I really had a great time at Mego Meet this year, as I always do. I was a bit concerned that since my son couldn't join me this year that I would enjoy it less, but being around the old and new friends made the time fly by.
I thought Steve, Brian, Art and everybody else did an awesome job of putting it together. Everything seemed to go very smoothly and comfortable. The number and pacing of events was really nice, from the Aw Yeah welcome party to the final Mego Suite gathering Saturday night. I'm really glad we were able to bring back the group photo this year.
I really enjoyed hanging around with Rob, Dan, Mike and Jason and eating deep dish pizza.
Although the Laser Mego table was off in the corner of dealer room #3, I had a lot of traffic. I really want to thank all my friend and customers who said a lot of nice things about the stuff I brought and offered a lot of good ideas about future projects. I only work on the things I enjoy and it was very affirming to hear that people actually like what I do.
I shipped 6 boxes of stuff to sell at the meet ahead of time:
Here is the LaserMego table set up (minus a Fantasicar that was sold as I unpacked it):
And I just came back with a carry on bag and a backpack:
Here is what I brought back with me (mostly comics and custom suits):
I thought Steve, Brian, Art and everybody else did an awesome job of putting it together. Everything seemed to go very smoothly and comfortable. The number and pacing of events was really nice, from the Aw Yeah welcome party to the final Mego Suite gathering Saturday night. I'm really glad we were able to bring back the group photo this year.
I really enjoyed hanging around with Rob, Dan, Mike and Jason and eating deep dish pizza.
Although the Laser Mego table was off in the corner of dealer room #3, I had a lot of traffic. I really want to thank all my friend and customers who said a lot of nice things about the stuff I brought and offered a lot of good ideas about future projects. I only work on the things I enjoy and it was very affirming to hear that people actually like what I do.
I shipped 6 boxes of stuff to sell at the meet ahead of time:
Here is the LaserMego table set up (minus a Fantasicar that was sold as I unpacked it):
And I just came back with a carry on bag and a backpack:
Here is what I brought back with me (mostly comics and custom suits):