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Mego Meet X gratitude

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  • EMCE Hammer
    Moderation Engineer
    • Aug 14, 2003
    • 25703

    Mego Meet X gratitude

    Like Brian, I am too swamped right now to post anything lengthy. I do want to take a minute to thank the people who helped make things come together so well:

    The Kruger staff - They really upped their game this year. If the wireless hadn't crashed, I'd probably say things were perfect.
    Brian Heiler - The promotion work Brian did - from flyers to Twitter to Facebook - made a big impact this year. We definitely reached people we hadn't before. Brian was very generous with his time and resources.
    Tom Ligotti - Between naps and feedings for Roberto, Tom already has his hands full. Despite this, he's always there to lend a helping hand.
    The customs auction participants - Whether through contributing figures, bidding, or both the community got behind us again and made this our most successful auction yet.
    The customs contest helpers - Oh Canada, thanks to Ed and Marty for insuring a smooth run.
    The Mego Suite gang - You know who you are, thanks for kicking in to help me cover the Friday pizza dinner, snacks, libations, and overhead for the suite.
    Bronxboykev - The shiny glitter monument seen in the customs contest photos was provided by Kevin and his family. It's in my Mego Meet storage area now, and it will become a tradition that's updated yearly.
    Door prize contributors - Besides Brian and me, there were others who kicked-in so that we had a good bounty. Lots of kids and overgrown kids were wearing smiles over their winnings.

    And last but not least - Scott mother f-ing Pierce. From Wednesday arrival to Saturday wrap, Scott was the man. He jumped in wherever he was needed and performed like a pro. DJ Random Axe spread joy with the door prize operation and once again ran the customs contest like a champ. Couldn't have done it without you brochacho.

    I'm sure I've forgotten folks in my haste.
  • samurainoir
    Eloquent Member
    • Dec 26, 2006
    • 18758

    I regret not showering you with the bottles of Molson's you deserved and earned on Saturday night. Hopefully I can make it down to the next MegOhio with a case for you and Scott.

    As everyone keeps saying, it's to your credit and Scott's that things ran so smoothly, and the entire time you do it with a quick wit and terrific sense of humour.
    My store in the MEGO MALL!



    • samurainoir
      Eloquent Member
      • Dec 26, 2006
      • 18758

      and HUGE props for the Bronxboy family! That stage added a big touch of class to the customs contest.
      My store in the MEGO MALL!



      • VintageMike
        Permanent Member
        • Dec 16, 2004
        • 3383

        Thanks to You, Scott and Brian for making this happen at this level. I'm sure I speak for lot of folks in saying not only did we have a great time, not only was it the best MM ever, we badly needed it! Great seeing you as well as time permits throughout the weekend. I'm not broke though as you predicted, so you guys need to work on that! j/k


        • Bronxboykev
          Permanent Member
          • Mar 7, 2011
          • 3013

          Glad to have contributed in any way possible. It truly was a great event!!! Too early to start a countdown??? lol


          • Random Axe
            The Voice of Reason
            • Apr 16, 2008
            • 4518

            I honestly had a freakin blast for those four days. A few of you may know what SHoe Carnival is, but that's what I manage and we're always working the crowds with microphone specials, games and other stuff, so this seemed natural to do the announcements since that's my normal job. I was happy to contribute in whatever little ways I could. It looks like the results are speaking for themselves this year, a serious difference from last June. The planets aligned this year and everything went as smoothly as it could or perhaps ever did. Even setting up tables with Steve and the Ligottis was fun. I can't think of anything this weekend that didn't work out except for wi-fi, which was way beyond anyone's control. Well, the Bob Evans meal I had on Thursday kinda took me out for about 12 hours, but aside from that I am thrilled to have been there and tired from the experience. Thank you to everyone for my fantastic weekend.
            I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.

            If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.


            • noelani72
              • Jun 25, 2002
              • 4609

              can't say thanks enough for all the hard work of everyone to make this a nice weekend for folks.
              There was not an ounce of drama - previous years have always had something tribal...but this year, I can't think of a single darn was just awesome.
              I didn't know about the contest stage/display...thanks bronxboy!


              • Flynne
                Permanent Member
                • Jan 22, 2003
                • 3008

                All hail the crew that sets up our yearly playground! We can't thank them enough.
                An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"


                • RobTMego
                  Career Member
                  • Mar 15, 2013
                  • 568

                  I agree with all the things said above, you are a special guy Steve EMCE Hammer and you work so hard, you should be very proud of yourself and MMX!!


                  • HumanWolfman
                    Type3Toys Has Transformed
                    • Oct 5, 2011
                    • 1574

                    The Axe was breakin' it down, wasn't he?!!
                    View My Customs
                    or check here

