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Any new classic toy aquisitions?

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  • 4NDR01D
    Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
    • Jan 22, 2008
    • 3266

    New stuff:

    Rom the Space Knight- one of those toys I never even saw in person until it showed up in my mailbox. Along w/ Hugo (man of 1000 faces), this was my most desired toy that I saw ads for in comic boks from late 70's, too bad I was reading them in the mid 80's and these suckers were long gone.

    Tomland Grand- Thanks to member Brian Albright I picked this guy up for a very reasonable price. Probably my least favorite of the 8" tomlands, but I still like him.

    VAC-MAN- OK, I admit I was totally drunk when I bought this. But, BIN for $25 is a steal and this guy is tons of fun. Now that I have one, I'm surprised that I didn't add one to my collection years ago.

    Star Wars glasses- I picked up 6 mint glasses from original trilogy at the March of Dimes thrift shop. 3 for a dollar. Now if I could figure out what to do with them.

    Henshin Cyborg 12" Ultraman suit- not a 70's original but it's still cool to have a 12" Ultraman that didn't cost $200 (hello, Medicom!).


    • palitoy
      live. laugh. lisa needs braces
      • Jun 16, 2001
      • 59305

      Any photos of this awesome haul?
      Places to find PlaidStallions online:

      Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


      • 4NDR01D
        Alpha Centauri....OR DIE!
        • Jan 22, 2008
        • 3266

        Originally posted by palitoy
        Any photos of this awesome haul?
        I've been wanting to show some pics of my collection for a while now.
        Problem is, I'm always waiting for "one more piece", or "as soon as I get that shelf better organized" before I take photos. I'm really anal about my display and I'm never ever satisfied. Ever.


        • cjefferys
          Duke of Gloat
          • Apr 23, 2006
          • 10180

          Originally posted by stretchandro
          I've been wanting to show some pics of my collection for a while now.
          Problem is, I'm always waiting for "one more piece", or "as soon as I get that shelf better organized" before I take photos. I'm really anal about my display and I'm never ever satisfied. Ever.
          I know exactly how you feel. I had the very same thoughts, but eventually I finally just took some pics, took a deep breath and posted them here. Look at it this way, if you do that and you end up getting more pieces and making a display that you are more happy with, you can always post an update. At any rate, I'd especially love to see your Japanese stuff.


          • goldenryan
            coy member
            • Jul 13, 2007
            • 1467

            Originally posted by haggis
            My latest acquisitions will be quite familiar to most around here but I'm very happy to have them:

            The Klingons and Action Jackson came from the resident MEGO Museum 'casemaster,' Nayrbgo, the CAH Superman in the bag from ebay and sitting at the end is a prototype Green Goblin(from the recent Spiderman Classics line by Hasbro? I know it doesn't really qualify as a classic toy but I just kind of liked the look of it and it was already in the photo) from a recent toy show.
            some nice pickups there.


            • sauce
              • Jun 24, 2007
              • 3491

              Originally posted by haggis
              My latest acquisitions will be quite familiar to most around here but I'm very happy to have them:

              The Klingons and Action Jackson came from the resident MEGO Museum 'casemaster,' Nayrbgo, the CAH Superman in the bag from ebay and sitting at the end is a prototype Green Goblin(from the recent Spiderman Classics line by Hasbro? I know it doesn't really qualify as a classic toy but I just kind of liked the look of it and it was already in the photo) from a recent toy show.

              All right! Glad to see they safely landed.

              I can't wait for the Toyroom Central Picture Update!


              • livnxxxl
                Megoholic RocketScientist
                • Oct 23, 2007
                • 3903

                Originally posted by stretchandro
                I've been wanting to show some pics of my collection for a while now.
                Problem is, I'm always waiting for "one more piece", or "as soon as I get that shelf better organized" before I take photos. I'm really anal about my display and I'm never ever satisfied. Ever.
                Don't feel bad. You are not alone. I to am some what of a perfectionist when it comes time to display my collection. Just another couple of months hopefully and I will have more room to do that the way that I really want to.
                Enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. (C) Azrak 2009

                Too much space. Need more toys!

                Check out the ever growing Mego like sized vehicles data base.


                • livnxxxl
                  Megoholic RocketScientist
                  • Oct 23, 2007
                  • 3903

                  Here is one of my latest classic toy finds. I knew right away when I seen this sitting on the shelf that it looked vintage. I have a sense built in now that I can pretty much just tell by looking at the plastic the items are made of whether a piece looks vintage or not.

                  I had no idea at the time what line it exactly was so I looked it up on good old Evil Bay.

