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Marvel's Micronauts are Back!

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  • timb
    I saw the new issue on the stands a couple days ago, and was sorely unimpressed. They'd have much better to give them their 1970s costumes back with a minor upgrading.
    Rann looks like Tony Stark.

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  • samurainoir
    Originally posted by Cmonster

    Without Michael Golden, this just will not work.

    That goes without saying! I just wish the man were more prolific.

    Loved his Jackie Chan book, he seemed born to capture that kind of old school action humour. His detailed cartoony style was also perfect for counterpointing the heavy subject matter of The 'Nam.

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  • william shatners toupee
    Peter David's writing is ALL over the place. As a long time comics reader who's read a lot of his work, I can tell you that some of his runs really shine (like his work on the Hulk), but not all of them. He's real hit or miss.

    But anyways, the Microns (as they were called in Capt. Marvel), were occasional guest stars in the series as it took place partially in the Microverse.

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  • johnmiic
    Originally posted by Cmonster

    Without Michael Golden, this just will not work.

    WOW! Didn't know you were a fan Sandy

    Originally posted by william shatners toupee
    Yeah, Peter David told a flashback of an untold Microverse "CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS" in it propagated by Thanos and the Baron that merged all of the Microverses into one (So Hulk's "Jarella World" was now part of the Micronauts Microverse).

    Oddly enough, at the end of the Reign of Kings: Son of Hulk the Micoverse rather needlessly got re-made again.
    Peter David!?!? That guy stinks! He tries to attach his name to everything. He tried to re-write the background of Lt. Arex's race from Star Trek Animated to get credit for it even tho one already exists. The late Mike Weringo left FF because of Peter David too.
    Last edited by johnmiic; Sep 12, '10, 10:58 PM.

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  • william shatners toupee
    Yeah, Peter David told a flashback of an untold Microverse "CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS" in it propagated by Thanos and the Baron that merged all of the Microverses into one (So Hulk's "Jarella World" was now part of the Micronauts Microverse).

    Oddly enough, at the end of the Reign of Kings: Son of Hulk the Micoverse rather needlessly got re-made again.

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  • VintageMike
    Originally posted by samurainoir

    Is the centaur guy more or less a reimagined Karza analogue?
    Yeah, even down to having Baron in his name. If I remember right Karza was actually used in the Captain Marvel story but only called "The Baron" and seen in shadow.

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  • WannabeMego
    Originally posted by Cmonster

    Without Michael Golden, this just will not work.

    'Nuff Said

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  • Cmonster

    Without Michael Golden, this just will not work.


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  • samurainoir

    Is the centaur guy more or less a reimagined Karza analogue?

    It appears I actually have the Son of Hulk in my Reign of Kings omnibus. I really liked the Inhumas chapters, but I'm having difficulty caring enough about the Starjammers/Imperial Guard chapters and haven't gotten to the Son of Hulk stuff.

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  • william shatners toupee
    Well, the scary thing is that there IS supposedly a movie very early in the works (but not based on Marvels version), and mutterings about Hasbro bringing the line back somehow (perhaps as a re-invention as Palisades tried?), so the comics REALLY need to do something to make their OWN identity now and separate themselves from the old license and stand on their own. it can be done, though I don't know if this is the way to do it (IE- the current mini series).

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  • Blue Meanie
    I'm surprised that the idiots over at Disney can't see the potential of either a Movie or Cartoon series with the Marvel Micronauts...just goes to show you that it don't matter who has control of Marvel....they're just a company that doesn't have a clue anymore. They may end up going the way of the doe doe just like that other independent comic company....what's their name???? Oh yeah, Image.

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  • william shatners toupee
    I LOVE Marvels Micronauts. They are long since been overdue for a comeback, and it really IS Marvels short sightedness for not having brought them back in their own series before now. Copyright problems be damned, as long as Marvel owns some of them, how hard is it to design new cool characters for the team and start something new?

    FYI, just cause I didn't see it mentioned, this is the SECOND mini with the Enigma force this year. The first one was a four part mini called WAR OF KINGS: SON OF HULK. The Micronaut parts were good, but he Son of Hulk was so freaking LAME!

    I hope the new mini-series is good. Regardless i will be supporting it because i want to see more of them!

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  • VintageMike
    Originally posted by samurainoir
    I'm probably one of the few who liked New Voyages because of the Kelly Jones art. I'll have to check out those other appearances. I've been following Guardians of the Galaxy which has Bug in it. i think he also had a solo one shot at some point, perhaps in the 90s?
    I looked into and it's actually the cable appearance I was not not fond of. The other two (Alpha Flight v2 10 & 11) and the Captain Marvel issue are pretty good especially given the licensing limitations

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  • johnmiic
    They could add Acroyear back to the line-up. It is the lack of the writers imagination that prevents them. He can't be called Acroyear because the name is not Marvel's to use but the Acroyear home world of Spartak is a creation of Bill Mantlo. They could juts re-name him The Spartakian or Prince Spartak for the dead world he once ruled. The Acroyear race is nomadic now so they could also be referred to as Spartakians. They could settle a new world and re-name the race. It would add a depth to the Micronauts not unlike that of the tragedy of Ben Grimm/The Thing. Then they would have to redesign the armor. No small feat but if they hire Michael Golden to do it I'm sure they could come up with something.
    Last edited by johnmiic; Sep 12, '10, 10:45 PM.

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  • ctc
    >i think he also had a solo one shot at some point, perhaps in the 90s?

    Yup! It's where you discover he's responsible for the creation of almost every superhero in comicdom.

    Don C.

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