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What toys from your childhood are you NOT nostalgic for?

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  • david_b
    Never had enough toys..
    • May 9, 2008
    • 2305

    Back around '69-'71 (6-8yrs old..), I kept getting dump trucks. Dump trucks. Plenty of Dump Trucks. Tonka (various sizes), Matchbox, other brands.

    Once I saw under my grandma's bed, with new toys for all her grandkids, all the other kids got different types of toys, vehicles. Yep, another dump truck for me. 'Course none of my MMM or other action figures could ever fit in them, so they weren't much good, nor exciting.

    I never had one later on, but I never wanted any of the KFG Joes either. Just a gimmick that didn't do anything for me.., plus Megos were out by then anyways.

    Peace.. Through Superior Firepower.


    • TrueDave
      Toy Maker
      • Jan 12, 2008
      • 2343

      Originally posted by rche
      I used to feel the same way about Marx stuff, until I saw them acting in GovIshJosephland. Now I have a strange attraction to them.

      I keep a box of Gabriel Lone Ranger parts lying around thinking I will decide to like them, but have yet to get any warm fuzzies for that line.
      I never thought I could afford EC Comics , then came the reprints. I was STRUGGLING in the 1980s with Auroar then cam the reissues. Emca has set me up with Star Trek and Apes. Hasbro and Palitoy helped me with the 40th Action Man and Adventure Team stuff.
      I would Love to get the Lone Ranger line. Love checking out the pics in my reference books but cant afford them.

      Looks like a lot of fun. But I cant afford it till they rerelease it.


      • TrueDave
        Toy Maker
        • Jan 12, 2008
        • 2343

        I had a baby boomer professor who was nuts about the Marx playsets. I studied a lot of teh books ( could never afford the sets) and watched a lot of vintage toy commercials. They had some amazing stuff in the 1960s. Check outthe book Toy Bop. STeve Canyon cockpits, Great Garloo, Jhonny Seven one man army !!

        If you want a sign of cultural anthropology start with a line, say Tales of Suspense. Start beck when Iron man showed up and follow it through to todays Captain America.

        Read the ads. They start out with fishing poles and joke toys. Then GI Joe Captain Action Slot Cars, then 1970s with Evil Kenevial Boy Scout Autrora toys and models. Then 1980. BmX bikes and Atari video games. Soon the Bikes dissapear. Its been mostly ads for videos since mid 1980s.

        Yes I have a cool Medal of Honor video game. But I would rather play with plastic army men and lincoln logs and a few rubber bands.

        Kids are different. Even art is done on computer by toddlers now.

        Childhood isnt ending sooner Adolecence is starting and staying and adulthood may never come. How many immature 27 years olds do we kno?w?

        Originally posted by Cmonster
        There isn't one single toy, comic book, magazine, video game, movie, TV show, or anything else for that matter, from my childhood, that I'm not nostalgic for.

        Again, I'll go back to my theory on the 70's. It was truly the perfect decade to be a kid. I see my nephews now, kids of my friends, etc... Man, what a huge difference. I mean HUGE. Gigantic. Gargantuan. Immeasureable... I mean, if you put a 9 year old in a time machine and sent him back to 1977, his head would explode. No internet, no cell phone, no ipod, NO CLUE. "Hey, let's grab our megos and climb up to my treehouse, read comic books and trade Star Wars cards!" That kid would be like "Why would I want to climb a tree, and why are you playing with dolls?" I'm telling you, straight up; Action figures, comic books, all that stuff... It's for US. Late 30-40 somethings, that grew up in the 70's actually reading comics and PLAYING with that stuff. Here's some facts;

        1)I go to the comic book store to get my comics every Wednesday. I have done that pretty much my entire life. In the past 20 years, I have NEVER sen a kid in the comic book store. If I have, he was with his dad, who was getting his books or buying action figures.

        2)When I'm in a TRU or similar place, looking for figures, what have you, all the young kids, are in the video game aisle. All I usually see in the action figure aisles, are GUYS. I very, very rarely see kids buying action figures. Why? Because "kids" nowadays don't play with action figures. Sure, I see really young kids (2-5 or maybe 6) playing with that stuff here and there, but good God... I played with all that stuff and collected baseball cards until I was at least 12 or 13. Kids today at that age, have their heads buried in their iphones, texting and tweeting their lives away, never looking up for 2 freakin' seconds to enjoy, explore, or even notice the world around them.

        I'm telling you... The world is upside down right now, and kids are growing up way too fast. I absolutely FIEND for anything from the 70's or my childhood, because in my opinion, I represent the last of a truly by gone era. A time when kids were kids and the world was a much different, much better place.

