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Less than 1 year until Mego Meet 20-21 in 22!!!!!!

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  • Brue
    Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
    99% chance it won't be in June, but that's all I will say on the stupidest holiday of the year. I'm still trying to pull something together.
    Let me know how I can help. I'll buy lunch if you want to get together.

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  • EMCE Hammer
    99% chance it won't be in June, but that's all I will say on the stupidest holiday of the year. I'm still trying to pull something together.

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  • SWBL5252
    Is Mego Meet 2022 a go? And if so what are the hotel arrangements etc…

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  • ToyTalk
    Originally posted by ScottA
    June 9-11, 2022. Columbus, OH
    Marked on my Calendar and I'll be there. What convention hall?

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  • ScottA
    Originally posted by ToyTalk
    My bigger question is, When is the MegoMeet and where?

    June 9-11, 2022. Columbus, OH

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  • PNGwynne
    I'm missing Brain already.

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  • SeattleEd
    Originally posted by thunderbolt
    Dang when TBolt may finally go Brain won't be there.

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  • ToyTalk
    My bigger question is, When is the MegoMeet and where?

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  • ToyTalk
    Not that I need to know but I have no idea what happened last year to keep anyone away. It's been years since I have seen most of you. I can't wait to go.

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  • thunderbolt
    Originally posted by palitoy
    I hope you guys have a blast, I'll do my best to help and support but I won't be there. Not after the 2020 bull****. I can't pretend that it didn't happen. Ironically, if you're reading this on the forum, it isn't directed at you.
    Dang when TBolt may finally go Brain won't be there.

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  • palitoy
    Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
    This Mego thing has run its course anyway. I'll see you at 'cat Con 2022 in Wheeling.
    You mean Cat Con/ doll house expo

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  • EMCE Hammer
    Originally posted by palitoy
    I hope you guys have a blast, I'll do my best to help and support but I won't be there. Not after the 2020 bull****. I can't pretend that it didn't happen. Ironically, if you're reading this on the forum, it isn't directed at you.
    This Mego thing has run its course anyway. I'll see you at 'cat Con 2022 in Wheeling.

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  • palitoy
    I hope you guys have a blast, I'll do my best to help and support but I won't be there. Not after the 2020 bull****. I can't pretend that it didn't happen. Ironically, if you're reading this on the forum, it isn't directed at you.

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  • LonnieFisher
    I was going to go in 2020, but now I can't afford to go when it comes around next year. I hope everyone has a great time!

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  • PNGwynne
    I'm longing to go, I've missed everybody and the collective Mego vibe.
    Last edited by PNGwynne; Jun 20, '21, 5:49 AM.

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