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Mego Meet X COUNTDOWN!!!

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  • Bronxboykev
    Permanent Member
    • Mar 7, 2011
    • 3013

    Mego Meet X COUNTDOWN!!!

    I think I started this alot earlier last year.

    We are 125 Days out until Mego Meet X

    So I put before you all; Moderators, Buyer, Sellers, Customizers, and MOST IMPORTANTLY FRIENDS!

    Moderators- When will the link be up on the T&T Museum site to purchass vendor tables and Admission Passes.
    also what do we have in store for the DAY. Do we have an Idea of what the Agenda will be???

    Buyers - What would you like to see for sale there. Let the sellers know what your looking for. Trust me it will help them plan on what to bring and what not to bring. (Myself I am looking for anything that I do not have that is AJ!!! Vegicles, Playsets, Accessories. GOT IT Scott A LOL) (DOC BLeit Castawat Zica Type 3 etc... Bodies, outfits, boots, heads etc.)

    Sellers - What are you bringing??? Help us budget the cash we will need for the weekend

    Customizers- What Goodies do you have in store for the Auction??? Paul (Laser Mego) always has something cool for sale, will Dida bring anything for sale, I know there are playsets i'd love to see for sale there (Stately Wayne Caverns)

    Mego Meet is already a fun great getaway! This helps put it OVER THE TOP!!!

    OH YEA... Just a suggestion, if we can put our Museum names under OUR names on the Name tags I think that would be cool, help me and US recognize the people WE have dealt with and interacted with all thru the year.

    Looking Foward all!!!
  • EMCE Hammer
    Moderation Engineer
    • Aug 14, 2003
    • 25708

    Is somebody excited?!?! I am working on updating the Mego Meet link for 2014 right now. I promise it will be up and running earlier than it has been. A new wrinkle for this year is that we're taking more of an ownership role in registration, and one of the happy byproducts of that will be real names AND museum handles on the name tags. Trust me, it's going to gel in the next few weeks. I guarantee there will be Didas and plenty of customs. Bring your family and your wallet Kev:-)


    • Bronxboykev
      Permanent Member
      • Mar 7, 2011
      • 3013

      Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
      Is somebody excited?!?! I am working on updating the Mego Meet link for 2014 right now. I promise it will be up and running earlier than it has been. A new wrinkle for this year is that we're taking more of an ownership role in registration, and one of the happy byproducts of that will be real names AND museum handles on the name tags. Trust me, it's going to gel in the next few weeks. I guarantee there will be Didas and plenty of customs. Bring your family and your wallet Kev:-)
      Lol that's what I'm talking about lol


      • ScottA
        Original Member
        • Jun 25, 2001
        • 12264

        As a seller I'll have 2 tables this year. Bringing Mego, Action Jackson (I hear you Kevin, lol), ReMego, MOTU Classics, some Ghostbusters, recent Captain Action, Buck & Tigerman, misc super hero figures, hot wheels batmobiles, mics stuff and a ton of customizing stuff for people to look through. I'll also have, of course, the meet exclusive figures for sale. I'll probably find more as we get closer to June.

        As a buyer I'm looking for mint MIB and MOC WGSH and the first 2 waves of the FTC retro Batman figures. And any other retros released between now and the meet.
        sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


        • Godzilla
          Permanent Member
          • Nov 3, 2002
          • 3009

          Excellent news on the name tags!
          Mortui Vivos Docent
          The Dead Teach the Living


          • batmanmc
            mego batman collector
            • Jun 22, 2004
            • 6227

            I will bring my table of stuff including megomeet keychains free to all. And my usual odds and ends . Mike


            • VintageMike
              Permanent Member
              • Dec 16, 2004
              • 3384

              As a buyer looking for packaged WGSH boxed or carded. Will have a better idea or which ones probably late March when I will have cut myself off from buying either until the Meet itself. Will also have a better idea of what my budget will be


              • Toyman_Chris
                70's Era Pimp
                • Sep 7, 2011
                • 3010

                My inventory is always in flux, but I will bring a little bit if everything.


                • Bronxboykev
                  Permanent Member
                  • Mar 7, 2011
                  • 3013

                  51 days till Wedding day and 87 days till Mego Meet X...
                  Some great Auction figures popping up, and the Exclusive is a Home Run.
                  Any other reveals that can be made public...


                  • megocrazy
                    Museum Trouble Maker
                    • Feb 18, 2007
                    • 3718

                    Originally posted by Bronxboykev
                    Any other reveals that can be made public...

                    I will be present. Reason enough to travel from the farthest reaches of the globe to attend. Is that revealing enough?
                    It's not a doll it's an action figure.


                    • WannabeMego
                      Made in the USA
                      • May 2, 2003
                      • 2170

                      Originally posted by Bronxboykev
                      Any other reveals that can be made public...
                      Those are usually reserved for the MegoSuite

                      Everyone is Entitled to MY Opinion...Your's, not so much!


                      • megocrazy
                        Museum Trouble Maker
                        • Feb 18, 2007
                        • 3718

                        Originally posted by WannabeMego
                        Those are usually reserved for the MegoSuite

                        Some of those people look familiar.
                        It's not a doll it's an action figure.


                        • EMCE Hammer
                          Moderation Engineer
                          • Aug 14, 2003
                          • 25708

                          Even Mego Meet can't escape Batvariants


                          • samurainoir
                            Eloquent Member
                            • Dec 26, 2006
                            • 18758

                            Are we in the same Mego Suite as last year? How about we take advantage of the nice weather and BBQ grills... have a casual BBQ on Friday night?
                            My store in the MEGO MALL!

                            BUY THE CAPTAIN CANUCK ACTION FIGURE HERE!


                            • EMCE Hammer
                              Moderation Engineer
                              • Aug 14, 2003
                              • 25708

                              Yes, and hopefully that comes together. How are your grilling skillz Ed?

