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And there's one in every crowd...

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  • Jorge Galvan
    Career Member
    • Jun 8, 2015
    • 633

    And there's one in every crowd...

    this was my second mego meet and I don't know if its me, but I was disappointed. I didn't see any of the figures I saw last year, there was one dealer who had a incredible WHIZZER figure for sale, was hoping to buy one.

    And I believe JOHN, from Time Traveler wasn't there this year. And I didn't get to the opportunity to meet and talk to Paul Wasson, and Thank him for the FF Flying Bathtub! and to see when he will have more Supermobile's. I was very much a fish out of water and everyone there seemed to be in their own little clic, and I didn't know how or want to interrupt anyone doing there own thing. Most of you have history with each other and for newbies' it's hard to fit in. One reason why I didn't go to the Thursday pre gig and Friday opening.

    I did see Austin, he said HI, good to see him again! I did meet Art Baltazar, we have some friends in common. the auctioneer was nice enough to let me eat in the room.

    I really wanted to find someone to work with on doing some custom figures for me.

    Sorry it I upset anyone.

  • Jorge Galvan
    Career Member
    • Jun 8, 2015
    • 633

    Oh and I was waiting for a PRICE on a Mattel RODAN, and I was waiting, and waiting and waiting...

    No one ever got back to me.


    • Blue Meanie
      Talkative Member
      • Jun 23, 2001
      • 8706

      Sorry you were disappointed. I have a question and a comment:

      You say "I didn't see any of the figures I saw last year." Well they probably were sold between last year and this years meet. Is there something in particular you were looking for? Were you looking for customs? Were you looking for original Mego? Re-Mego?? Vintage lines like Big Jim/Rookies/Captain Action/GI Joe (60's/70's/80's) I think there were plenty of dealers, me being one of them, that had vintage and there were plenty of dealers that had Re-Mego as well as plenty of customizers. Just curious as to what may have been the problem.

      My comment is this... you should have gone to the pre - Meet party. Met quite a lot of newbies and trust me there are no egos at the Meet. Also, we tell everyone and anyone that may be staying in the hotel or just hanging out after the show that the Mego Suite was open to ALL. You probably would have found that half to 3/4's of the room in the suite were working on customs. Art was literally at the table next to ours at the suite working on a Beta Ray Bill, a Cyclops, and a few others. There were dremels spinning and a lot of painting going on from Friday to late Saturday night. I hope you come again next year and take advantage of the Mego Suite and the pre-Meet Party.
      "When not too many people can see we're all the same
      And because of all their tears,
      Their eyes can't hope to see
      The beauty that surrounds them
      Isn't it a pity".

      - "Isn't It A Pity"
      By George Harrison

      My Good Buyers/Sellers/Traders list:
      Good Traders List - Page 80 - Mego Talk


      • Random Axe
        The Voice of Reason
        • Apr 16, 2008
        • 4518

        I absolutely won't speak for the show runners but this is disappointing to hear. A ridiculous amount of work and planning went into this, and one of the core principles is to welcome new friends and collectors into the family. As someone who has attended the last eight meets I can attest to two things without hesitation. This show is EXACTLY what you make of it and there are no cliques to speak of. If there are then I am definitely not cool enough to be included either. By your own admission you skipped the two most social activities available. Saturday is a flurry of activity, auctions, sales, interactive panels, contests, door prizes and excitement.

        If I remember correctly, I'm fairly certain I made it a point to ask your name and introduce/welcome you and your wife. I normally make that an emphasis as I can never have too many friends or new members of my extended family. From day one in 2008, I made friends that I'll have for a lifetime. That's the power of this show, and it bugs me that didn't happen for you.

        I can't speak to merchandise or vendors but we have the coolest and most knowledgeable group of collectors and pop culture geeks on this planet. I hope you will consider coming again as I'd love for you to experience the wonderfulness of this community as I have.
        I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

        If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


        • PNGwynne
          Master of Fowl Play
          • Jun 5, 2008
          • 19485

          Not that I'm a MM expert by any means, but I would suggest--as someone who attended Saturdays-only in West Virginia:

          *It's kind of manic, you have to butt in a little and ask/remind folks of things. I found everyone to be friendly, but spread a little thin at various times, because everything is going full-tilt by Saturday.

