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THank you to ALL!-VintageMike's Meet 10 recap-extra long

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  • VintageMike
    Permanent Member
    • Dec 16, 2004
    • 3380

    THank you to ALL!-VintageMike's Meet 10 recap-extra long

    I'm sitting here "the day after" and thankfully am not working today as I definitely needed this day to re-adjust before going back to the real world tomorrow. What am amazing 3 days. Stepping back for a minute, what really made this Meet special was having so many of us there at the same time. Old faces, new faces and perhaps most special returning faces.
    Things happen, sometimes folks miss a year (or two). It happened to me in 2008. The fact that so many made showed for the 10th anniversary was appropriate and added something this year. So onto it.
    I decided to leave a bit later Thurday so I could catch lunch at on a Roy Rogers in a travel plaza about 4 hours in. Turned out to be a bad idea as rain slowed down the first part of my trip, and there was line when I got there. No time for that so I grabbed a snack. While getting in my car I noticed John F. (Human Wolfman) had called me as he had arrived in Wheeling. Called him back , we chatted for a bit and then I went back on the road. Arrived at the Hampton a little before 4:30 and Chuck (Mego Crazy) greeted me as I was checking in. They were already over at the Museum so I dropped my bags in my room and headed over with him. We were there for probably less than hour and had to leave as the Museum was closing at 5. Got a ride back to the hotel with Berto (Blue Meanie) and Tom (WannaBeMego) to the Hotel we started our yearly catch up on our comic book collecting. John called shortly after I returned to the hotel to see if I had arrived. I called him back and we hit Bob Evans. We when checked the Mego Suite which appeared locked. We hung out in the hotel lobby, chatted some more, mostly about the ReMego stuff that's hit recently. Finally we saw Steve (EMCE Hammer) and asked about the Suite. Turned out people had been been gathering in the patio directly behind the Suite! Steve officially opned up the room and the first night was off and running. Much like the last few years I figured I would pretty much blink and the it would night 3 and all she wrote, I was right about that!
    Friday morning I had breakfast ,saw a few peeps and then "initiated" my new Car by driving over to the Museum. Checked out the tables and my first day's pickups included a carded Shazam from Toyman Chris a boxed Thor from Blue Meanie., Green Arrow Pepsi glass from Scott A. and some stand from Laser Mego. Also picked up some stands from Paul W. (LaserMego) a Mego logo shirt from Paul C. (Hulk) and the official Meet short. Great to talk to Art B. (Mego Milk), Ed (Samurai Nori) and Ed N. (Almighty Suffix). The second night at the Suite arrived and an more great conversation, including more comic talk with Tom ,Berto and Derek R. (Flynne) and as well as some Mid-South wrestling talk with David Lee.
    Back up Saturday morning for the finale. Had breakfast with Chad (neolani) Brian B. (Boss), Check & Doc Mego and then headed over. Pick up a Satin Monster "Superly Edition" from Brian (Palitoy), and ton of parts from Berto and Doc Mego. Also picked up an original Batgirl head from Austim (MegoWGSH) to replace the one on mine which had greyed. Was going to meet up with Check and Doc Mego at Applebee's but would up just getting Hardee's as I couldn't find the Applebee's. I would later find out at the Suite I had to get back on 70 to find it. So used to everything being on the same stretch of road, I got a little confused. Hit the suite for the last night for wait for it..more great conversation! I have more quality conversation with everyone here than I do with rest of the world all year! Made the rounds both in the suite and on the pAtio and said my final goodbyes for the year.
    While I inimitably contemplated staying a little later Sunday for a possible last minute breakfast, it wasn't to be. Given along ride home and a desire to hit a local comic show on the way back, time was of the essence. So I grabbed some stuff to take with my on the road and checked out a little after 6:00 AM. Practically wanted to cry on the way home that this magical get together had ended. Would up arriving at the comic show a little after one, proudly wearing my MM10 T-shirt. Thanks again to all and sorry if I missed anyone!
  • RobTMego
    Career Member
    • Mar 15, 2013
    • 568

    Had another great time chatting with you again this year, see you next year buddy


    • samurainoir
      Eloquent Member
      • Dec 26, 2006
      • 18758

      Always terrific hanging out with you Mike.

      As things do tend to get packed and busy on Saturday, arriving Thursdays has become really precious to me in getting to spend real time with folks I haven't seen in a year.
      My store in the MEGO MALL!



      • Hulk
        Mayor of Megoville
        • May 10, 2003
        • 16007

        I vaguely remember when you first joined us, but now I can't imagine you not being there. Always great catching up!


        • HumanWolfman
          Type3Toys Has Transformed
          • Oct 5, 2011
          • 1574

          It was a blast seeing you Mike!
          View My Customs

          or check here


          • megocrazy
            Museum Trouble Maker
            • Feb 18, 2007
            • 3718

            Always good to see you Mike.
            It's not a doll it's an action figure.


            • Johnny
              • Oct 1, 2003
              • 3369

              It was great to meet you Mike.



              • noelani72
                • Jun 25, 2002
                • 4609

                always a pleasure Mike! I still love how you packed for the meet hahaha


                • Flynne
                  Permanent Member
                  • Jan 22, 2003
                  • 3008

                  Always great to see you, sir Hope to see you again next year.
                  An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"


                  • Toyman_Chris
                    70's Era Pimp
                    • Sep 7, 2011
                    • 3010

                    Always a pleasure to see you, my friend!!

