were used with this were paperback material and spiral bound so they would lay flat on top of the white compartment right under the compartment door and book were 4 colored buttons. The buttons were red, yellow, green and blue...about 2in wide x 3in tall maybe?? Each tape has a book that goes with it. I think I remember some of the themes for these were Alvin and the Chipmunks, some kind of world history or world sports, and one about a zoo and the animals in it? I KNOW I had a Hello Kitty book, I think the theme of it was Friends Around the World?? There was also some kind of theme about these animals that lived in a music store, and they would jam out and play different instruments and songs n stuff once the owner closed up for the night. I don't remember if they books and tapes came WITH the machine, or if my parents bought them separately. All these tapes were interactive through the machine. When the book opened, there were 4 colored rectangles at the bottom of each page that corresponded to the 4 colored buttons on the machine. The tape would go along and tell a story about the book, and ask you to continue how you want the story to go by pressing the colored button for the choice you wanted. It would tell you 4 choices, and you would press the button and the tape went in that direction. Or maybe each color square had a separate picture of the choice above it??? I am a little unclear on that part. Some of the tapes were teaching/learning tapes, so it would ask you a question, and then you would press the button that corresponded to the right yeah, there must have been a picture of the available answer choices above each color so you would know which one to press. If you pressed the wrong answer, I think it would let you pick another one?? If not, if you pressed the wrong one it would tell you the right one. At the beginning of the tape it would give you 'rules' I think, basically telling you how the toy/game works, and I think it told you that when the tape made a *boop* or *beep* noise it was time to turn the page so the story/game/teaching could go on and it would give you like 5 seconds to turn the page before the tape started talking and going on through the book again. Once the tape was ending, I believe it would tell you to turn the tape over and the tape would run out to the end and stop. You take it out, turn it to side B, put it back in and it starts up at the correct point in the story/game and you continue until the end of the book.

    I played this SOOO much when I was a kid!! I think I eventually grew out of it and quit playing my parents gave it away I REALLY want to find out what the correct name of this is, and I REALLY want to buy one and some of the tapes and books that work with it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! someone help me out here! My gracious thanks are given in advance.


    5/20 2:27PM--OK I managed to 'draw' out what I remember this toy looking like...the URL to my drawing is below...Don't laugh! I'm not that good at using Paint LOL!

    Last edited by protazoey; May 20, '07, 1:28 PM. Reason: additional information added
  • Thundarr
    • Apr 23, 2007
    • 86

    Welcome Leslie.

    That does sound familiar, there were so many devices like that. I know it's not Speak n' Say, but there were so many variations....TXL, Fisher Price tape recorder, Mr. Music, ALPHIE, My First Radio, etc etc. Usually the thrift places and fleas around me are swarming with them. I'll keep my eye out.

    And that tape/program sounds's not the one where the mannequin and the mouse puppets and all come to life after the shop closes, is it? That was a Canadian childrens program that had toys, books, etc. to go along with it. I remember the theme song was like lite was a black lady and a white effeminate guy (mannequin..) that would have 'adventures' and party down with various puppets and weirdos. The guy's name was Jeff.




    • protazoey
      New Member
      • May 19, 2007
      • 5

      RE: Looking for a toy...

      I don't think that is it, there were no mannequins, just animals. But they were all different, there was a girl cat that dressed up like Cyndi Lauper, and I think did Girls Just Wanna Have Fun or something like that on the tape. Then I think there was this big dog....I can't remember any of the other animals, but the Cyndi Lauper-esque cat was my favorite

      None of those names you listed ring any bells, but I will try to Google them and see if I can get a picture of them for verification. I KNOW I will know when I have the right item if I can see the picture of it!

      Thank you so much for your input, and PLEASE let me know if you find something out in your travels. If I can eventually find the correct item, and photo of it, I will try to see if anyone has one for me to buy.



      • protazoey
        New Member
        • May 19, 2007
        • 5

        I posted a URL to a drawing I just made in Paint from what I remember this item looking you have a name for it now that you can see it? I hope so!


        • HardyGirl
          Mego Museum's Poster Girl
          • Apr 3, 2007
          • 13933

          A little boy who used to live w/ me had one of these. He had a Sesame Street program w/ it, and used to leave it on until it said, "The tape is over. Push the stop button. That is the button w/ the red dot. (repeat this and then Oscar the Grouch would break in, "Will you push it NOW?) Push the stop button now." I remember this b/c he used to play this EARLY in the morning, and howl w/ hysterical laughter at that ending part. I believe Child Guidance made this toy.
          "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
          'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
          Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
          If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


          • Merlyn1976
            Fist of Khonshu
            • Mar 29, 2005
            • 6042

            It's Playskool Electronic Talk 'N Play....

            I can't find the actual system but I found a few of the books/cassettes...

            This next auction has ended but gives you some pics of the books etc...

            "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

            In the Southeast Pacific, lies the sunken city of R'Leyh. There lies C'thulhu waits to return to our world with the other Great Old Ones. A hideous creature of enormous size and alien power, it waits for it's time to return patiently. For it has all the time in the world while it waits for the stars.


            • Agent of SHIELD
              • May 10, 2007
              • 54


              This page has a photo which looks a lot like your sketch.


              • protazoey
                New Member
                • May 19, 2007
                • 5

                Yes!! That is exactly what I am looking for. I had the player made by Child Guidance, not the Playskool one....but I believe the tapes/books would work on either system??? I had the Alvin and the Chipmunks in Concert and the Animals and Their Babies sets, definitely I REALLY REALLY want to buy another one, the big white one made by Child Guidance. If anyone comes across WORKING order, I don't know how to fix these things.....I would LOVE LOVE LOOOVVVVEEE to buy it!!!! If you find any books/tapes either, I would love to buy those too.

                Thank you all for all your help, please keep me updated if you come across what I am looking for and post a reply here or send me a private message.



                • Agent of SHIELD
                  • May 10, 2007
                  • 54

                  This web page has some more info, and a pic of the box (!) for the Child Guidance edition.



                  • HardyGirl
                    Mego Museum's Poster Girl
                    • Apr 3, 2007
                    • 13933

                    Yep, that's the one!
                    "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
                    'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
                    Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
                    If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


                    • Blacksheep37
                      New Member
                      • Mar 6, 2011
                      • 1

                      Talk n play in working order

                      I have a working talk n play in working order and wa curious if anyone was still looking for one. ??
                      [email protected]

