Well, here is the final figure. This is the prototype - some minor changes will be done, mostly in the touch up area. Gonna have a lot of fun putting this figure together at the meet - hopefully will have all the helmets and clubs done by then!!
Anyway, just wanted to whet everyone's appetitie for the figure - need to sell out in order to pay for the hotel room!!
Enjoy (sorry for the size),
Chris DVM
Well, here is the final figure. This is the prototype - some minor changes will be done, mostly in the touch up area. Gonna have a lot of fun putting this figure together at the meet - hopefully will have all the helmets and clubs done by then!!
Anyway, just wanted to whet everyone's appetitie for the figure - need to sell out in order to pay for the hotel room!!
Enjoy (sorry for the size),
Chris DVM



