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  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59550

    Show us your swag!

    What scores did you pick up at MM? Here are a few of mine, I think I got more but it's hard to unpack.

    Also got some Art B sketchs for my kids that made me Dad of the year.
    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:
  • ScottA
    Original Member
    • Jun 25, 2001
    • 12264

    I didn't realize you won the BL GL. Sweet.
    sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


    • palitoy
      live. laugh. lisa needs braces
      • Jun 16, 2001
      • 59550

      Originally posted by ScottA
      I didn't realize you won the BL GL. Sweet.
      I was standing in the hallway, a lot of people didn't realize that was me.
      Places to find PlaidStallions online:

      Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


      • megoapesnut
        The name says it all!
        • Dec 3, 2007
        • 3727

        Sweet boxed Apes! Those are some of my favorite pieces in my collection.


        • palitoy
          live. laugh. lisa needs braces
          • Jun 16, 2001
          • 59550

          Thanx, I've owned the Astronaut before but not the other guys. I'd usually just give up.

          I forgot to include the sweet Apes set you sent to me for the show, mostly cause I was playing with it.
          Places to find PlaidStallions online:

          Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


          • MEGO_SUPERMAN
            Say No To Kryptonite!
            • May 9, 2011
            • 341

            Nice stuff!
            Truth, Justice and Megos THAT is the American Way!

            The Human Torch was denied a bank loan! - Ron Burgundy KVWN Channel 4 News Team

            A picture is worth a thousand words. A Chuck Norris is worth 1 billion words. - Chuck Norris

            You know what? I can already tell that I don't like you. And I'm probably not gonna like you no matter how many pull-ups or push-ups you do. All right, anybody who wants to pick on anybody in class, aim for him, 'cause I'm not watchin'. -Kenny Powers


            • alex
              Permanent Member
              • Jun 15, 2009
              • 3142

              What a hoard, U greedy git


              • B-Lister
                Eccentric Weirdo
                • Mar 19, 2010
                • 3034

                I'm at work, but will post up my haul as soon as I get home.
                Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


                • VintageMike
                  Permanent Member
                  • Dec 16, 2004
                  • 3383

                  Here is what I picked up. I am bit dissapointed in that I could have spent more but chickened out of another trip to the ATM. Congrats on the GL, that piece is awesome.

                  Uploaded with


                  • vulcan2074
                    Live Long and Prosper
                    • Mar 23, 2008
                    • 7813

                    Great looking swag. Congrats!


                    • B-Lister
                      Eccentric Weirdo
                      • Mar 19, 2010
                      • 3034


                      Little fuzzy, but the teen body has a repro Kid Flash head I got from Doc.

                      The other heads I got from Austin. Nightwing, Flash Gordon, and Invincible.

                      The teen body I picked up at last year's meet from Berto, bought Flash from Doc, Riddler from Berto, and the henchmen from the guy giving out the keychains (sorry I forgot your name.)
                      Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures


                      • batmanmc
                        mego batman collector
                        • Jun 22, 2004
                        • 6227

                        the henchman were from me . no pictures yet but i got the set of buck rogers from castaway toys, a 12'' captain amaerica from steve and a boxed ironman a boxed robin a boxed catwoman from berto. and a few other things like the magnet , the mego decal logo some emblems trek chairs a lock for my planet of the apes jail and thats about everything i got. mike


                        • AcroRay
                          Persistent Member
                          • Apr 17, 2005
                          • 1010

                          I continued to feed my 8" bug, with some nice Diamond/EMCE Trek courtesy of JohnMC, some vintage POTA stuff from Brue, a cheap broken-in-package 1999 Paul Morrow, and a naked Tomland Dagon (thanks to Berto) that I dressed up for the custom contest as "Galatic Hitchhiker". Berto also set me up with an original shirt for my much-prized AHI Frankenstein, and I finished Frankie up with some nice clothes from Doc and CAWT. Now he looks authentic, but better! Also got some great trading card stuff, and a few choice bits of clothing and accessories for 8" figures. Not pictured also was an excellent complete vintage Micronauts Galactic Defender from CAWT's Cargo Hold sale.

                          Micronauts Collector, Historian, Consultant
                          AcroRay's Laboratory - My Micronauts Blog
                          The Micropolis Embassy - My Micronauts Group
                          Rockets, Robots & Dinosaurs - My Blog for Other Interests


                          • Brue
                            User without title
                            • Sep 29, 2005
                            • 4246

                            I icked up a car window decal from lasermego. I grabbed the uncut apes card sheet. Art made us a picture. I got the super powers promo cards.

                            Lily was given power girl from trappy, supergirl from Terry, painting from art and her own kitbash custom.

                            my goal was to reduce not gain stuff so this is good.

                            maybe there was more. i'll hafta look.

                            i got ridda so much stuff my table will be sparse next year.


                            • Marvelmania
                              A Ray of Sunshine
                              • Jun 17, 2001
                              • 10392

                              That GL is off the charts sweet!