          *Items can vary from year-to-year, if I really wanted something, I'd be a nag about it. That's just me. I kept an eye out for business cards and carried a blank index card for dealer info. Last year when I couldn't attend, an organizer at the meet contacted me unprompted about some parts I wanted, so folks do care and reach out. Another year, I horned in and shared a bit of table space for some sales.

          *I felt a bit as you did my first year, but more on my toes the last year in Wheeling and it was great fun. As members have noted above, I was always encouraged to attend earlier and mingle more.

          I'm glad you attended Jorge and hope you don't feel too discouraged to do so again. I think any convention is 50% what we make of it, and 50% how it's organized, so it's a learning experience for all.
          Last edited by PNGwynne; Jun 22, '16, 5:37 PM.
          WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


          • Brown Bear
            Still Old School
            • Feb 14, 2008
            • 7058

            Hey Jorge, sorry to read this. For what it's worth, I attended for the first time this year having never met a soul and had the exact opposite experience as you.
            Please read my post. I found everyone welcoming and kind and went out of there way to help me. I certainly failed to see any evidence of any cliques, just friends happy to see each other.
            I'm sorry we didn't get the chance to meet. I would have tried my best to include you as Rob did for me.
            Sorry dude. I really had a fantastic experience for a newbie.
            Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


            • noelani72
              • Jun 25, 2002
              • 4609

              sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy yourself. Gotta say, I’m not 100% sure we met - and I tried to spend some time with new folks. Grimmjohn, Dumbldor, rche, Brown Bear come to mind... There was a husband and wife who had a little boy - they came to my table and asked me to paint a Frankenstein head for their son, which I did gladly. Sadly, I did not get their name.

              My first meet was weird - no doubt there. I am a bit anti-social and it took a bit for me to come out of my shell.
              But come my 2nd meet...the gloves were off.

              Sure, most of us bring stuff for a table, but it is funny how a lot of the stuff or money just goes from one set of hands to the next...round robin. lol

              This thing is more about the people. That’s why it keeps getting extended by some - getting in on Thursday night is not enough time, so some choose to come in on Wednesday...I am betting 99% that I fall into the Wednesday crowd next year. I feel spread way too thin.

              I am one of those who slips into a depressive state when it is all over and I return home. Seriously. It really, really bothers me to be home and I don’t want to do a single thing - except work on a custom, hit the boards non-stop, look at all the pics - anything except going back to the real world. It’s wednesday, and I am starting to come out of my funk...but I am really looking forward to an Ohio meet and/or roadtrippin’ to Bossart or megowgsh’s homes to hang out, eat, work on customs.

              Toys for this event are just a bonus.
              It’s the people.
              next time, just come up to me, grab my sleeve, and get my attention. ;-)


              • VintageMike
                Permanent Member
                • Dec 16, 2004
                • 3378

                Aside from re-stating what everyone has said, I realize it's daunting, just just introduce yourself and give your museum name. You'll make new friends instantly, we are a welcoming bunch. This was my 9th Meet and I've seen new people (including myself at my first one) welcomed at each and every one.


                • Bronxboykev
                  Permanent Member
                  • Mar 7, 2011
                  • 3013

                  Sorry to hear about your experience... My Brother and myself went 6 years ago for the first time. Not being well at the time we spent maybe an hour at the Friday night set up and didn't stay long after the Group photo on Saturday... We knew NO one but were made to feel very comfortable by everyone we encountered. Off the top of my head Berto, Paul Wasson, Scott A, Scott P, Brian Leitner... So many more who's names I Didn't know... The next year we went back, Almost all of the faces I mentioned were there and we got to know even more people Chris the Toy man, Austin WGSH, Brian H and Steve, the Gordy's it's been an ongoing Family Reunion every year for us... Everyone has been absolutely a Fantastic to My Wife and Daughter every year... I really hope you give it another chance it really is a fantastic event.


                  • Toyman_Chris
                    70's Era Pimp
                    • Sep 7, 2011
                    • 3010

                    I was all over the place on Saturday....mixing it up and chatting with everyone. I guess I would ask why you never introduced yourself to me?