        So there's no toy that I'm not nostalgic about. That's part of the reason why I'm here. I think a lot of you, particularly the ones who are my age (41), feel the same way and know pretty much exactly what I'm talking about... I mean, c'mon, what will ever be better than megos, Famous Monsters magazine, Star Wars, KISS albums, and Saturday morning television?



        • Karen-bionic-fan
          • Feb 13, 2010
          • 771

          Mouse trap vile and the purple people eater game totally useless


          • jds1911a1
            Alan Scott is the best GL
            • Aug 8, 2007
            • 3556

            I had the hardy boys joe as a kid but have no desire to get another one now. I have also taken some of the barbies my daughter is most fond of now and put away a mib one for when she's older. at worst the parent has bought a toy at retail that'll be unwanted and worthless (ie anyone who put away early toybiz or kenner POTF figs) but odds are the child of a toy person will grow into the same hobby since the parent won't force the child the dispose of the toys

            I wish I still had all my old matchbox & hotwheels just to give them to my son now (but since so many of the molds for hotwheels are still around I get the new deco of the molds I knew and tell him about the one I had at his age)


            • samurainoir
              Eloquent Member
              • Dec 26, 2006
              • 18758

              I still have Fonzies Garage and hotrod stored away somewhere and still think it was a poor substitute for a Batcave/Batmobile (which I now have).

              No real love for Battle Star Galactica figures... particularly the Cylon which had so little play-value articulation he was more of an INACTIOn Figure. I think I have at least a dozen Daggits just sitting in a bag somewhere from garage sales in the nineties.

              Play Doh and Light Brite don't do it for me either.
              My store in the MEGO MALL!



              • LonnieFisher
                Eloquent Member
                • Jan 19, 2008
                • 10867

                Originally posted by Cmonster
                There isn't one single toy, comic book, magazine, video game, movie, TV show, or anything else for that matter, from my childhood, that I'm not nostalgic for.

                Again, I'll go back to my theory on the 70's. It was truly the perfect decade to be a kid. I see my nephews now, kids of my friends, etc... Man, what a huge difference. I mean HUGE. Gigantic. Gargantuan. Immeasureable... I mean, if you put a 9 year old in a time machine and sent him back to 1977, his head would explode. No internet, no cell phone, no ipod, NO CLUE. "Hey, let's grab our megos and climb up to my treehouse, read comic books and trade Star Wars cards!" That kid would be like "Why would I want to climb a tree, and why are you playing with dolls?" I'm telling you, straight up; Action figures, comic books, all that stuff... It's for US. Late 30-40 somethings, that grew up in the 70's actually reading comics and PLAYING with that stuff. Here's some facts;

                1)I go to the comic book store to get my comics every Wednesday. I have done that pretty much my entire life. In the past 20 years, I have NEVER sen a kid in the comic book store. If I have, he was with his dad, who was getting his books or buying action figures.

                2)When I'm in a TRU or similar place, looking for figures, what have you, all the young kids, are in the video game aisle. All I usually see in the action figure aisles, are GUYS. I very, very rarely see kids buying action figures. Why? Because "kids" nowadays don't play with action figures. Sure, I see really young kids (2-5 or maybe 6) playing with that stuff here and there, but good God... I played with all that stuff and collected baseball cards until I was at least 12 or 13. Kids today at that age, have their heads buried in their iphones, texting and tweeting their lives away, never looking up for 2 freakin' seconds to enjoy, explore, or even notice the world around them.

                I'm telling you... The world is upside down right now, and kids are growing up way too fast. I absolutely FIEND for anything from the 70's or my childhood, because in my opinion, I represent the last of a truly by gone era. A time when kids were kids and the world was a much different, much better place.

                So there's no toy that I'm not nostalgic about. That's part of the reason why I'm here. I think a lot of you, particularly the ones who are my age (41), feel the same way and know pretty much exactly what I'm talking about... I mean, c'mon, what will ever be better than megos, Famous Monsters magazine, Star Wars, KISS albums, and Saturday morning television?

                I couldn't agree more. You said it perfect. I want to move to '70's world. It was such a great time.


                • Werewolf
                  • Jul 14, 2003
                  • 14623

                  Star Wars, it just doesn't have the same appeal to me as it used to.
                  You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


                  • Karen-bionic-fan
                    • Feb 13, 2010
                    • 771

                    I loved loved the original starwars toy range and had the lot 1977 till 1984 stuff stuff My family got me or the guys in my class sold me or gave me , looking back iv wanted to have it back but i find them too small the play-sets are amazing but I much prefer the 11 inch figures and 12 figures now much better for display .


