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Kudos to Steve and Scott

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  • palitoy
    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
    • Jun 16, 2001
    • 59367

    Kudos to Steve and Scott

    I have a lot to say but apparently this "work" thing doesn't stop when I leave the office so my personal recap will have to wait.

    Just wanted to give a round of applause to Mssrs. Moore and Pierce for running what I consider to be the best Meet ever. What a happy tight ship it was indeed filled with smiling children and adults alike.

    I'm super-duper tired today but honestly, I think my blood pressure has gone down after this experience.
    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

    Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:
  • megoapesnut
    The name says it all!
    • Dec 3, 2007
    • 3727

    Steve was so busy running around taking care of stuff that I didn't even get a chance to say hello to him. I think many people would be shocked if they knew how much time and effort is put into the meet. Thanks to all involved.


    • Bronxboykev
      Permanent Member
      • Mar 7, 2011
      • 3013

      Absolutely!!! Big UPPS TO Steve, Scott and all who make this an absolutely wonderful experience for all!!!


      • samurainoir
        Eloquent Member
        • Dec 26, 2006
        • 18758

        I can't say enough nice things about these two gentleman.

        BIG BIG ups that you fellas had things running so incredibly smoothly.
        My store in the MEGO MALL!



        • VintageMike
          Permanent Member
          • Dec 16, 2004
          • 3380

          Awesome job and the results showed. This was a special weekend and the hard work put into showed.


          • Hulk
            Mayor of Megoville
            • May 10, 2003
            • 16007

            I totally agree. Great show, and also running the MegoSuite, Steve went above and beyond. I took that on as a way to add something to the mix that wouldn't be a burden on DaveMc, Chris, Steve, etc. Playing host means that Steve was pretty much "working" 24/7 for 4 days.

            I know a few of us contributed to the cost of the suite, but passing the hat wasn't really pushed this year, and I suspect some of the Pizza cost came out of his pocket as well. It might be nice if you didn't get a chance to contribute to throw a few bucks at Steve via Paypal. I believe his address is [email protected]. Put a note in for MegoSuite/Pizza fund so he knows what it is for. (Steve will likely object, but tough noogies)


            • RobTMego
              Career Member
              • Mar 15, 2013
              • 568

              I am so proud of you all and appreciative of all the hardwork that was put into MMX by everyone envolved, I thought it was the best EVER!!!!!
              But I also really do appreciate the amount of time and effort put into the just day in, day out work you all do behind the scenes on this forum and preparing/planning for the next years meet.You all make it a fun, safe place, for us year round. even saying that you all must have the patience of saints


              • HumanWolfman
                Type3Toys Has Transformed
                • Oct 5, 2011
                • 1574

                Bravo guys!!! Best Meet so far!
                View My Customs
                or check here


                • Johnny
                  • Oct 1, 2003
                  • 3369

                  Yes! Incredibly well run! Thanks for all of your hard work and great meeting you guys.


                  • boss
                    Talkative Member
                    • Jun 18, 2003
                    • 7209

                    Agreed. This was my fourth trip to Wheeling for Mego Meet and by far the best. Thanks.
                    Fresh, not from concentrate.


                    • ubermanx
                      Career Member
                      • Jul 3, 2013
                      • 946

                      Bravo Zulu gentlemen. Ya ran a tight ship despite all us scallywags and rapscallions.

                      - Manageable Marty


                      • megocrazy
                        Museum Trouble Maker
                        • Feb 18, 2007
                        • 3718

                        Fantastic job guys. As usual a great time was had by all.
                        It's not a doll it's an action figure.


                        • Flynne
                          Permanent Member
                          • Jan 22, 2003
                          • 3008

                          You guys are they best!
                          An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"


                          • Toyman_Chris
                            70's Era Pimp
                            • Sep 7, 2011
                            • 3010

                            Amazingly done! Thanks to everyone who brought it together!!


                            • trekman101
                              Persistent Member
                              • Feb 6, 2009
                              • 1432

                              Steve and Scott did a fabulous job.....from meet to whole family had a great time....thanks guys
                              "Thats the ticket laddie"

