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Sorry I can't be there this weekend but...
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We should have MegoMeet 11 there. Enjoy your time and we'll see ya next year.I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she dumped me before we met.
If anyone here believes in psychokinesis, please raise my hand.Comment
Paradise is overrated!!! Gimme Mego Meet anytime!!! Anyone buying that??? Yea didn't think so lol Enjoy... Hopefully Next year!!!Comment
Hey! Neither of you are in that picture! How do we know you are really there?View My Customs
or check here
On years when the Meet falls over my wife's birthday I opt out, so no worries here.Enjoy your anniversary!
An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"Comment