                    • david_b
                      Never had enough toys..
                      • May 9, 2008
                      • 2305

                      Originally posted by Cmonster
                      You and me both, brother.

                      Take me with you...!!! 1973..??

                      1) Start of the Megos
                      2) Joe Adventure Team still new and cool ($3.99 Joes..)
                      3) Vintage Captain Action sets being rid of the cheap prices at obscure dime stores.
                      4) Comics were still 20 cents..
                      5) ATM Star Trek models in BIG Boxes..
                      6) The best Avengers/Defenders Marvel cross-over summer event EVER!!

                      I'm SO there.

                      Last edited by david_b; Feb 25, '10, 8:45 AM.
                      Peace.. Through Superior Firepower.


                      • tay666
                        Career Member
                        • Dec 27, 2008
                        • 755

                        Originally posted by TrueDave
                        All you lincoln Log and Tinker Toy haters send em my way!
                        Can we split them between us?
                        I'd love to get some of those again. Would have a blast playing with them with my nephew.
                        Saw some in the store the other day and almost had a heart attack from the sticker shock!

                        As far as stuff that I had, that I wouldn't want now.
                        Evil Kenivel.
                        Yeah, the bike was fun, but that van and other stuff was just boring.
                        Cap guns.
                        They were a blast when I was 9, but I'd much rather play with the real things now.


                        • nvmbrsdoom5
                          Persistent Member
                          • Mar 1, 2005
                          • 1627

                          Originally posted by Captain
                          I guess I'm an oddball, as I'm nostolgic for all my old childhood toys...including the stuff I always wanted and never had. Heck, I even get a bit misty when I see an old toy my Sister had. I need counselling!!
                          I agree and relate to this completely!


                          • Hector
                            el Hombre de Acero
                            • May 19, 2003
                            • 31852

                            Originally posted by Cmonster
                            There isn't one single toy, comic book, magazine, video game, movie, TV show, or anything else for that matter, from my childhood, that I'm not nostalgic for.

                            Again, I'll go back to my theory on the 70's. It was truly the perfect decade to be a kid. I see my nephews now, kids of my friends, etc... Man, what a huge difference. I mean HUGE. Gigantic. Gargantuan. Immeasureable... I mean, if you put a 9 year old in a time machine and sent him back to 1977, his head would explode. No internet, no cell phone, no ipod, NO CLUE. "Hey, let's grab our megos and climb up to my treehouse, read comic books and trade Star Wars cards!" That kid would be like "Why would I want to climb a tree, and why are you playing with dolls?" I'm telling you, straight up; Action figures, comic books, all that stuff... It's for US. Late 30-40 somethings, that grew up in the 70's actually reading comics and PLAYING with that stuff. Here's some facts;

                            1)I go to the comic book store to get my comics every Wednesday. I have done that pretty much my entire life. In the past 20 years, I have NEVER sen a kid in the comic book store. If I have, he was with his dad, who was getting his books or buying action figures.

                            2)When I'm in a TRU or similar place, looking for figures, what have you, all the young kids, are in the video game aisle. All I usually see in the action figure aisles, are GUYS. I very, very rarely see kids buying action figures. Why? Because "kids" nowadays don't play with action figures. Sure, I see really young kids (2-5 or maybe 6) playing with that stuff here and there, but good God... I played with all that stuff and collected baseball cards until I was at least 12 or 13. Kids today at that age, have their heads buried in their iphones, texting and tweeting their lives away, never looking up for 2 freakin' seconds to enjoy, explore, or even notice the world around them.

                            I'm telling you... The world is upside down right now, and kids are growing up way too fast. I absolutely FIEND for anything from the 70's or my childhood, because in my opinion, I represent the last of a truly by gone era. A time when kids were kids and the world was a much different, much better place.

                            So there's no toy that I'm not nostalgic about. That's part of the reason why I'm here. I think a lot of you, particularly the ones who are my age (41), feel the same way and know pretty much exactly what I'm talking about... I mean, c'mon, what will ever be better than megos, Famous Monsters magazine, Star Wars, KISS albums, and Saturday morning television?

                            There's no reason for me to post said it all brother...



                            • Hector
                              el Hombre de Acero
                              • May 19, 2003
                              • 31852

                              Originally posted by Werewolf
                              Star Wars, it just doesn't have the same appeal to me as it used to.
                              I feel the same way.

                              And I think it's due to the new left a sour taste in my mouth...



                              • kennermike
                                Permanent Member
                                • Nov 4, 2007
                                • 3367

                                Originally posted by Hector
                                I feel the same way.

                                And I think it's due to the new left a sour taste in my mouth...

                                100 % agreed

