I need #1101 and #1104. Is there a #1108 that's not an error? Is #1101 the Checklist? Is #1118 the last card (for now)?
Other things i need...
9. Batman 2nd release
11 Catwoman 2nd release
16 Robin 2nd release
21 Riddler 2nd release
22 Batgirl 2nd release
91 and up... Wizard of Oz
Error Cards
38 and up
Lincoln Monster
#3 Regular size
#7 and up if they made them.
Looking for lots of 70's Marvel card made by tops
A few things I have...
Mego Museum
Check List
3. Wonder Woman 2006 (has a small scratch)
7. Captain America
9. Batman 1st release
13 Conan
69. Frankenstein
Stickers and mini Posters
Lincoln Monster
1. Frankenstein
6. Hunchback of Notre Dame
3. Oversized Wolfman
Mego Popy
Zorro Postcard (cam send as a Postcard or send blank).
1975 Marvel by Topps
Shang-Li, Kung Fuw
Please email me at [email protected]
Other things i need...
9. Batman 2nd release
11 Catwoman 2nd release
16 Robin 2nd release
21 Riddler 2nd release
22 Batgirl 2nd release
91 and up... Wizard of Oz
Error Cards
38 and up
Lincoln Monster
#3 Regular size
#7 and up if they made them.
Looking for lots of 70's Marvel card made by tops
A few things I have...
Mego Museum
Check List
3. Wonder Woman 2006 (has a small scratch)
7. Captain America
9. Batman 1st release
13 Conan
69. Frankenstein
Stickers and mini Posters
Lincoln Monster
1. Frankenstein
6. Hunchback of Notre Dame
3. Oversized Wolfman
Mego Popy
Zorro Postcard (cam send as a Postcard or send blank).
1975 Marvel by Topps
Shang-Li, Kung Fuw
Please email me at [email protected]