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It’s more than just toys...

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  • Legend of Link
    Career Member
    • Jun 12, 2010
    • 818

    It’s more than just toys...

    Another year has came and went, all too fast as usual.

    Never in a million years would I have enjoyed an event so much.
    Here’s to going against my parents advice as a kid and meeting strangers off the internet!

    After years of participation on the Boards, and many Mego Meets, I can comfortably say: in this community I know no strangers. I consider each and every single individual a memeber of family. Every member makes this place, Mego meets, and my life just that much better. It’s truly amazing to see how something as simple as toys can bring so many unique and special people together.
    The Mego Museum is truly the best custom of all.

    It was equally amazing to see everyone who tries to attend every year, returning faces who haven’t been in a year or two, and new faces that haven’t been at all. If you are reading this and have ever been on the fence about attending, PLEASE do yourself the favor of going, and give us all the honor of welcoming you even further into this hobby.

    I was in my early teens when my dad dragged me into this grimy Super 8 hotel in a small town in West Virginia equipped with poor lighting, peeling wallpaper, and a bunch of guys thrice my age playing with toys, and my life changed after that. Since then, I have grown so much and have made many new friends because of that. I never would have imagined how amazing this community is in terms of love for the hobby, talent, and most importantly: brotherhood. Attending Mego Meet has shown me a family I never knew existed.

    Like the title suggests: Mego Meet for me is more than just toys. It’s a place where you can be around family, a place where you can enjoy your hobby with the same levels (and even more) of enthusiasm as others, and as always relax and enjoy Mego.

    Many thanks to Steve for busting his arse for coordinating the beautiful event! (Words simply cannot express how well it went!)
    It was amazing to meet Charlee Flatt. ( beautiful work as always and you are an amazing dude!!)
    Meeting Marty was awesome, it’s very exciting to see upcoming reveals!
    A huge shoutout to Austin for organizing the Custom Mego Hall of Fame. (Such a beautiful idea and supreme execution)
    Many more thanks are necessary, but I simply cannot express how truly awesome everyone is with words.

    The Boy is signing off now, thank you all for making Mego Meet and The Museum what it is.

    Safe travels! <- My Mego Pictures
  • PNGwynne
    Master of Fowl Play
    • Jun 5, 2008
    • 19782

    Well said. I had a marvelous time, meeting some old friends and making some new ones. The venue was great, and the generosity and creativity of our members is wonderful.

    A special thank you to Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Joker and their vehicles. What fun, I was honored to make a small contribution in villainy.

    I also want to thank Robyn for the beautiful cards and kind words.
    Last edited by PNGwynne; Jun 3, '18, 2:05 PM.
    WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


    • VintageMike
      Permanent Member
      • Dec 16, 2004
      • 3383

      The family aspect definitely came through big this year. It's amazing how because we're all instantly on the same page, I can have awesome conversations with people I just met, moreso than with people I see on a regular basis. Unlike most years I'm going to wait to do a full post tomorrow once I have a full night of sleep under my belt so I can properly recap.


      • pmwasson
        • Sep 12, 2007
        • 4881

        Sean, it was great hanging around with you and your dad (and thanks for driving me around)! It so fun to see you two taking care of each other. There was a lot of love at Mego Meet this year, and I know I was walking around with a big grin on my face most of the time.
        sigpic LaserMego


        • UnderdogDJLSW
          To Fear is Not Logical...
          • Feb 17, 2008
          • 4895

          I am chiming in to agree and say it was absolutely great to finally make it to Mego Meet and see and talk to everyone. The whole family had a great time and we are already planning to make it back next year!
          It's all good!


          • Blue Meanie
            Talkative Member
            • Jun 23, 2001
            • 8706

            Hey Chad...I think the "boy" done good It's always great seeing you and your Dad at the Meet. You were creative when you first started coming to the shows, winning the customs competition, and to see how great a photographer/customizer/person you've become speaks volumes of how far you've come since you started coming to the Meets with Dad. You're absolutely's much more than's family.
            "When not too many people can see we're all the same
            And because of all their tears,
            Their eyes can't hope to see
            The beauty that surrounds them
            Isn't it a pity".

            - "Isn't It A Pity"
            By George Harrison

            My Good Buyers/Sellers/Traders list:
            Good Traders List - Page 80 - Mego Talk


            • Brue
              User without title
              • Sep 29, 2005
              • 4246

              Thanks for the review of the meet. Very accurate. Always great to see you!


              • scott metzger
                Persistent Member
                • Jul 9, 2007
                • 2156

                Originally posted by PNGwynne
                A special thank you to Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Joker and their vehicles. What fun, I was honored to make a small contribution in villainy.
                THat Penguin costume is outstanding. Everyone looked great in costume; I love seeing the cosplayers at gatherings like this. So cool.


                • samurainoir
                  Eloquent Member
                  • Dec 26, 2006
                  • 18758

                  It is a testament to Chad that he's raised you into such a great young man. It's been awesome seeing you grow up before our eyes at Mego Meet every year, and seeing what a great father/son team you guys are. Hope you are able to continue accompanying your Dad here every year.
                  My store in the MEGO MALL!



                  • noelani72
                    • Jun 25, 2002
                    • 4609

                    well, no reason for me to start a thread...The Boy spoke what my heart feels.
                    thanks fellas - his Mom played a good role too, even if she dropped him down the stairs lol

                    Love ya Sean.


                    • Bronxboykev
                      Permanent Member
                      • Mar 7, 2011
                      • 3013

                      A Boy no longer!!! So glad you and Dad came... it's a statement of Loyalty, Fun, Family and Friends... thank you for bringing the spoilers they were great!!! Till next yeaR!!!


                      • ScottA
                        Original Member
                        • Jun 25, 2001
                        • 12264

                        Kudos sir. It wouldn't be MM without you two.
                        sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


                        • Flynne
                          Permanent Member
                          • Jan 22, 2003
                          • 3008

                          Originally posted by Legend of Link
                          I was in my early teens when my dad dragged me into this grimy Super 8 hotel in a small town in West Virginia equipped with poor lighting, peeling wallpaper, and a bunch of guys thrice my age playing with toys, and my life changed after that. Since then, I have grown so much and have made many new friends because of that. I never would have imagined how amazing this community is in terms of love for the hobby, talent, and most importantly: brotherhood. Attending Mego Meet has shown me a family I never knew existed.
                          One of us! One of us! One of us!

                          It's always great to see you and your Dad. Also, it was great to see you out drink your Dad while simultaneously not getting carded. Well done! Stay golden, Pony Boy!
                          An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"


                          • batmanmc
                            mego batman collector
                            • Jun 22, 2004
                            • 6227

                            Well said sean and it is always a pleasure seeing you .