                    That being said, had you gone to the Thursday event at Aw Yeah and come in on Friday and introduced yourself, you would be amazed at how many people you could have talked too.


                    • Brue
                      User without title
                      • Sep 29, 2005
                      • 4243

                      Sorry Jorge. My first meet was the first one in WV many moons ago. It was not a super social event for me (which is weird because I am an extrovert). In the following year I spent a lot of time on the mega museum. At my second meet I got a table. My second meet (and my 3rd through 12th were all great).

                      It is hard feeling like an outsider. Glad you came though, hope you are able to make it next year and have a better time.



                      • samurainoir
                        Eloquent Member
                        • Dec 26, 2006
                        • 18758

                        I'm sorry to hear this, and since you are local, would encourage to to come back again next year.

                        I truly can see why it would feel intimidating for a newcomer arriving on the scene on Saturday. It's a flurry of activity and many folks do seem immersed in their own activities. The best I can say is, don't be shy, particularly if you want to learn about making customs... buy parts and ask questions of the folks you are purchasing from about the best ways to use those parts in creating your custom.

                        If there are customs you admire, the best way to break the ice is to compliment the custom and ask them about how it was made. We are all more than happy to talk process all day long! This is how I learned at my first Mego Meet, and I'm still learning so much to this day.

                        I can also understand the frustrations since many of us don't stick by our table and tend to wander. I do my best to help cover tables around me or to find/direct folks to the person who's table it is, but it's not always easy, especially around Lunch Time if we've all left to go to Portillo's en-masse.

                        PLEASE come to the social gatherings next time. Aw Yeah comics was the perfect smaller gathering to meet folks and chat with them over pizza. We were all in one room in a much smaller space and not as many people are around on Thursday so it might be less intimidating for you.

                        As mentioned... Friday is also a better day to socialize since everyone is in a much more casual mode without the "official" events going on around you.

                        and finally MEGO SUITE. Go. Mingle. Chat. BYOB. Eat Snacks. Ask Questions. Introduce yourself, shake hands. Bring the customs parts you bought and start putting them together in front of everyone... you will instantly have half a dozen guys offer their opinions (happens to me every single year). We share paints. We Share Tools. We Share Tips and Tricks. Just how we roll.

                        All are Welcome.
                        My store in the MEGO MALL!



                        • megowgsh
                          Customego HoF Curator
                          • Nov 19, 2003
                          • 7420

                          Originally posted by Jorge Galvan
                          I did see Austin, he said HI, good to see him again!
                          Why, oh why, can't all yous be as nice as me? LOL

                          Jorge, it was nice seeing you again. But, you only get out of Mego Meet what you put in. You need to be a little more bold next time and introduce yourself to more people. Walk up to every vendor and shake their hand and let them know who you are and what your interests are. Walk into the Mego Suite and announce to the room, "Hey, I'm Jorge Galavan and I love Megos!" Don't just dip your toe in the water. Jump in! Heck, do a cannonball while you're at it!

                          A wise man once told me, "the love you take is equal to the love you make." Next Mego Meet spread the love. I guarantee it will come back to you in spades.

                          See you next year!

                          Peace, Love, and Megos!

                          Check out ALL my customs at


                          • batmanmc
                            mego batman collector
                            • Jun 22, 2004
                            • 6227

                            jorge i hope we talked but honestly it goes by fast so i dont recall. the meet is all about megos and friends . fgriends first megos second. pleazse if you come again introduce yourself to me . i have the keychains on my table. my name is Mike


                            • nvmbrsdoom5
                              Persistent Member
                              • Mar 1, 2005
                              • 1627

                              I understand a bit, I've been to four Meets over the years, and started posting on this forum in 2005, and yet I still feel a little out of place and shy when I attend. I don't post too frequently these days and worry that I'm too much of an outsider to just interject myself into conversations and festivities. This year though I felt probably the most at ease than ever before, and quite a few of the folks here helped make me (and my wife) feel welcome which was really nice. The forum is also a useful tool to let people know ahead of time what kinds of things you're specifically going to be looking for at the show. I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of threads asking people to list any potential items they were hoping to find, which doesn't mean for sure it'll be there, but a head's up never hurts

