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Underwear that's fun to wear

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    Museum Robot
    • May 9, 2007
    • 5810

    Underwear that's fun to wear

    I can still remember the first commercial I saw for Underoos, during the Plastic Man cartoon, your underwear could make you Superman, Darth Vader and even the Dukes of Hazzard! I was sold but never saw them in stores growing up (My mum was a "Marks and Sparks" shopper).
    As an adult a friend gave me a Shazam! set as a joke. I seem to recall a very tall and thin friend trying the shirt on at a party. My son wears that Shazam shirt to this day.

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32564

    I was a big fan of Underoos. The more obscure characters were always hard to find here, although I did manage to find a Flash and Aquaman. To me, these were better than Halloween costumes. I could wear these under my "street clothes" and change quickly, unlike the vinyl, easily-rippable Halloween costumes.

    I remember being impressed that the vinyl-like Superman decal on the shirt actually repelled water gun spray. To my 6-year old mind, bullets REALLY did bounce off of it!!!

    My son still wears my old, beat-up, worn Captain America and Aquaman shirts. That's all that survived.

    A few years back, Underoos were revived, although the selection was pretty limited. I only saw Superman, Batman and Spidey. My son had a few pairs of each, but they seem to have gone away...again.



    • pooper_prez
      Museum Patron
      • Sep 20, 2007
      • 104

      One year my younger brother got a pair of Underoos for Christmas - Superman, I think. Unfortunately, they got scooped up with all the loose wrapping paper and tossed in the fireplace before he had a chance to wear them.

      It's still a family joke:

      Us: "Shut up or we'll throw your Underoos in the fire again!"


      Him: "Well, what can I expect from a family that threw my Underoos in the fire..."
      Last edited by pooper_prez; Nov 13, '07, 4:20 PM.


      • Marvelmania
        A Ray of Sunshine
        • Jun 17, 2001
        • 10392

        Those bring back a lot of memories! I vaguely remember getting a set at K-Mart but can't remember which set they were.


        • toys2cool
          Ultimate Mego Warrior
          • Nov 27, 2006
          • 28605

          LOL! I had the Superman and my sister had the Wonder woman
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          • HardyGirl
            Mego Museum's Poster Girl
            • Apr 3, 2007
            • 13933

            My kid brother had these. His fave was Superman. In fact, for 3 Halloweens he'd wear these along w/ my kid sister's red tight, his red rain boots and red cape.
            "Do you believe, you believe in magic?
            'Cos I believe, I believe that I do,
            Yes, I can see I believe that it's magic
            If your mission is magic your love will shine true."


            • jwyblejr
              galactic yo-yo
              • Apr 6, 2006
              • 11146

              I had a set of Boba Fett Underoos.


              • Adam West
                Museum CPA
                • Apr 14, 2003
                • 6822

                When were these first released? I don't remember owning any....

                I just remember tighty whities and that's it. Of course, choices for undergarments in my house weren't up for debate.
                "The farther we go, the more the ultimate explanation recedes from us, and all we have left is faith."
                ~Vaclav Hlavaty


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32564

                  I have on a Spider-Man underoos shirt in our 1979 Christmas photos. So sometime in the late 70s (78 or 79, I'd guess).



                  • Count Creepyhead
                    Museum Super Collector
                    • Jul 28, 2007
                    • 160

                    I had a drawer full of these as a kid.
                    The best part was "Peeling" the shirt apart when they were new. My favorite was Cap, and the Long john Darth Vader. The Hulk never made sense to me though, the lamest of the bunch.


                    • Earth 2 Chris
                      Verbose Member
                      • Mar 7, 2004
                      • 32564

                      Oddly enough, I came home today, and was greeted at the door by my kid in the afore-mentioned old Captain America shirt!

                      I do have one more Underoos shirt that survived, it was a later release that didn't look like a uniform, and has Superman punching meteors. Not as cool as the uniforms, but not as lame as the Hulk.



                      • EmergencyIan
                        Museum Paramedic
                        • Aug 31, 2005
                        • 5470

                        I too loved these when I was a kid. I had Spider-Man, Superman and Batman.

                        I must have bee about 7 years old and we had a young dog who I liked to put t-shirts on for some reason, from time to time. Well, one Saturday morning, in the summer, I had put the Superman t-shirt on her. Guess what happened a little bit after that? I came in from outside and she stormed right through me and the front door. She was an all white, 40lb. Huskie/Spitts (sp?) mix, at the time. So, picture this white, medium sized dog running loose around the neighborhood in a Superman Underoo t-shirt on a Saturday morning. "Honey, look, it's Superdog!"

                        Anyhow, we got her back about an hour later. She'd run anytime you got close to her during the few times she got loose. Everything was fine, fortunately and it was a funny story to tell for a while.

                        - Ian
                        Rampart, this is Squad 51. How do you read?


                        • Hulk
                          Mayor of Megoville
                          • May 10, 2003
                          • 16007

                          Underoos WERE fun to wear, YEAH!


                          • jds1911a1
                            Alan Scott is the best GL
                            • Aug 8, 2007
                            • 3556

                            Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
                            I was a big fan of Underoos. The more obscure characters were always hard to find here, although I did manage to find a Flash and Aquaman. To me, these were better than Halloween costumes. I could wear these under my "street clothes" and change quickly, unlike the vinyl, easily-rippable Halloween costumes.

                            It's funny I was just talking with my Wife about the old vinyl Ben cooper outfits as compared to the costumes kids have today. my brother was batman (he was older) and I was robin and we wore our underroos whenver we could. I also had Superman and he had Shazam,

                            When the GRAPHITI t's first started showing up in comic stores in the 80's we both called em Underroos. To this day if one of us has on one of the Graphiti logo shirts it's :i;m wearing my (Fill in the character name) underoos


                            • megomaniac
                              Veteran Member
                              • Feb 10, 2006
                              • 344

                              I had the Superman ones. Man they were soooo cool. I wore them until they were nothing more than rags.