                  It turns out that this piece is a 1968 Louis Marx horse from Johnny West. The horse is named Thunderbolt. When I got home I had noticed that there is a "really small" round stamp on the hind back leg of the horse. It was so small that I could barely even see it with a magnifiying glass. Gee, I wonder if they could have made that stamp a bit smaller. The stamp read Louis Marx. Right then I knew I had something decent. I circled the stamp on the picture above to show where the marking actually is on the horse. Not to worry I used a graphics program to put that circle on the picture. I was not going to actually mark on the horse itself. I just love looking for and especially finding vintage stuff like this. Too bad that it is so far and in between. Then again that is what is so fun about finding this stuff. The challenge. One just never knows what is going to be at that next sale, antique mall and or thrift store.
                  Enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. (C) Azrak 2009

                  Too much space. Need more toys!

                  Check out the ever growing Mego like sized vehicles data base.


                  • cjefferys
                    Duke of Gloat
                    • Apr 23, 2006
                    • 10180

                    Here's my latest non-Mego toy purchase:

                    At first I wasn't sure if a toy from 1984 could be considered "classic", but then I realized the damn thing was 25 years old! Holy crap, 1984 doesn't seem that long ago! Anyway, I'm a fan of the David Lynch film (the novel is pretty good too) so I've always wanted to pick up some Dune toys. Well, this is my start. I was surprised how big the box is, this thing is huge. Now I gotta find a place to set it up, and get some loose figures to go with it. Anyone have any?


                    • toys2cool
                      Ultimate Mego Warrior
                      • Nov 27, 2006
                      • 28605

                      Originally posted by cjefferys
                      Here's my latest non-Mego toy purchase:

                      At first I wasn't sure if a toy from 1984 could be considered "classic", but then I realized the damn thing was 25 years old! Holy crap, 1984 doesn't seem that long ago! Anyway, I'm a fan of the David Lynch film (the novel is pretty good too) so I've always wanted to pick up some Dune toys. Well, this is my start. I was surprised how big the box is, this thing is huge. Now I gotta find a place to set it up, and get some loose figures to go with it. Anyone have any?
                      definitely a classic in my book
                      "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

                      My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


                      • livnxxxl
                        Megoholic RocketScientist
                        • Oct 23, 2007
                        • 3903

                        Yet another Louis Marx horse yesterday. I went into the same store again as it has been a little bitty gold mine for me here lately. Low and behold I found yet another Louis Marx horse along with some other non vintage goodies. This Louis Marx horse is actually articulated unlike the one that I found the day before. If this is the kind of stuff that I am finding after noon I just cannot help but wonder what I have been missing out on in the AM when the store opens????????

                        I have yet to look this one up on Evil Bay as of yet. So I do not know who's horse this is or what the horse's name is for this one. I have been a little busy preparing for my trip to my lake home for a couple of weeks or so.
                        Enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. (C) Azrak 2009

                        Too much space. Need more toys!

                        Check out the ever growing Mego like sized vehicles data base.


                        • rche
                          channeling Bob Wills
                          • Mar 26, 2008
                          • 7388

                          Hiya cj,

                          You are a man after my own heart. Now you need a sand worm to go with it.


                          • vulcan2074
                            Live Long and Prosper
                            • Mar 23, 2008
                            • 7812

                            Originally posted by cjefferys
                            Here's my latest non-Mego toy purchase:

                            At first I wasn't sure if a toy from 1984 could be considered "classic", but then I realized the damn thing was 25 years old! Holy crap, 1984 doesn't seem that long ago! Anyway, I'm a fan of the David Lynch film (the novel is pretty good too) so I've always wanted to pick up some Dune toys. Well, this is my start. I was surprised how big the box is, this thing is huge. Now I gotta find a place to set it up, and get some loose figures to go with it. Anyone have any?
                            Thats Fantastic. What a great pick-up. I Love DUNE


                            • cjefferys
                              Duke of Gloat
                              • Apr 23, 2006
                              • 10180

                              Originally posted by rche
                              Hiya cj,

                              You are a man after my own heart. Now you need a sand worm to go with it.
                              Working on it. I remember seeing sand worms on clearance all the time at toy stores back in the late 80's. I wish I had bought one, but for some stupid reason I never did.


                              • rche
                                channeling Bob Wills
                                • Mar 26, 2008
                                • 7388

                                We used to shop at Mervyns and I recall them having an endcap of Dune with a bunch of the vehicles, figures, and the sandworm. I must've stared at that thing for an hour trying to figure out how to fit it into the Star Wars world. Never did pick one up, but I have a few of the figures kicking around now. Dune is definitely on my 'to do' list. Nice and tidy collection - you can almost fit it on one shelf if it weren't for that big crawler.

