I'm master of the hamburger if that helps.
No announcement yet.
Mego Meet X COUNTDOWN!!!
I'll defer to Scott if he wants to be grill-master.
We can hit up the grocery store and get boxes of a few dozen Burgers and Hot Dogs, maybe a bucket of potato salad.
Anything to keep Brian from having to wait for that darn stoner pizza delivery guy again!Comment
An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"Comment
Countdown update lol
9 days till the pending Nuptuialslol
46 days till Mego Meet X
Does anyone else have any updates on what they are Making, Bringing etc... aside from the spectacular work on the Exclusive any more Auction Items besides the Bricks???
Anyone else want to share what they would like to see the vendors to bring...Comment
I'm making something for the show thanks to the generous help of Mssrs. Leitner and Wasson. I will reveal it soon.Places to find PlaidStallions online: https://linktr.ee/Plaidstallions
Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:
Not counting today 19 days till Mego Meet. Between Here and Facebook I see a lot of participation... Will everyone show up that's a day by day thing... Who knows what tomorrow holds... This will be my 4th Mego meet and I have not seen such a large response to this event... Do we have a current dealer count and a current guest count??? Will the Museum be busting at the seams??? Counting the days!!!Comment
I'm pretty pumped. Looks like I'll be having my largest-ever budget for MM, my car just went in for routine maintenance/check up and got a clean bill of health for the trip and it looks like we'll have a full house. As a bonus a took more time off than usual so more time to just get in "Mego Meet" mode and since I took the day off after maybe even have breakfast on Sunday with some folks. Usually I'm one of the first people if not the not first person to leave to get ahead of the drive and make sure I have adequate rest before returning to work Monday.Comment