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Aw Yeah Mego Meet...AW YEAH AWESOME!!!

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  • Blue Meanie
    Talkative Member
    • Jun 23, 2001
    • 8706

    Aw Yeah Mego Meet...AW YEAH AWESOME!!!

    Haven't gotten the chance to go through all of the post meet threads here...but I will. I just wanted to say thank you to all that came to Aw Yeah Mego Meet this year. Thanks to Steve for putting up with me. Thank you to Art and all the other powers that be that got this thing rolling and done. There are lot of people I need to acknowledge...and I know that there will be some that I forget. To the ones I forget I apologize. Age does funny things to peoples memories

    All of my Mego brothers...Who's better than you. Derek(Flynne), Scott A., Mike (Batmanmc), Charlie (Megogeek), Brian (Palitoy), Bill (Wee67), Kevin (Bronxboykev), Paul Clare (Hulk), Paul Clark (Doc Mego) and so many more that I know I am forgetting...thank you for making the yearly family reunion that much more special. To all of my other brothers that couldn't make it this year...I hope to see you guy's next year.

    To all that haven't gone to Mego Meet yet...What the hell are you waiting for??!!?? Me and my big bro Tom (Wannabemego) made the 12 + hour trip...hell we had first timer Boy Wonder come from Puerto Rico. Great meeting you and your son. If he can make it to the show...anyone can make it to the show. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. The friendships that you will make will be worth more than any Mego you will buy at the show. These guys and girls are my extended family...that's how close we've all gotten over the last 11 years. Start putting aside a little $ and plan ahead of time and make the trip. It's worth it. We'll even get the IHOP across the street from the hotel to stay open 24 hours (That was for you Derek )

    My only regret this year was that I didn't get to spend more time with everyone that I have mentioned and other that are escaping my mind right now. Also, I regret not getting to go to Art's Aw Yeah Comic store.

    To all the newbies to the show thanks for coming up and introducing yourself and spending a little time getting to know us. See, we don't bite

    Chris (cjeffreys), it was an honor and pleasure to get to know you. If you are ever in the NY/NJ area just message me or Tom. NY/NJ has a lot of cool places to see and experience.

    Roberto (DarkKnight 67) I told you these guys are great. I also let everyone know years ago about that awesome Batmobile...and now everyone knows how great it is and how great you are. Keep on doin' what you do...and stay healthy

    Last but not least...I say this every year, but it's always true: To my big Bro Tom...I can't do this show without you. It's not just because you's because you are my best friend and you understand and support what I do. You always have and for that I am forever grateful to have you as my brother. I love ya.
    "When not too many people can see we're all the same
    And because of all their tears,
    Their eyes can't hope to see
    The beauty that surrounds them
    Isn't it a pity".

    - "Isn't It A Pity"
    By George Harrison

    My Good Buyers/Sellers/Traders list:
    Good Traders List - Page 80 - Mego Talk
  • VintageMike
    Permanent Member
    • Dec 16, 2004
    • 3380

    I say it every year, but it's worth repeating. You and Tom were the first ones to make me feel welcome at my first Meet in 07. It wouldn't be the same without you guys. I have to say I believe the friendships we make at Mego Meet pour into the hobby itself. Used to be the toys on my shelf represented good childhood memories. Now my Megos also represent something positive for me as adult and in the present.


    • ScottA
      Original Member
      • Jun 25, 2001
      • 12264

      I think I just got some dust in my eye. Love ya man.
      sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


      • cjefferys
        Duke of Gloat
        • Apr 23, 2006
        • 10180

        Originally posted by Blue Meanie
        Chris (cjeffreys), it was an honor and pleasure to get to know you. If you are ever in the NY/NJ area just message me or Tom. NY/NJ has a lot of cool places to see and experience.
        The very same to you sir, wish we could have talked more. And I was blown away by all the stuff you brought, I'm definitely bringing a parts want list next time! Believe it or not, I've never been to the NYC area, I'm hoping to rectify that someday soon (Ed and I might try to plan a roadtrip) and if I'm heading there I will definitely let you and Tom know!


        • samurainoir
          Eloquent Member
          • Dec 26, 2006
          • 18758

          Roberto, you always have the best stuff. So happy the Ligotti Bros could make it. You two are the best.
          My store in the MEGO MALL!



          • Bronxboykev
            Permanent Member
            • Mar 7, 2011
            • 3013

            Originally posted by samurainoir
            Roberto, you always have the best stuff. So happy the Ligotti Bros could make it. You two are the best.
            What Sam Said... When I first heard that John Farley was out and you guys were iffy because of the new location, I started having my reservations about MM 2015, because you and John along with the Paul's Doc and Wasson were my first Meet Acquaintances , Then Tom Posted that you guys were making the trip and a sigh of relief came over me... It is always a pleasure...


            • Boywonder0
              Persistent Member
              • Dec 29, 2007
              • 2411

              Roberto, it was an honor meeting you and Tom. I have to say that your Mego merchandise was among the most if not the most impressive Mego offerings at MM. Glad to score the Captain Eagle (Action Jackson KO) figure from you.

              You guys (and anyone herein) have a brotha at Puerto Rico and if you ever come to the island make sure to stop by. We have a guest room at home (precisely where I display my Mego goodies) and I'll be both honored and happy to lodge you.
              Last edited by Boywonder0; Jun 16, '15, 6:32 PM.


              • Random Axe
                The Voice of Reason
                • Apr 16, 2008
                • 4518

                Hey Ariel, my company just expanded and opened like ten stores in your area. I might just come down there sometime. I'll need a translator, though. I'm not nearly smart enough to learn a second language...
                I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

                If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


                • Boywonder0
                  Persistent Member
                  • Dec 29, 2007
                  • 2411

                  Originally posted by Random Axe
                  Hey Ariel, my company just expanded and opened like ten stores in your area. I might just come down there sometime. I'll need a translator, though. I'm not nearly smart enough to learn a second language...
                  I'll be happy to hang around with you Scott! You'll learn spanish in no time You know how to contact me bro!

