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MegoMeet X Pics

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  • WannabeMego
    Made in the USA
    • May 2, 2003
    • 2170

    MegoMeet X Pics

    ...and it starts...

    MegoMeet X Group Shot

    Photo is to Large to post...will reduce later...enjoy!!!
    Everyone is Entitled to MY Opinion...Your's, not so much!
  • supes
    For the love of Mego's!
    • Jan 19, 2004
    • 2070

    Great shot!! Looks like everyone is having a great time! Hopefully next year will be the one I make it to..

    For the love of Mego's


    • vulcan2074
      Live Long and Prosper
      • Mar 23, 2008
      • 7812

      Awesome!!! Looks like a lot of fun.


      • alex
        Permanent Member
        • Jun 15, 2009
        • 3142

        Every year jealous


        • steelcouch
          Career Member
          • Feb 11, 2006
          • 867

          That's a great turnout.


          • Cornelius POTA
            Persistent Member
            • Jul 19, 2011
            • 1003

            awesome photo

            good for everyone involved !!

            Cornelius POTA sigpic MEGO of the Planet Of The Apes :ape:
            :smiley13: Cornelius is home.
            I'm in a groove and on the move collecting Mego POTA figures. PM me anytime.


            • Mego Magyar
              Permanent Member
              • Jan 17, 2011
              • 2675

              Now we need a identifier list for the photo so those of us not there can put a face to the people we talk with on the forum.


              • Iron Mego
                Wake Up Heavy
                • Jan 31, 2010
                • 3532

                Great turnout!
                Wake Up Heavy Podcast

                Find me on Twitter


                • Brown Bear
                  Still Old School
                  • Feb 14, 2008
                  • 7058

                  Holy cow.....Burt Ward was there in the front row?!
                  Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


                  • EMCE Hammer
                    Moderation Engineer
                    • Aug 14, 2003
                    • 25682

                    That was Brue Ward. As others mentioned, the wifi took a dive and we couldn't do much of anything online. Now we're either hugging it out in the suite or on the road back home. Pics and updates will start rolling in soon. We made sweet love to Wheeling this year and she liked it.

                    Get that Wheeling feeling................


                    • hedrap
                      Permanent Member
                      • Feb 10, 2009
                      • 4825

                      ...and yes, that isDave Batista in the purple shirt!

                      The man closed his WWE contract last week just to attend The Meet. That's dedication.


                      • SeattleEd
                        SynthoRes Transmigrator
                        • Oct 24, 2007
                        • 4351

                        LOL Looks like LaserMego Paul was blocked. LOL


                        • Hector
                          el Hombre de Acero
                          • May 19, 2003
                          • 31852

                          Which one is Burt Ward?

                          Wow, that's the Animal?

                          That's super cool...I know Batista is a big lunch box's fantastic that a big strong jock like also a geek at heart...very cool.

                          Awesome picture, guys.


                          • Cornelius POTA
                            Persistent Member
                            • Jul 19, 2011
                            • 1003

                            I see a few people with the white " MEGO " tee shirts on that have the MEGO logo in a circle on the front.

                            Where can I get one ?

                            I also received my MM 2014 shirt in the mail yesterday and wearing it to the beach. Leaving right now for some boogie boarding.

                            CORNELIUS POTA
                            Cornelius POTA sigpic MEGO of the Planet Of The Apes :ape:
                            :smiley13: Cornelius is home.
                            I'm in a groove and on the move collecting Mego POTA figures. PM me anytime.


                            • johnmiic
                              • Sep 6, 2002
                              • 8427

                              Originally posted by Cornelius POTA
                              I see a few people with the white " MEGO " tee shirts on that have the MEGO logo in a circle on the front.

                              Where can I get one ?

                              CORNELIUS POTA
                              Paul Clare, aka, HULK was selling them.

                              Here's my 2 ¢

